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A/N: So I got this request today (2nd June 2023) and it sounded really good. This is a Niall Horan fanfiction, so like with the Larry one, if this isn't your thing, don't read it. This story was suggested to me by 1DLoveImagines5sos so I hope for you that I end up doing this idea justice. Another disclaimer, I still don't know the ins and outs of all of the lives of One Direction, but now I only have one member to focus on, so that's a lot easier. Fun fact: Niall is my favourite of the One Direction boys. Just thought I'd throw that little factoid in here. Anyway, enjoy the inner workings of my brain.

"Mummy!! Daddy!!" my three kids run into my and my husband's room, jumping on the bed to wake us up in a most delicate fashion.

I see the pale blonde quiff of hair belonging to my husband move to sit up. He lets out a big yawn and stretches his arms upwards. He's always been the dramatic one. In all honesty, I sit up and do the same. I lean over to him a give him my morning kiss, like clockwork. Next, it's time to sort out the kids. I pick up my youngest Frankie and tackle her onto the bed, tickling her sides and hearing the joyful laughter that results from it. 

The elder two, Bea and Noah, help me tickle their younger sister. Niall, the backstabber that he is, decides to go against me and tackles me to the bed, attacking me with tickles. All three kids help him, and I screech with laughter. When they eventually stop, I regain my breath before calmly saying "Good morning everyone."

"Good morning my love." Niall leans over to me and gives me a peck on the cheek. 

"What's today's plan?" Bea asks us both. I look over at Niall and feel tense as if the morning's events had never happened

"Well, you guys have all got an appointment with me today." Niall says excitedly. The general reaction is horror, except for Bea, who loves my husband's job. Sorry, forgot to say. Unfortunately, Niall is a dentist. The demon spawn of the medical profession.

"Yay!" Bea shouts, whilst Noah and Frankie look at me with pleading eyes. I smile at them full of sympathy.

"Yep, so everyone needs to go and get dressed, wash your faces and brush your teeth extra good, ok?" I say, looking at everyone, but Frankie in particular. Being the youngest, she isn't the best at independence yet.

Bea jumps off the bed and runs into the bathroom to go and get ready, but Noah and Frankie stay on the bed with me and Niall. Frankie leans over to me and whispers in my ear, "Do we have to?" I nod sadly at her before kissing her on her forehead and kissing Noah on the cheek and shooing them both out so we can get ready for the long day ahead. 

I go into the adjoining bathroom to our room and do my usual routine; pee, have a shower, brush my teeth, dry and style my hair, put on my light makeup, and get dressed in the outfit I brought in here with me. As I walk out, I see Niall dressed in his scrubs styling his hair at the full body mirror in the corner of the room. 

I see him in his scrubs every single day, but the sight never fails to make a chill run down my spine, but I think I do my best to recover from it. See, Niall doesn't know about my huge dental phobia. When we first got together, I told him I would continue seeing my old dentist since she had been my dentist for my whole life. Truth is, said dentist retired a year before I met him, and I never got a new one because I literally cannot think of anything worse. 

"Do you think it's going to be ok today?" I walk up and drape my arms around his neck and look up at him. He places his hands gently on my hips and holds me against him. 

He nods cutely and smiles down at me before saying, "Yeah, I think it will be ok. It will take some coaxing, but I'm certain everything will be alright. And of course, we will both be there to comfort them. Everything will be ok." He kisses me on the tip of my nose before dropping his hands to mine. He gives them a squeeze before smiling at me and leaving the room. I follow him out and we all go downstairs. 

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