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While at the store I kinda rushed a little bit trying to get clothes and stuff for the babies. But before I paid for them the twins made sure I got the right stuff. While Jeff had gotten bottles and bibs for them.

We were there for a good 2-3 hours cause the girls couldn't stop looking at stuff. But we eventually made it home. When we got inside we see Markell laying in between Tayler's legs asleep. Tayler looked like he was sleep but he looked at us with sleepy eyes and then looked down at Markell. I just stared at him and saw he loved Markell so much but he doesn't know that Markell loves him.

I sigh and walked over to them and sit on the floor next to them. The others put the bags in the kitchen and sort them out. I took a picture of them together and saved it in my phone. I then got up and gently laid on Markell minding his stomach. I smiled when he mumbled this.

Markell: "Nate if you don't get into a comfortable position so we can all can lay down." He said.

I then got up and kissed his cheek and said in response.

Nate: "Good night, bud."

I then walked away and helped the others in the kitchen.

Aisha: "Do you think they'll get together?" She said as she looked at me then the other 2.

Nate: "I don't know, maybe. I hope they do, if not imma just have to ask Markell out myself." I said jokingly.

The others laughed a little until someone walked in. I looked behind me and saw that it was Kelianne. She looked disappointed at what I said but we all knew that she would be happy if Markell was out the picture. I sigh before I finished helping the others.

Kelianne: "Hey guys." She said walking in with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders.

Nate: "Hey Kelianne, how are you?" I said not looking at her direction.

Kelianne: "I'm fine you?" She said helping us with the stuff.

Nate: "Good, good..." I said.

Then everything went silent. We finished getting everything ready and we all just sat there quiet. Everyone was on their phone's minding their business until we heard footsteps come from the other room.

We all looked up and saw Tayler walk in in just shorts. He was rubbing his eyes and his hair was messy. But the thing is he was wearing a shirt and jeans when we first walked in. So when did he change his clothes.

Tayler: "Good evening guys." He said going into the fridge.

Jeff: "When did you change your clothes?" He said speaking up.

Tayler: "Not that long ago..." He said grabbing something.

Nate: "Yea, but when tho? Cause when we walked in you were wearing a shirt and jeans." I said making it more clear.

Tayler: "Oh, when you left and came in here I woke up Markell and we went upstairs and took a shower and got changed." He said as if he didn't just say something unusual.

Aisha: "Wait, what did you just say?" She said smiling.

Tayler: "Say what?" He said as he closed the fridge with a water bottle in hand.

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