Episode 11: "The Girl in the Robe"

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Kuzima watched Farisa excitedly trying to figure out where Tatiana was. The Obshchina community combed the entire School of Orthodoxy. And Kuzima the rabbit was smiling quietly, looking at them. And then he suddenly disappeared, as if he had never been there. And after that, Tatiana appeared again, but in her black dress and with a white scarf on her head. And a hammer fell from her hand onto Farisa's outstretched palm. But no one really understood where it came from. Moreover, it turned out that no one saw this hammer, and no one, absolutely no one, saw how Tatiana stabbed Farisa.

At that time, Borislava and Martha were in the basement. They were walking to the place where Tatiana is making a bomb. But something told them that they were not alone in this basement. It was dark, and this darkness was a living, but clearly invisible being. Borislava had already seen her once, when she was crawling towards them from some strange corridor. The creature showed itself to them then, but did not accept them and disappeared. Borislava was even sure that she had noticed him. But it was probably just a trick of the light. And now they were walking into the darkness, and there was no end in sight. In the end, Martha got tired of it.

— I can't stand this kind of life for a long time, - she told Borislava. — I want to run away from here. I'm tired of everything. Let's go somewhere far, far away. 

They stopped. An indistinct shadow appeared in the depths of the corridor.

— What is it? Martha asked. 

- Let's go faster. I'm afraid of the dark.

The shadow was very close and it was much faster than the girls. A huge creature ran towards them, looking like a monster from a children's book. Its body was covered with mucus and thin appendages, it was all covered with hair and looked like a fat old man with huge feet, legs and even fingers. He had an aquiline profile and his arms were long and sinewy. The girls ran screaming from the basement, but the monster managed to grab Borislava. He lifted her up and held her in the air, pressing her to his chest. His eyes were not visible in the semi-darkness, but their gaze penetrated Borislava through and through, causing her disgust.

Martha screamed and suddenly found herself lying on her back on the stone floor of the basement. A minute later Borislava appeared next to her. She clung to the monster with all her strength with her hands and feet. Everything happened in a few seconds. The monster threw Borislava to the floor and attacked Martha with a terrible howl. But then two more of the same monsters came running, who rushed at Borislava. They tried to strangle Borislava, but Marta resisted with all her might, and when they finally knocked her down, she twisted, jumped up and kicked the monster in the face with all her might.

He let her go, but immediately attacked Martha. She fought back with her hands, feet and even teeth, and then suddenly knocked the monster to the floor and began to beat him in the chest with her fists. Suddenly, the monster froze and fell silent. Borislava stepped back from surprise and suddenly saw that he was dead. The monster slowly began to turn into Sophia - one of the Infernal Satanists. And a few moments later, a man in a robe appeared behind the girls.

Borislava exclaimed: - Martha, let's turning!

And the girls turned into angels. The two demons left behind rushed at them and grabbed their hair. But both girls managed to turn around and grab the second demon, who turned into Borislava, by the throat. With both hands they began to strangle him, and soon the demon wheezed and his eyes popped out of his head.

- That's enough! - exclaimed the girl in the robe, who hit Borislava and Martha with an energy wave, - Do you see what your vile deeds have brought you to? - she said, turning to Borislava and Marhta, - Watch out! From this day on, you are cursed! You can't go home! Now, if you'll excuse me, we need to get back to our duties.

The girl in the robe and the monsters disappeared. Martha and Borislava were left alone. They did not understand who this girl was, and even more so, whether Tatiana was alive. But something in her words terrified them. And they went to the room where the bomb was located. Tatiana wasn't there. Borislava and Marta went around the entire headquarters and found no one. But there were inscriptions on the floor with one word "Megre" and this word was written in black paint on a piece of white plaster. Borislava and Martha realized that they were near a place of power that was still working and receiving energy. And that they should try to get it.

- Just blowing up a bomb is a bad idea. It seems to me that this girl in the mantle was called by the Hell's Satanists, who then turned into those monsters, - Borislava said, 

"That is... Did we kill Sofia?" Martha exclaimed in shock. 

"Apparently, yes," Borislava replied.

At this time, Farisa was going down to the basement to join the search for Tatiana. She smelled the wild stench that stood in the underground room, and then saw Sofia's corpse. At the same moment, her eyes rolled up, she gasped and fell into a corner. After a few seconds, she came to her senses and went on, looking for friends. Approaching the room where the bomb is located, she slowed down and began to walk more quietly. Having entered the room, she was attacked by Borislava and Martha, not knowing that it was Farisa. Farisa tried to run away, but Borislava jumped on her and knocked her down. Martha stepped on her throat with a flourish, and Borislava, moaning, grabbed Farissa by the throat and squeezed her fingers around her neck several times. After a few seconds, they realized that it was their friend and were surprised. Martha put Farisa on her feet and hit her in the face, Borislava forced her to open her mouth and licked it with her tongue. Farisa went into the room where there was a broken showcase, and began to dig in it, occasionally giving Borislav beads.

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