Chapter Nine

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"Come at me!!" Hyunjin taunted.

Kami blinked in front of Hyunjin, armed with a paper sword. With one swift motion, Kami swung his blade, yet all he caught was air. To his side, two newer men appeared.

"My apologies, Kami ssi. I should have known this would happen. I assume you know who we are."

"You're Bang Chan, the leader of the Stray Kids. A group of criminals who defected from JYPNation."

"I'm glad you know."

Hyunjin stepped forward, "Ya! Why'd you stop us?!"

"Because he could have killed you and the rest of us in an instant if he so chose to," I.N replied.

"If you could forgive us for the trouble we caused you and the young ones, that would be phenomenal." Bang Chan requested.

Kami released his sword with a sigh, "Fine."

"I appreciate your kindness. If you would extend it further, I would like to make a deal."


"I think this would be in your better interest. You know our reputation when it comes to keeping our word."

Kami put his hands in his coat pockets, "Go on."

"I propose that we have these students healed, and in return, you help us. You are scouting the area for invisible people, right? We happen to be looking for the person behind that, who we suspect is currently inside your city's walls as we speak. We don't need to be able to enter, I'd just like for you to return him to us alive so we can deal with him ourselves. Of course, since you guys have Ms. Miyawaki, there's no reason for you to oblige other than out of the kindness of your heart. What you do is up to you, Kami ssi."

Kami sighed, tossing a small paper ball to the older man, "This will notify you of our rendezvous location when we capture Woojin. I will also authorize your stay in Iz*Land, but if I catch wind of any crimes committed while you're here, I'm apprehending all eight of you myself. Do you understand?"

Bang Chan bowed, "I appreciate your cooperation. Be careful though, he likes to use underhanded tactics to get what he wants. We've already caught a few of his goons while we were in the area. They don't appear to be competent combatants, but he is one."

"Thanks for the warning."

Bang Chan snapped his fingers, prompting Han to approach from the shadows. While the other members collected themselves and stood near Bang Chan, Han healed the three girls as well as Y/n.

"Boss, are you sure about this?" Seungmin asked, "He could kill us all if we group up like this..."

"It'll be fine," Bang Chan assured, "He won't attack us unless we do something wrong."

As Han finished healing the students, lining them next to one another in front of Kami, Bang Chan turned around, "I will be looking forward to receiving your help, Kami ssi."

Once the eight men disappeared into the forest, Kami signaled for the other two students to step from the brushes.

"We're going home, I have some things to report."

Y/n shot up in his bed breathing heavily. The boy's wide eyes scanned the room, slowly closing as he realized where he was.

What happened?

Y/n laid flat on his bed recalling the prior events. As the memories hit him, Y/n jumped out of bed, rushing to Yujin's room to see her sleeping peacefully.

Thank god...

As he walked down his stairs, Y/n found his mother sitting at the table.

"Oh, Y/n. You're awake."

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