☃Pᴀʀᴛ 3~ sᴇᴄʀᴇᴛ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴏғ ᴍʏ sɪs✉

124 35 13

Rose's POV:

I found myself lost in a sea of confusion and despair. The night was restless, and my sleep was disrupted by an unknown presence. A voice pierced through the darkness, urging me to wake up from my slumber.

"Wake up, sleeping beauty. You may crave your beauty sleep, but it's time to rise," she said, her words lacking any warmth or compassion. Was she always so full of energy in the mornings?

"Why?" I whimpered, my voice laced with sadness.

"I might find this endearing under different circumstances, but not now. Let's go," she commanded, her tone stern and unforgiving.

"Go where?" I asked, my confusion growing with each passing moment. She looked at me, her expression mirroring my bewilderment.

"Don't you usually go for a run?" Guilt washed over me, leaving me feeling heavy and burdened.

"Ah... I haven't transformed yet," I confessed, my voice filled with shock. That's it, she'll abandon me too. Tears welled up in my eyes, threatening to spill over. But to my surprise, she embraced me, holding me tightly, yet with a gentleness that touched my heart. And in that moment, I couldn't help but cry, releasing all the pent-up sorrow within me.

"Don't worry, little sister. Everything will be alright," she whispered, trying to comfort me.

"Why does all of this have to happen to me?" I sobbed, my words choked by tears.

"We're in this together," she reassured me, and we sat in silence, finding solace in each other's presence. After some time, she took my hand and led me towards the forest.

"Let's run," she suggested, extending her hand towards me.

"I can't," I replied, refusing to take her hand.

"Why not?" she inquired, her voice tinged with concern.

"I... I'm an omega," I confessed, waiting for her to deliver a crushing blow.

"So what? Omegas can run too," she replied, her words devoid of any judgment or shame.

"But my capacity is low, I have asthma," I confessed, my voice filled with resignation.

"Maybe it's not what you think. Perhaps it's psychosomatic," she suggested, her words leaving me puzzled.

"What do you mean?" I asked, my confusion evident.

"It's a disorder that manifests in the mind but doesn't physically exist," she explained.

"Are you saying I'm someone who will create imaginary disorders in my mind?" I asked, tears streaming down my face.

"No, that's not what I meant. I just thought maybe you could," she replied nonchalantly.

"But I'm still an omega," I whispered, my voice filled with shame.

She shrugged her shoulders, seemingly unaffected by societal expectations.

"Aren't you ashamed?" I questioned, hoping for some understanding.

"No, why should I be?" she replied, her words piercing through my heart.

"I thought..." I trailed off, once again succumbing to tears.

"Hey, don't cry. I'm always here for you. I'm sorry for not being there earlier, but I won't let anything harm you from now on," she promised, her words offering a glimmer of hope.

I didn't know what to say, so I continued crying in her embrace, finding solace in her unconditional love.

"I won't let anyone hurt you, only I can protect you," she declared, but her words didn't bring me the comfort they once would have. I had believed every sibling was like that, but how wrong I was.

We continued our journey, walking instead of running due to my limitations. However, before we even started walking, she must have thought I could handle it and made me run behind her, resulting in me scraping my knee. Once again, I had disappointed everyone around me.

Suddenly, she grabbed my hand, causing me to jump in surprise.

"What's wrong?" I asked, my voice filled with trepidation. She simply shrugged it off, and we continued walking, venturing deeper into the unknown.

"Let's play 20 questions," she suggested, trying to distract me from my worries.

"Okay?" I replied, my uncertainty evident.

"You start with me. Ask me anything," she encouraged.

"Hmm... what's your dream?" I asked, hoping to uncover a glimmer of happiness within her.

"To be with the love of my life," she replied, her voice filled with longing.

"Oh... who is your love?" I inquired, genuinely curious.

"I can't tell you. You'll hate me," she confessed, her words laced with fear.

"I could never hate you," I assured her, not even registering the information she had just shared. I was too consumed by her expression to care about anything else.

"Really?" she asked, her eyes puffy from crying.

"Yes, I will never hate you," I promised, sealing it with a pinky swear.

"Okay, then. Can you ask me another question, please?" she pleaded, her vulnerability shining through.

"Alright! Who are your friends?" I asked, hoping to bring a smile to her face.

She proceeded to list off numerous names in rapid succession, overwhelming me with the sheer number of people she considered friends.

"Okay, okay, that's enough. Can you at least describe the love of your life?" I requested, trying to redirect the conversation.

"Yes, I've been waiting for this question," she exclaimed, her excitement palpable. She began describing her love, painting a vivid picture with her words.

"And you know, her..." she trailed off, clicking her tongue and looking everywhere but me.

"Why are you panicking?" I asked, my heart breaking for her.

"You'll probably hate me because I like a girl," she confessed, her voice filled with fear and vulnerability.

"No, I could never hate you, and isn't it normal for werewolves to get mated with the same gender?" I replied honestly.

"But that's the problem, she isn't my mate!" She exclaimed.

"It's alright, you can love anybody you want, you are free to love anybody," I said as a matter of fact.

But as I said those words, a lingering thought crept into my mind, a warning from Jennie that echoed in my thoughts.

"Just wait and watch. What I will do to you will be worse than anything you can imagine."

As we entered the pack house, a sense of foreboding washed over me. Despite the glimmers of hope, I couldn't shake the feeling that my life was about to take a turn, for the worse or for the betterment, I didn't knew.

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