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I sat there in the rain. Markell still on the other line quite as could ever be. I wanted to here his voice but it sounded like he was taking everything in. I wasn't for sure tho, but I was able to hear what he said to Kelianne.

So he was in love with me and Kelianne was the root of it all. She wanted me all to herself and she lashed out on Nate knowing he was going through problems. She was his last hope and we all knew it expect for her. But now she knows he gone and I don't know what's she gonna do now but she's not staying in the complex any longer.

Jeff: "Markell? What's wrong? Sit up." I heard him say on the other side of the phone.

Markell: "It's getting hard to breathe and the room is spinning. Its hot and I-i..." He said before there was screaming and a thump.

I hung up the phone and motioned Colby to come on. I then drove as fast as I could to get back home and check on Markell. Cause all this stress was getting to him. On the other hand Colby had called the cops and told them there was a suicide at the bridge. But by the time they get there we'll be at the hospital maybe.

Colby: "Why are you rushing? What's wrong with Markell?" He asked as I ran a red light.

I didn't say anything and just continued to the complex. I was in a mix of emotions right now and I don't know what I'm doing anymore. But I know I need to get to Markell before anything happens.

Tayler: "Buckle up, we finna go turbo in this bitch." I said as I speed up on the one way road to the compound.

Colby did as I said and held onto anything just in case the cars flips. Me on the other hand I was seatbelt less and was in a rush. So I really didn't need one right now. Anyways, I eventually got to the complex and drifted into a park. I then rushed out the car and into the house.

When I walked in saw everyone crowding Markell and Jeff. I ran over and moved everyone else out the way. I kneeled down and saw that he was hyperventilating. He was having a panic attack and he was gonna faint at any moment if we don't get him outside and into some fresh air. Even tho it's raining he needs it or he's gonna pass out which isn't good for him or the babies.

I picked him up and took him to the patio where there was a roof thing that'll keep us dry. I found a little couch in the corner and sat him down. He then opened his eyes and looked around before looking at me. I smiled a bit before I did the breathing exercises with him so he can calm down. He followed my movements and he eventually got his breathing back to normal.

He then smiled at me once he was able to. But the smile didn't last on his face. He frowned and looked away and into the rain. He then closed his eyes and laid his head back as single tears fell from his eyes. I sat beside him and looked at the rain.

We sat in silence for a while not talking. I took my shirt off since I'm soaked. I then tossed it somewhere on the table out here. In the corner I saw Markell jerk up when he heard the wet shirt hit the table. I looked apologetic at him and he just nodded at me. He then laid his head on my shoulder as I lean back.

I the noticed he was rubbing his now noticable belly bump. I smiled know he'll give birth to two beautiful boys soon. Even tho they're not mine I'm excited for them to be born. I'll take care of them dearly, not just for Markell or myself. But also for Nate, he'll be proud that I'm helping out Markell. I'll eventually have to tell him that I like him. For now I'm not gonna say anything.


I looked over and saw that Markell was rubbing his stomach more faster as if to sooth it. I touched his stomach and he stopped his movement. I then moved my hand sin a circular motion on his stomach. While I was doing that I felt a couple kicks. I smiled at the feeling of them kicking.

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