Enemies or Lovers?

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Ricky and Nini are co-stars in tv series. They hate each other for unknown reasons, everyone knows it on set, but the fans think they are in love because they have to act like they're best friends during the interviews. Even in the tv series, they're enemies but in season 2 the writers decided to make them the couple, so they have to kiss each other.


Nini was furious. She loves acting, it's her dream job, but today she read the script and she have to kiss Ricky Bowen, his enemy. She hates him and he feels the same. Fans love them together and because of that Tim decided to make them a couple. Nini didn't like that idea at all.

"Hey, are you alright?" Gina asked her. Everyone noticed that she is mad.

"No, I'm not. I have to kiss Ricky Bowen." She exclaimed. "How could Tim do this to me? He knows we hate each other."

"Nini this is tv series, why should he care about your drama with Ricky? He is trying to write what the fans want not you and Ricky."

"Come on, Gina. Even our characters are enemies in the show."

"Seriously Nini? Enemies to lovers is everyone's favorite trope. I ship your characters. Harry and Amalie is the best couple in this series."

"I can't see anything in that couple." Nini sighed.

"I can feel the sexual tension between you two, in series and real life."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Nini screamed. "There's nothing between me and Bowen and never will be. Please don't even think about it. It's nonsense Gi."

"Okay, I won't say it, but I bet everyone sees that, even your fans."

"Please, stop." Nini rolled her eyes. She and Bowen? This will never happen.

"Are you ready to kiss me, darling?" Nini heard Ricky's annoying voice and looked at him.

"Can you leave me alone? You know I didn't want this and you feel the same. Maybe if we'll talk about it to Tim he will change something." She still had a little hope she wouldn't have to kiss Ricky.

"Already tried that." He shook his head. "There is no other way, NIni. It will happen. Why are you nervous? It won't be the first time." Ricky said with a small smirk.

"We agree that we won't talk about that night. It..." Ricky interrupted.

"Correction, nights." Nini rolled her eyes.

"It was a mistake and you should forget about it and move on."

"Like you moved on?" He laughed.

"Ricky..." She sighed deeply. "Anyway, I will talk to Tim."

"Why? don't act like a kid Nini, you're 21 years old, so stop acting like a fucking 15 and do whatever your producer will tell you. Also, I've already talked to him, don't you trust me?"

"Of course, I don't trust you, but fine, I won't talk to Tim because..." He still interrupts.

"Because you want to kiss me."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." She said and walked away. Ricky was looking at her with a little smile until she disappeared from his sight.

Nini is done pretending to herself that she doesn't have feelings for Ricky. When they first met didn't get along with each other, but one night when the cast was celebrating Ashlyn's birthday, they kissed each other. Both of them knew that wasn't right but they continue meeting. Nini slept with Ricky a couple of times but didn't regret it until she heard his and Ej's conversation. They were talking about some girl, Sarah, and she had a crush on Ricky. Ricky said he would give her a chance. It was so hard for Nini because she thought Ricky liked her. After that, she stopped seeing him. That was three months ago. Nini thought she forgot about Ricky but when she saw him on set two weeks ago she realized her feelings and kissing Ricky won't help her.

"Ni, are you going to Ashlyn's house tonight?" Seb asked me.

"No Seb, I just want to go home, I'm so tired today."

"Okay, see ya tomorrow." I smiled at him and made the way to her car. Instead of home, she decided to go to her favorite cafe.

She was drinking an apple juice and was lost in her thoughts, that she didn't notice when someone sat next to her.

"Hey." He whispered near to her. Nini jumped.

"What the hell Bowen? Are you insane?" Ricky can't stop laughing. "Can you be serious for a second?"

"No, why?" Nini rolled her eyes and said, "Anyway, what are you doing here?"

"I was going home when I saw you."

"And you decided to bother me?"

"Come on, Nini. I really want to talk to you."

"About what?"

"About everything Nini, it's time to talk."

"After six months?" She sighed.

"I don't care if you want we need it, Roberts."

"Okay fine, but not here."

"We can go to my house." Nini nodded and got up. 

"Why are you so angry? There wasn't anything serious between us."

"Oh my god, are you serious right now? I know we weren't together but you were going to see Sarah and you liked her, while you were sleeping with me. Did you understand how messed up this is?"

"I didn't like Sarah." He said quietly.

"Then why did you tell that to Ej?"

"I don't know okay? I was so confused. I didn't know what was happening between us. I liked Sarah before I met you and Ej knew that. I said this because I didn't want Ej to find out about us."

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

"Because you were so mad at me and also jealous." He smirked.

"I wasn't jealous Bowen. Honestly, I don't care if you like Sahar or not, that's not my problem."

"Really?" He was so close to her. Nini looked at him, then his lips. Maybe she was so mad at him but she missed Ricky.

Nini snapped out of her thoughts when she felt Ricky's warm lips on her neck, leaving small kisses on her skin. She could feel his lips curving in a smile. The last time they touched each other was almost three months ago. 

Ricky gathered Nini in his arms and pressed his lips to hers. Of course, she was kissing him back. He pulls her body against his, while she takes off his t-shirt and drops to the floor. Then her hands and were everywhere exploring his chest, his neck. When they parted for air, Ricky asked her:

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Ricky... I missed you so much.."

"I missed you too babe." Nini smiled and pressed her lips to his again. 

They're lying in bed together and hugging each other. Nini is a little confused and has so many questions, but is scared to say something, she's so comfortable now with Ricky.

"You can ask me," Ricky said suddenly. "I know you, Nini." She laughed and looked at him.

"What happens now?"

"I don't know, but the one thing I know is that I want to be with you because I like you, Nini. And if you feel the same..."

"Of course I feel the same, Ricky. I like you since you kissed me for the first time but I didn't tell you. I was so stupid." She sighed and then laughed. "But now we're here and I'm happy with you, really."

"So... Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Thought you'd never asked." She said and kissed one more time.

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