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Suggested by: Anonymous 

By the way, mentions abuse. TW

Ahhh, this is the life. Just me and Jamie, cuddling in bed while he plays with my hair. Two hours of pure bliss. Savannah, my roommate, isn't here either, so we have the whole place to ourselves. College life gets really stressful, so these moments of serenity and pure joy are so nice. 

"Hey, babe?" Jamie disrupts the silence, though I'm not completely mad about it. I give a slight agreeing grunt to let him know that I'm listening. "So we have a practice day coming up this Wednesday for all the third and fourth-year students and I was wondering if, maybe you would come? I could really do with the practice." Shit shit shit. NO NO NO!! Jamie is a dental student, which is the only part about him that I'm not head over heels about. I'm truly petrified. 

"Umm, wh-why do you want me to do that? What about Jake, or Faye? They're our best friends, could they not go?" I feel terrible for trying to get out of it. Normally, I'd be overjoyed at the thought of being able to spend extra time with Jamie, but not like this. Not this. 

"Well, I mean they could, but I'd rather be with the love of my life." I look up at him with doe eyes, practically pleading with him not to make me go.

"Umm, ok. I guess so." I say, immediately regretting it. I look up and see Jamie's face lit up like the sun, beaming down at me.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!" He half yells, embracing me in a tight hug. Meanwhile, I feel like the ground is about to swallow me up. What have I done?

~~~Cheeky time skip brought to you by horny university students~~~

I slowly walk down the pathway that leads to the dental building. At our university, there's a dental building since the school also has a dental department, so it's a good way for the other students to get free treatment and for the students to learn. I, myself, have never been inside because I would usually rather not have a panic attack. But now, I have to be there to support J. 

Maybe it won't be too bad today? Hopefully. I'm not in a panicky sort of mood today. The second I walk through the automatic double doors, I am smacked in the face with the stench of antibacterial sterilisation fluid and fluoride. It knocks me sick. I don't know who invented either of them, but could they not have made them a little less pungent? I walk up to the front desk and come face to face with a girl, about my age, who Jamie told me is called Jenny. I think he said that she's a fourth year, but her practice day was yesterday, so she is playing receptionist I guess.  

"Hey, can I help you?" She asks me politely. 

"Hi, umm, my boyfriend, Jamie Cavendish, asked me to come in today, but I don't know what to do since it's my first time here so I was wondering if I needed to sign in, or just wait or what?" Whenever I'm nervous, I talk excessively. I guess I'm nervous, though I didn't need to be stammering to figure that one out. 

"Ok, so all you need to do is give me your name, the name of the student you are seeing and what you are here for. Then you can just take a seat in the waiting area to wait for your student. Now, I've already got the student's name, so what's your name and what are you seeing him for?" She seems friendly enough. I recite my information as though it is some kind of government secret that nobody can know about. And then, I do as she told me. I sit in the waiting room among about six other people and do what it was designed for, waiting. 

"Natalie?" Oh dear god. Jamie calls out my name after about five minutes of waiting. He is dressed smartly, in a blue button-down shirt, brown trousers and his glasses on. I'm glad he decided against his contacts today, he looks so adorable with his glasses on. For a brief moment, I completely forget where I am, gazing into his eyes as a slight smirk forms on his lips. He clears his throat, and that's when I realise where I am again. 

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