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A/N: I got this request a long time ago, that being around the 22nd of June 2023, but I haven't really known how to put it into words. I've been insanely busy of late, so I haven't had the most time to write. I'll explain more in my closing thoughts, but I just wanted to give a brief explanation here. 

Also, this is another One Direction fanfiction, Larry to be exact. The person who requested this asked to be left anonymous. I really liked the sound of this request, so here I am writing it. If you have any requests, themed or otherwise, please do not hesitate to message me and request them. Also, a minor vomit TW. Otherwise, enjoy! :) 

I resist the urge to let my hand fly to my mouth as I bite down on a piece of chicken, lovingly prepared by my fiance Louis, who is currently looking at me with suspicious eyes. The chicken hits my bad tooth again and again as I chew, making me internally cry in agony. It takes all of my strength not to scream in pain, so I do it inside my head. 

"Is everything ok?" Louis asks me from across the table. He frowns pointedly at me, telling me that he knows something is wrong, but he is giving me the decency to explain myself before he calls my bluff. Unfortunately for him, I'm very stubborn.

"Nothing, I bit my tongue this morning and it's still sensitive. That's all." I say with an air of nonchalance in my voice. He glares slightly at me before asking me if I'm sure, to which I give a perfunctory nod while keeping my gaze focused on my fork that is pushing peas around on my plate. 

"Harry, I know when you're lying. Spill. What's up?" He asks me before placing his hand over mine to let me know that I can trust him. The only thing is, I can't. Well, I can, just not with this. For some odd reason, Louis decided at a relatively young age that he wanted to become a dentist. Now, much like myself, he is not one to give up quickly and he worked his little socks off until three years ago when he graduated. Of course, I externally supported him, but internally, I died a little more whenever he brought up anything work or school-related. 

You see, I have a terrible phobia of all things dentistry-related. Doctors I'm not great with either,  but my fear of dentists is so much worse, to the point where I haven't gone in years due to the panic attacks I got. Even thinking of it makes my heart race and my breathing shallow. Does Louis know about this fear of mine? Not on your nelly. We have been together since we were both 17, and I've never told him, for fear of him making me go. 

"Harry? Harry!" I hear Louis calling my name. I snap back into the moment and glance over at his face.

"Hmmm, what?" I say as I look at him.

"You completely just zoned out."

"Oh, yeah. I was just stuck in my head for a minute. What did you say?"

"I asked what was wrong with you since you seem really off. Plus, you lied to me about having bit your tongue and I told you to tell me the truth, then you went all strange and stared off into space for a solid minute. What is going on?" 

"Nothing!" I half shout as I go to feel my sore tooth with my tongue. 

"I know it's something wrong in your mouth. Why don't you let me have a look at it?" He asks me. 

My eyes bulge out of my skull. "No no no. It's nothing with my mouth. Besides, I had a checkup a few weeks ago, so there's no need for you to check my teeth. I'm fine, honest." He gives me his sceptical look and head tilt combo and I know he knows I'm lying. I sigh with defeat and my stomach drops, knowing I've got to tell him about my fear and that I've been lying to him for the past 8 years of our relationship. 

"Promise you won't judge me?" I ask and shyly look at my lap. 

"Of course, I won't judge you. I would never dream of doing anything like that. What's wrong love?"

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