I'll always choose you (pt.2)

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10 Years Later.

"Ricky, everyone's waiting for us, we should leave right now." She said while she was looking for Grey's favorite toy.

"Big Red already got used to that." He laughed and kissed his wife, then his son.

"It's Carlos' and Seb's engagement today, Richard, and it's almost one year since we saw others, especially Ej.

"You know very well why we haven't seen Ej." He sighed and I rolled my eyes. "By the way, you look hot in that dress."

"Richard Bowen."

"We should leave our baby with your parents and..."

"Ricky, we can't miss the engagement party."

"I'm thinking about so many dirty things right now." She rolled her eyes.

"Don't talk about like this in front of our kid."

"He's one year old yet."

"It doesn't matter, he still hears you."

"And he will stay with his grandma tonight, right baby?" Ricky asked and kissed Grey's cheeks a couple of times, he started laughing. "Me and your mommy will be alone and then we..."

"Ricky Bowen." She interrupted.

"Nini Bowen, you can say whatever you want, it will still happen.

"And when did I say no, love?" Nini laughed. "Now, we should really leave, Ashlyn texted me, they want to see Grey, and Ej's is there.

"Finally he's back from his trip, I still can't believe it's the first time he's meeting Grey. Will Val be there?

"Of course, she and Ej are always together and you know it."

"Yeah and I'm so happy for them, remember how crushed he was after Tessa?"

"I know and that's why he decided to start traveling two years ago and then he met Val. Hopefully, they're dating already, their feelings are so obvious."

"Yeah like ours were but you still didn't date me for 4 years, it was awful, I was so happy when we graduated from University."

"And then we had our kinda first date." She laughed.

"Yeah and I asked you to marry me, your face was hilarious and I still can't believe you said yes."

"Because I know we were in love with each other and I trusted you. I was right, look at us, we have amazing som together and we're happy." Nini kissed Grey and held Ricky's hand.

"I know and I'll never regret it, I love you so much."

"I love you too babe, but if we want to stay alive we should go or Carlos will kill us."

"You're right, as always." Ricky laughed and kissed his wife one more time.

"Oh my god, I'm so happy you're here." Seb said.

"So sad Gina and Jet aren't here, but they'll be at our wedding." Carlos told them.

"Jet will be here soon." Kourtney said. "If his show won't end late."

"And Gina has a very important case right now, I don't remember exactly what it is about but she really wanted to be here but she can't." Ashlyn said.

"I know, she called." Seb said. "She cried when she heard about us."

"So, when is the wedding?" Ricky asked.

"I have no idea, our wedding will be amazing, everything has to be perfect." Carlos answered.

"We'll help you in everything, you know that right?" Nini asked them.

"We know honey and thank you." Seb hugged her.

"Ej give me my baby." Ricky complained and shoved his arm playfully.

"Come on, Ricky, it's the first time I saw him, and little Grey already loves me right?" He started playing with Grey's cheeks.

"Nini, tell him," Ricky said.

"Ricky, now you're acting like a baby." She laughed.

"But he's my son."

"I think he likes uncle Ej more than his own father.", Ej said. Nini knew Ej was teasing Ricky to make him angry.

"It's my turn," Val said.

"When will be my turn?" Ricky asked Nini. She wrapped her hands around his neck.

"No one steals Grey you know that right?" Nini asked, he laughed and nodded. "And you're going to leave him at my moms tonight? You'll miss him."

"I know I'll miss him but when I'm looking at you in that dress I forget everything." He started kissing her neck but stopped because their friends were there, unfortunately.

"Ricky, I need to tell you something." Nini said when they get home. They left Grey at her moms' house.

"What happened?" He asked. "I'm a little scared right now."

"Hey, everything's okay."

"Tell me."

"I'm pregnant."


"Yeah I had some doubt so I took a pregnancy test and..." She started talking but Ricky hugged her immediately.

"Oh my god, I'm so happy right now, Nini. God, I love you so much, you made me the happiest man in the whole world." They both were crying. "I love you so much Ni."

"I love you too, Ricky."

"I always wanted a sibling, sometimes, when I was little, I was feeling alone but then I met you and Big Red. I'm happy Grey won't feel it."

"I felt the same way. Soon he'll have a little sister or brother."

"Sister, I'm sure."

"Maybe." She laughed and kissed him.

"I'll never regret choosing you, Nini." He said and crashed his lips to hers.

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