Chapter Fifty-Six

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"What are you doing here, Commander Lee?!"

"I was on a stroll to get some fresh air," She replied, "What's your name, kid?"

"Why should I tell you?" Tatsuo glared.

How do I get out of here? I didn't see any guards on the way here, so I could grab Mayu and book it...

"You were told to come here by Shen Xiaoting," Commander Lee repeated, "Is that right, Tatsuo ssi?"

Visibly shocked, Tatsuo stepped back, "How do you know my name?"

"I'm a pretty important person," Commander Lee smiled, "If Shen told you to come here, then she probably had a good reason."

She doesn't seem harmful... She does seem strong though. If she wanted to kill me, she probably already would have.

"Before I let you in though," Commander Lee turned her gaze toward the boy's extended hand, "Tell me about that relic on your finger."

Tatsuo's eyes widened, "What??"

"That ring's not normal. I'm not going to take it, just tell me about it."

Tatsuo sighed, "It's my companion."

"Go on," Commander Lee ushered.

I don't know why, but I can't help but trust her...

"It turns into a person," Tatsuo continued, "She serves as a travel companion, but also protects my little sister and I."

"Good," Commander Lee grinned, "It's good to see you're not lying."

Tatsuo furrowed his eyebrows, "You knew?? Wait- That woman told you about it, didn't she."

"She did, but I could tell that was the case myself. Let's get your situation sorted out."

The pair worked their way through the capital, eventually reaching the ministry of local affairs.

All of the buildings here look way better than I thought they would... Is this what it's like to live in one of the most powerful countries on the continent? The pathways are made of stone instead of dirt and the surrounding grass is kept well...

"I don't have much of a final say on how free of a life you get to live here, but I can at least guarantee you a temporary residence here," Commander Lee explained, "How old are you three?"

"Three...?" Tatsuo trailed, "Oh- I don't know how old she is, but I'm fourteen and my little sister is five."

Commander Lee glanced toward the small teal haired girl, "You want your little sister's protection, right?"

Tatsuo nodded.

"Let's get you established here, first. I have a plan for you two."

"Plan?" Tatsuo questioned.

"How do you feel about enrolling in the military academy here?"

Tatsuo turned to his little sister who nodded vigorously.


Minho punched forward with his right hand--keeping his composure as his instructor dodged with ease--quickly following through with a back swing with his left elbow.

To the surprise of no one, Ms. Ezaki parried the punch, promptly sweeping Minho off his feet. Before either Hitomi's or Eunbi's attacks could reach the instructor, she blinked elsewhere--holding her temple.

"Alright, training's over for now," Ms. Ezaki shouted, "You three have a new assignment."

"New assignment?" Minho questioned.

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