Avery Continued...

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Well, it has been a week. I can't tell if I'm dreading today or if I'm excited to see Matt again. We have been speaking at every available chance since my last appointment, about everything from my job to his, our life goals and aspirations and how we grew up. Turns out, he's very family-oriented. Always a good thing. Three days after my appointment, we met up at a local coffee shop. A new discovery, we can talk for a long time, five and a half hours to be exact.  

I finish getting ready and grab everything I need. I know I shouldn't be nervous, it's only Matt, but what can I say? I'm slightly terrified. Old habits die hard, I guess. I pull open the door of my car a bit more vigorously than I expected and nearly go flying backwards. After steadying myself, I take a few deep breaths and slide into my car, putting the key into the keyhole and starting it up. The purring of the engine is like music to my ears. Off I go, I guess. 

After a very quiet car journey, mostly spent contemplating what will happen in the next hour, I arrive at 'Bright Smiles Dental Clinic'. "Oh god," I mutter under my breath before turning off my car, undoing my seatbelt and getting out of my car, locking it before walking in. If I've learned anything from being a perpetually terrified human, it's that I don't appear half as nervous as I am when I am walking. Must be a natural gift of mine, I suppose. 

"Hi, do you have an appointment?" A friendly-looking man with olive skin, brown hair and grey scrubs asks me from behind a reception desk. 

"Hi, umm, I have an appointment with Dr Parker at 2:15, " I say nonchalantly, perfectly hiding the backflips my stomach are doing. "my name is Avery Jones."

"Absolutely, he's ready for you now if you'd like to just head to room A19, he should be waiting for you now." The reception man tells me. I'm going to call him Ash. It seems I have a thing for associating people with colours. I give him a polite smile before walking in the direction he indicated to me mere moments ago. With every step I take, my legs feel like they become heavier and like it's more of an effort to walk. Maybe I'm just going insane, that's probably the more preferred option. 

I reach the door of room  A19, the same door and room as last time, and gently push it open, revealing to me the image of a smiling Matt in black scrubs waving at me. 

"Hey Av, it's good to see you again. Do you want to just take a seat and we can have a little talk through what's going to happen today?" Well, it seems like all work and no play makes Matt actually get work done. I smile slightly at his nickname for me, but soon realise he asked me a question. I nod quaintly and, as per his request, slide into the chair. Ok, I can do this. It's only Matt, I'm going to be fine. 

"Didn't you say it's just going to be a cleaning today?" I ask, hoping the answer is yes. I can probably deal with a cleaning. 

"Yeah, have you ever had a dental cleaning before, Av?" I shake my head no. He gives me a concerned but understanding head nod as if assessing my whole life based on the answer to one question. "So, basically, all I'm going to do is scrape some hardened plaque off your teeth, then I'll polish them, then floss. I'll then do an extra little check around to make sure I didn't miss anything last week. I know that sounds like a lot, so if you need to stop at any point, just lift your hand and I'll stop. Does that sound ok?"

"Uhh, yeah. That doesn't sound too bad. This might be a silly question, but will it hurt?" I ask tentatively. I feel like a young child. As a matter of fact, even a small child would probably be better at this than I have been. 

"It's not a silly question. But no, it won't hurt. It may feel slightly uncomfortable at times, but it won't hurt. Hell, I even find it quite relaxing. So, are you ready to get started or do you need a minute?" 

"I think I'm ready if you promise me you'll stop if I say so." I hold out my pinky, initiating our little inside joke. He chuckles and links his pinky with mine, just as he had before. Only I would get to be 24 years old and still relying on pinky promises to stop me going haywire. As he lets go of our hold, he begins to recline the chair. I sigh out a deep breath before, for the first time being in this room, I survey my surroundings. 

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