Episode 6: "She gone mad"

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A few days have passed. The Obshchina community was also sitting in the basement, occasionally going to classes. Tatiana was building a bomb, Borislava was helping her, Martha was supporting them, and Farisa was sitting in a corner, alone. Somehow Borislava came up to her. Tatiana, seeing this, turned away with displeasure. 

Borislava asked: "You have no idea what it is, right?" 

— "No," Farisa replied. 

"So you look — we're just about to detonate the bomb, so you look." 

Everyone around was quiet, waiting for the explosion, and Farisa too. 

Finally, Borislava asked: "Well, have you looked?" - and everyone around laughed.

Farisa thought that it was very cruel on the part of Borislava, because she was terribly scared, but after all, the offender could be understood: in a few days in the basement, she most likely went crazy!

Then Farisa decided: she slowly approached Borislava, took her by the hand and asked softly: "Do you know how the bomb works?" 

Borislava nodded. 

"So, I want you to take it and tear it to shreds!" 

And when Borislava tried to pull her hand away, Farisa squeezed it with all her might. Borislava screamed, and Farisa lightly bit her palm. Borislava began to struggle even more violently, but Farisa bit into her hand more and more, and soon Borislava could no longer move a finger. 

Martha and Tatiana came up to the screams and exclaimed in horror: "What are you doing?" 

Borislava replied: "I'm trying to free my hand! This vile creature bit my hand and holds it in a death grip!" 

Then Borislava kicked Farisa with her foot and muttered: "Get out of here, bitch!"

But Farisa did not retreat, but, on the contrary, began to squeeze her hand even harder. Then Borislava screamed at the top of her voice and, waving her arms, fell to the floor. Borka thought her head was going to fall off. Tatiana rushed to pick her up. 

"Stop it!" shouted Martha.

Farisa let go, and then looked at the girls with furious eyes, as if realizing what she had done. In terror, she ran towards the exit, but Tatiana screamed:

- Don't you dare! Stop! You're going to ruin us all! We won't let you go! Come back here! Come back immediately! Or we will beat you!

When Martha and Tanya, having lost all restraint, rushed after her, Borislava suddenly jumped to her feet and ran after her. At this time, Katya came into the basement, who was still offended by Tatiana. After seeing this scene, she also decided to intervene. Calling out to Farisa several times, she caught up with her and began to persuade her to return and ask for forgiveness. But Farisa did not stop, but only accelerated, and Tanya realized that she would never stop. Then Katya stopped abruptly and, grabbing Farisa from behind, pressed her against the wall. But Farisa did not want to stop fighting, she struggled out of Katya's grip and scratched her nails harder and harder. 

Katya remembered her own and grabbed her hands, but Farisa twisted away and bit her palm with all her might. Katya screamed and released her. Then Farisa suddenly retreated and again rushed into the darkness. Katya looked at her in confusion, and then forcefully kicked her back. But then suddenly Borislava appeared between them. She grabbed both women by the arms and stopped them. 

"Don't," she said, "let's go. After all, this is our duty."

 Tanya looked at her in bewilderment, and then with her usual instinct realized what was the matter.

"You don't want to be here, do you?" - Tatiana asked Faris, 

- I am a pacifist. I am against destroying anyone! - said Farisa, 

- But this bomb will destroy all the enemies of humanity! - Tatiana exclaimed, 

- And your friends will die because of you! Or don't you want your love to help humanity in all ages? - Farisa shouted and backhanded Tanya on the cheek. 

- Do you think there is more compassion in your love for Jesus than in my love for you? - she continued. 

- OK. Give your heart to me and I will give it to you. I'll make sure nothing happens to you. You're going to be my best friend, and then you're going to be my wife. But first - give your heart to me! - she continued. 

Tatiana hugged Farisa. 

"All right," she said, "I'll give you my heart, but only once. And then you'll give me yours. Ok?"

 And she smiled.

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