Episode 4: "Miss Failure"

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The next day after school:- And what should we do with this strange note? Who is it intended for? And what kind of restaurant? Farisa asked,

- - And more importantly, where is Dargomyzhsky? He wasn't there yesterday or today! - said Tatiana,

- Well, I think I need to ask the headmistress Franceska about the loss, and try to figure out what kind of restaurant it is, - said Martha,

- Okay, Martha and I are going to the headmistress, and you girls, for now, think about the text! - Borislava exclaimed, and, pulling the girls by the hand towards the main building, she added, "you know how it happens... suddenly someone new will come? And you will come with us!... Well, I'll go to Frankie's teacher tomorrow, I'll try to find out something. Maybe she knows? And then I'll tell you! See you tomorrow!... Let's go!..." Borislava said and pulled the girls towards the main building.

They were wondering what kind of restaurant, but the most important thing for them was a meeting with the headmistress. Still, sometimes they write about such establishments in books. Both Tanya and Maria had almost no doubt that all the secrets of this institution had been revealed and had once been there. But they had also never seen Francesca. And so she came to them herself, already in the evening. At the sight of her, they trembled with excitement. Francesca was not like everyone else. She looked unusually serious and calm. Approaching her friends, she hugged them. Satisfied that the mystery had been solved, the girls waited in silence for Francesca to speak. And she spoke. Her voice was trembling.

"I have to tell you something," she said. - That's why we met here. You probably didn't think it would be like this... Maybe you don't understand the whole essence of what happened? Yes? You know, I wanted to say this before going to bed. Your teacher, Andrey Petrovich Dargomyzhsky, was killed right in our school. It seems they were Satanists! And then they strangled the child... - Francesca burst.

She began to cry and through her tears began to talk about how scary it is to live in a huge world and you can't waste time on all sorts of nonsense. When she finished, she hugged the girls once more and left without saying goodbye. It was as if wings had grown behind her.

- So! Another murder, in the last month of my life... - said Borislava, who was not happy about this outcome,

- Maybe you're some kind of Miss Failure? Since such a thing follows you around? - Farisa chuckled,

- It's not funny, Borislava, don't worry, everything will be fine! Martha exclaimed,

Tatiana stood and thought, what is this place called the restaurant that Andrey Petrovich mentioned in his letter? Borislava distracted her from her thoughts by saying:

- You know what, girls? I have a history exam tomorrow. I should go to it, otherwise I've been forgetting everything for the last month! Went to you? I'll make some coffee in the meantime. And don't yawn, or we won't know anything here...

A minute later she was in the kitchen. Ten minutes later, she poured water into the coffee maker and looked at Martha's back with a smile. And then she heard what she had not expected to hear-a door creaked softly upstairs. Borislava shuddered and tiptoed down the corridor. She went to the door of her room and listened. Creak. The rattle of a key in the lock. Andrey Petrovich's voice, soft and velvety, like silk warmed by the sun: 

- Come in. 

She opened the door. Andrey Petrovich was standing on the threshold - in his hand was a gray folder, and in his eyes was an incomprehensible fear. Borislava stepped back, letting him in. 

- Are you cold? - she asked. 

Andrey Petrovich shrugged his shoulders. 

- Actually, yes. And what?

- It's just that you were killed a few days ago! - Borislava staggered, barely holding on to his feet. 

- Really? - Andrey Petrovich was frightened, - And how did you find out? 

- Francesca told us! - Borislava stammered. 

- Excuse me? 

"Francesca said you were dead." 

Andrey Petrovich looked at her for a long time in silence. Then he said: 

- I see... But even if I'm dead, what difference does it make? The main thing is that I am resurrected...

Farisa entered the room, who screamed at what she saw, because Andrei Petrovich, who died a few days ago, was standing in front of her!

Borislava also screamed, backed up to the wall and hid her face in her hands. Andrey Petrovich came up to her.

- What happened? 

"We thought you were dead," Farisa whispered. 

- And what, - Andrey Petrovich turned to Borislava, - isn't that so? 

"Yes," sighed Borislava. 

"That's right. Well, let it be," said Andrey Petrovich. "Now I'm really dead. And you are still alive... And this experience was a success for me! And you," he turned to Farisa, "come closer, let me look at you. You're pretty, darling, yes. Still young... Do you want to become a girl? And I'm one hundred percent sure that you will. Do you understand? And you won't die because God doesn't want you to. Ha-ha-ha! You're laughing... Do you know what death is? Most importantly, what is Death really? This is life, only not real, but phantom..."

With these words, Andrei Petrovich disappeared, and the girls went to Marta and Tatiana's room with horror, because they were no longer up to sleep...

They hugged Marta and Tatiana, who were pressed against the wall, and began talking to them about some nonsense. Every minute it became easier for them - it was as if they were breaking their own life, which was becoming completely different than before...

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