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reason six - "they way he says it"
I was quietly and rather fidgety in the car, you could hear the wheels of the rather luxury car run against the run, I sat down on the leather seats up straight, as I listened to the outside noise, ignoring the tenseness within the vehicle. "You can talk you know" the puppy like boy giggled, I blushed as I realised how silent I had been. The journey to my house was much more different than to his. "Ah yes sorry I'm just thinking" I replied back, still pink whilst rubbing my hands together and looking at the other.

"Oh no it's all good, don't blame you... what are you thinking about min?" His voice was low yet light at the same time, but god when he called me "min" it felt like all the blood within my body rushed up to my face just to attack me. Many people called me Min, and it was normal nothing usually, but suddenly this boy who I've known for so long, for the first time use a nickname on me, and it's got me all in a mess, wait I'm not dreaming am I? Because it certainly feels like I am.

"Uh Minho? Are you okay. You zoned out, are you feeling well, your all red. Oh dear Min you have a burning fever. Seungmin interrupted my little daydream, by placing his palms on my forehead, taking my temperature, as well as frown at me, I shook my head, embarrassed, as I shook my head trying to stall waiting for an answer to automatically leave my mouth in order to give him a response, which was a struggle. "Oh sorry it's just- it's- don't you think it's rather hot in here?" Panicked as I watched the younger press a car button in order to open the windows.

I heard him let out a sigh. "You'll be alright? Right Min. Uh Minho?" I smiled as I nodded towards the younger, directing my gaze to him, he always had this earthly yet mature aura about him, this strong energy that always radiated hope and wonder. I liked that a lot about him. The nickname lingered in my head as I could barely hold back a smile, if I said it one more time I feel like I would explode any moment know, it was just so overwhelming almost, well technically no because it's just a nickname but then again I have the biggest crush on this guy.


I was deeply concerned about Minhos wellbeing at the moment. I was trying to process my thoughts as I felt the breeze brush against my skin, the cool wind, it was easing whatever was happening in the car, I hope I didn't say anything to upset him, and I hope he isn't sick either, I would feel terrible if he was. I took a shirt glance at him he was currently looking paler than usually luckily the red was no longer there, but I did want to make sure he was fully well. I frowned at the thought of Minho being sick, I didn't want that at all, i let out a sigh as I started to rest my head on the windows, I head a sneeze from the opposite direction.

"Hey! Min are you sure your not sick?" I asked as I quickly turned my head towards him, realising now I've been calling the older Min for the past ten minutes, which struck me it was something that just naturally rolled out of my tongue. I was now slightly frustrated with myself, as mentally punched myself. But it felt right? Like do you know the feeling of when your suddenly proud of something you say, it felt like that but I hadn't said anything clever, or given any good advice it was just a nickname.

It was normal for the others to call him 'min' but me? Myself and Minho were no longer as close as we use to be but even before I hadn't called him Min, or not that I was aware of, I tried to shake the thought off, which helped with the older boy sneezing again, i raised an eyebrow at him, "I'm not sick! Swear on my life" the older boy said again, I just shook my head and laughed at him, I took my jacket off and handed it to the other shyly, "use it as a blanket... you know your probably cold or maybe your body just isn't reacting well from the temperature changing every other minute" I said slightly feel my face grow warmer.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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