Chapter Three

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Y/n sulked as he stood back in line.

I'm so embarrassed...

"Next up is, Bae."

A boy with crimson eyes around the same age as Y/n stepped forward. Kami smiled as the boy stepped in front of Mr. Park.


Bae clasped his hands together, summoning a black dog.

Y/n's eyes widened.


Mr. Park put his hands up.


The black dog rushed Mr. Park, blinking away before appearing before Mr. Park.

"Oh? This is pretty advanced for someone your age."

The dog disappeared once more before reappearing above Mr. Park, repeating the action as it pressed its attack. From the brick wall, murmurs filled the area.

"Woah... This kid's good."

"That's Kami's younger brother, of course he's going to be good."

"That's Kami's little brother?"

"Of course, he has his family's red eyes."

"Wah... That dog is really fast though."

"It's not fast, he's just dispersing it and resummoning it in another location."

"Really?! This kid's creative..."

"As expected of Kami's little brother."

"There's no way he can do that without it being taxing on him though..."

As Y/n watched the ensuing battle before him, he looked towards Bae who was noticeably panting.

What's going on? He hasn't moved an inch. Meanwhile, Mr. Park is dodging left and right... How does Mr. Park even see with that mask on? It's covering everything including his eyes...

Mr. Park continued to dodge the teleporting dog, surprising everyone around him.

"As expected of Mr. Park..." Y/n said under his breath.

Suddenly, Kami raised his hand.

"That'll be enough!"

Bae released his hands, breathing heavily. As the dog dispersed, everyone's eyes went to Bae whose legs trembled.

Kami looked towards Ms. Miyawaki.

"May I have a calorie pill please?"

Ms. Miyawaki reached into her coat pocket, pulling out a glass bottle full of brown pills. As one of the pills fell onto Kami's hand, the instructor walked next to his brother, handing the boy the medicine.

"Bite into and swallow this."

Bae did as told, sighing with relief as he stood on his feet.

"What was that?"

"A calorie pill from Ms. Miyawaki."


"You may go back to your spot. Good job."

Bae smiled as he walked back to the group of students.

Kami looked at the slips of paper in his hand.

Five more students to go.

"Next up, Ahn Yujin ssi."

As Yujin stepped forward, Kami raised an eyebrow.

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