S2 Ch9: Just a Warning?

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TW: Double suicide attempt

Cole had been very neutral about Misako's arrival. It was basically like gaining another roommate. One that was the literal wife of Lord Garmadon, but still a roommate. However, something changed with a certain silver ninja.

[Name] became a lot more jumpy. A simple greeting would cause her to go into a state of shock a bit like when she first saw Misako. Cole didn't like to think about that moment. He'd get an image of her face, devoid of any emotion that wasn't fear. A ghost, in simpler terms, was what she turned into. If anything, the fear spread out quickly, affecting everyone. And for some reason, Kai was the most affected by this. Becoming almost as jumpy as [Name].

Currently, there wasn't any of that fear in sight. It was just about the only time it wasn't. When there was sparring going on. Lloyd was blindfolded while Cole and the others would try and take him down. Each had their respective weapons.

"Uh guys? I'm teaching a class pretty soon, so I'd appreciate having a clean dojo," Dareth said.

Cole felt a little bad for ignoring him. Although, there was no going back in terms of the actual sparring session. He wasn't sure anyone else heard the man.

Lloyd was quick to evade everything at first. He kicked away one of Zane's shurikens, and at the same time, blocked Jay's nunchucks. Cole swung his scythe forward, only for it to be straight up taken from him. He almost laughed at that. Lloyd spun in a quick circle, only for the scythe to be met with [Name]'s polearm. The two engage in their own little fight. They moved like two completely different people, but also in sync with each other.

[Name] moved like the polearm was an extension of her own spirit. Or like it was a fan instead of a deadly weapon, and she was a mere traditional dancer that used her movements to kill. [Name] knocked the scythe away, almost like the scythe itself was interrupting the fight. Cole was speechless, but joined in again anyways. The others followed suit. Lloyd switched between fighting his own cousin and the rest of them.

Jay was thrown against Dareth's trophy case, and then again out the window. Cole flinched ever so slightly. He was pretty sure one of those falls was his own fault.

There was an entire cycle of fighting until Lloyd and [Name] were fighting again. The dojo around them was slowly starting to get destroyed. Dareth was trying to protect the fake trophies, as well as sweeping away any broken glass.

"How about we call this a draw, you two?!" Dareth shouted. "Jeez, how much fighting spirit can one person have?!"

"Did you say something?" [Name] asked, the fight coming to a halt. She and Lloyd were frozen in the middle of their movements. With the lift of a finger, both would land a blow on one another.

"Fine, we'll call it a draw," Lloyd lifted up his blindfold. "But I'm not losing next time."

"I'm not admitting defeat either."

They both laughed. And with that laugh, the ground shook.

"Huh?" Cole said. "What was that?"

"Maybe it's best to check," Zane said. "Just to be safe."

The TV was turned on, showcasing the news. On the screen was a young woman with a pink cardigan, and a news mic.

"I'm Gale Gossip with NGTV where there appears to be an earthquake going on. Scientists have yet to pinpoint the cause, and it seems like there are going to be many more within the day," the woman said. "And what's more, the aftershocks are getting stronger."

The ground shook again, making Cole stumble. Normally he'd be the one causing the earthquakes to take down a few snakes. Just being on the other side of things made his heart race with adrenaline.

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