I. Jacked Up

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[5:02 pm, June 16th]

Wow, what a nice airport.  Too bad most of the nice things would cost me all my earnings even the fast food places in here.

I see a strong blond guy and a black haired guy.  Yup, that's definitely them.

"Hey Kilian!  Hey Floyd."  I say.

"Hey to you too."  Kilian says.

"Nice to meet you.  I got myself jacked up over this trip so it better deliver."  Floyd says.

"I promise it will, Floyd.  Kilian, you can be unimpressed."

I look over to Kilian.

"Anyway Kilian, just wow, how did you afford getting a private jet?"

"I have the pilot being held hostage.  When you're in the plane I'd suggest staying away from the cabin if you're not me.  That pilot is quite strong."

"Let me guess, you could take him?"

"Yeah, I held him hostage."

After that conversation we decided to get moving to the plane.  No tickets needed.  Living the life of luxury and crime.  Well, considering Brennan lives that life, I shouldn't live it.  Hope that guy gets help.

Got sat down.  Some nice seats.  Even some on board entertainment that isn't complete garbage.

"So, Kilian, how long's this flight gonna take?"  Floyd asked.

"Maybe 8 hours or so."  Kilian responded.

"Alright so that's a bit of a long time.  You sure that the pilot won't crash the plane?"

"Oh I'm sure."

8 hours.  I could do a lot in that time.  Get some rest, watch a TV show, cry, all that.  I'll see what I'll do.

[1:26 am, June 17th.  6:26 am GMT.]

I wake up.  The plane has landed.

"Good news, we are not all dead."  Floyd said jokingly.

We got off the plane and made our way through the airport.  I am starving right now but if I got anything at the airport, I'd die from the shock of how much it costed.  Outside the airport, walking the streets of London.  It was pretty sunny, not typically the London look.  My trip might be ruined by weather.  Eventually I made it to a parking garage where I saw our driver.

"You must be the three?"  The driver said.

"Yes, you know the address?"  Kilian says to the driver.

"Of course I do.  I drive around for a living."

"Let's go then!"

We all get in the limo and strapped ourselves in for a nice ride around the city.  Man, limos are nice!  I've said that out loud probably 15 times during the ride.  The best part about this is that they have snacks and drinks.  Now I can get drunk like I'm in some weirdly nice death game.

[8:14 am GMT]

"Alright, this is the place.  Remember to pay up or else you get ran over."  Said the driver.

"Got it, Kilian you have the handled right?"  Floyd says.

Kilian nods.

We get out the vehicle.  Kilian said he's gonna go pay the driver.  I go over to a back door and attempt to break in the house, but the owner confronts me.

They say "What the hell are you doing!?"

"We're from the organization!"  I said quickly because they had a gun out.  In London.  IN LONDON!

"The name of this organization?"

"The Maladroit Foundation?  Formerly Black Crystal?"

"Hm.  That is correct.  What do you need?"

"A friend of mine needs to talk with you.  Kilian!  Get over here!"

Kilian comes back, cleaning off his hands.

"Go talk to this person."  I said to him.

"Alright, can do."  Kilian agreed.

All of step inside, a nice house.  Blue walls, ugly carpet.  Obviously a wealthy person.  Kilian goes and talks to this person while me and Floyd go looking around.

Checking drawers, everything.  Of course it's not gonna be in any publicly accessible room.  Didn't really want to cause any form of property damage but sometimes you need to break a lock.

It's a master bedroom.  In one of the drawers is a file.  I grab it and leave the room.  I got what I wanted.

I left the room and somehow left the house with Floyd.  Problem, Kilian is still inside.  I'd like to get out now but somehow the distraction part of the plan worked too well.  I signal to Kilian through the window to try to leave but instead somehow interpreted that is me WANTING HIM TO PUNCH THE OWNER.

He ran out.  Unlocked the limo and told us to get in.  Guess the driver isn't available because Kilian is the one driving.

"I didn't want you to punch 'em!"  I yelled.

"It's the only thing I could think of!"  Kilian yelled back.

"We're in some deep trouble.  If you weren't so jacked up in the arms maybe it wouldn't have crossed your mind to attack this guy!"

"We wouldn't have been here IF IT WASN'T FOR ME BEING ALL STRONG."

Seems we're now just the living dead.  Alive but destined to die sooner or later.

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