Learning Styles Scoring Guide

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Discover your learning style preferences below by adding the values you circled for each item according to the scoring key below:

Visual Question # score | Auditory Question # score | Kinesthetic Question

                                                                                     # Score

 2_                                            3_                                          1_

 5_                                            4_                                          7_

 6_                                            8_                                          10_

 9_                                            15_                                         11_

12_                                           19_                                         13_

14_                                            20_                                        16_

17_                                            23_                                         18_

21_                                            25_                                          24_

22_                                            26_                                          27_

28_                                            30_                                           29_

TOTAL____                      TOTAL____                             TOTAL____

*highest score is your strong point, lowest score when added together is your worst way to learn.*
Visual Learners! You like to learn by reading, watching and observing. You visualize often and learn best when you can seee how things are done or how things are related. Visual aides are important in class (graphs and pictures) and you are usually a strong speller because you visualize words and can tell by the way a word looks that it is spelled wrong.

Auditory Learners! You like to learn by listening to lectures and discussions. You learn best when you participate in the discussion or respond to questions. Seminar and discussion classes are best for you as you like to have a chance to ask questions about what is discussed.

Kinesthetic Learners! You like to learn by doing. You do well in classes where you are using your hands to create and develop your ideas. Discussions and visual presentations may be confusing and you would much rather use a trial and error method of learning.

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