What is your learning style?

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At my school we are learning what type of High schools we have and about who we are. Well, we took a quiz on our learning style and I thought I'd share it with you guys!!! :D So in other words, its not by me. -_- 


This inventory is to help you assess how you prefer to learn in the classroom. It can also be used to develop and strengthen other learning styles throughout school.

For each item, circle one of the responses that best applies to you.

***But instead grab a writing utencil and a paper. Write down 1 through 30 in a column. With each question write down your score next to the question number. That make sense?

(EX:) (14) Do you prefer writing?  <-- on the test

14) 4 <--- On your paper


(1) Never

(2) Rarely

(3) Sometimes

(4) Frequently

(5) Always


(1) I like using my hands when learning about something.

(2) I like seeing how a task is done before i try it. 

(3) I would rather learn about the news listening to the radio than reading about it.

(4) I listen to the tone of the speaker's voice for the meaning.

(5) When somone is talking I get a lot out of how that person uses gestures.

(6) When people introduce themselves, I try to visulize their names.

(7) I would rather participate in an activity than watch others do it.

(8) I tune a radio more by sound than by numbers on the dial.

(9) When someone gives me a complicated problem, i prefer to see it on paper than rather hear about it.

(10) I prefer classes in which I am actively doing sometimes.

(11) For me doing is learning

(12) For me seeing is believing.

(13) I choose my clothes by the way they feel on me.

(14) I visualize events, places, and people.

(15) I depend upon the radio for keeping up with what's happening in the world.

(16) I like to explore objects by feeling their texture and shape.

(17) I would rather watch an athletic event than participate in one.

(18) I learn best when i discuss my ideas with others.

(19) I learn best from teachers who have distincitve voices, speaking and lecturing styles.

(20) I can tell more about people from hearing their voices than seeing them.

(21) I like reading books with pictures rather than books without them.

(22) I enjoy classes in which teachers use many visual aides.

(23) I would rather listen to CD's than read.

(24) I like classes with planned activites and experiments.

(25) I am fascinated by sounds.

(26) Listening to music is one of my favorite hobbies.

(27) The things I remember best are things in which I have participated.

(28) In trying to remember where I left something I visualize where I placed it.

(29) Learning only means somethign to me if I get a chance to try it.

(30) When learning, I like to sit back, listen and absorb what is being said.

*From the Self-Exploration Inventories by James Lee and Charles Pulvino. 

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