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Their meeting room had a big oval table that is found in conference rooms with numerous chairs around it. There was a big screen with a projector on the opposite side of the door. There were shelves on each side of the wall with files of each case they have handled and this room has no window.

The boys sat around the table and Minho being the leader sat on the main seat opposite of the screen.

"So I m sure you all know why we are here?" asking a rhetorical question.

"We are here to kidnap the son of Han family as an act of revenge 'cause his parents killed my parents when I was 10. I have been waiting for this day for a long time and the wait comes to an end today" said Minho with a cold expression.

Everyone in the room nodded.

"we haven't found his photograph or anything. We only know his name, age, and his college." Minho said.

"His name is Peter Han. Age 19. Lives in the Levanter district and his college is JYP college of music"

Minho continued by saying " so I trust you Felix to spy on him and find his other details. His apparent address, his daily schedules, his friends, and if he has bodyguards and if he is in touch with Han gang."

"Yes sure I will do it." said Felix.

"But... for that lix you have to stay in the Levanter district for a week.alone. in a hotel. We cannot afford to use our farmhouse there or they will be alert." Minho looked right into Felix's eyes and saw a bit of uneasiness. He was afraid of being homesick and missing everyone especially Changbin.

"Okay, it's just a matter of one week, right? I can do it." said Felix was a soft smile.

"Now Seungmin I want you to put trackers on Felix. His phone, laptop watch and everything. When he is gone, you need to keep a constant check on him so if the Han gang by change finds out and goes after Felix, we can track him down." said Minho not wanting o risk anything.

as far as we know, his parents love him a lot and didn't want the danger of mafias around Peter so when they hear he is kidnapped they are gonna start looking for him and if they know it's us, they might attack us." said Chan.

He again continued saying " except for Seungmin and Felix, we need everyone to train hard for the fight. Seungmin and Felix, you two will still improve your self defence technique and also basic training. Felix, you will do it after you are back from the Levanter district"

Everyone gave a nod and minho being the leader spoke once again. He was the one who usually did the speaking. "Channie hyung, Changbin, Hyunjin and I are gonna practice close combat,shooting and knife skills and jeongin you are gonna go practicing long-range as you know. Just be present for 1-hour combat training."

Jeongin was the sniper as his aims were perfect but he had to learn close combat in case he got caught.

All the boys exist the room and went to do all their works. Before leaving Chan said "you are leaving tomorrow lix"

"Ok hyung I 'll go pack" said Felix and walked away. Changbin followed lix saying he would help him with packing.

As they entered Felix's room, Changbin opened the closet and started taking out warm clothes. One specific thing caught his eyes and he asked Felix.

"Lix, why do you have all hoodies, sweatshirts, sweaters and t-shirts oversized than normal?"

"Umm... you know how others steal their boyfriend's clothes and feel like they are being engulfed by their presence? I just wanna feel that too but I have no significant other." said Felix with a sad smile.

Those words broke Changbin's heart. He walked out of Felix's room and went to his.

Felix was wondering why he left but he went back to packing and took all his skincare products and his gadgets.

The door opened and Felix looked up seeing Changbin with a few hoodies, sweatshirts, sweaters and t-shirts. He sat down on the floor near Felix and place all the clothes on the floor.

"Choose whichever you want lix. I know I ain't your boyfriend but I can still give you my clothes and don't hesitate to steal them from my closet." said Changbin secretly wishing to have Felix's smell on his cloths.

Felix had the biggest smile on his face and chose a few clothes and folded them and put it in his suitcase. He placed one purple sweater in this closet.

When they were almost done with the packing,Changbin saw Felix going to his bed to grab something.

He came and put the object in his suitcase and Changbin thought it was the cutest thing. He had put in his favourite cat plushie.

As Felix closed the suitcase, he said "I m going to hug him and sleep" Felix's duality was something else thought Changbin.

Felix while working gives off a different aura and while at home with others he is the softest.

When they finished packing, Hyunjin came into Felix's room and said " we are watching a movie tonight as you will leave tomorrow

so hurry up."

Both stood up and down but before that Changbin took all the remaining clothes in his room and threw them on his bed.

They all went down and sat on the couch. Few sat on the floor even though the couch was big enough.

Minho was on the floor and Chan went and cuddles with him and we all know there was one sad face that no one noticed.

Changbin and Felix cuddled on the couch and Felix tried his best not to hurt the older's wound even though Changbin said it was not hurting.

Seungmin and Jeongin went to cuddle with Hyunjin on the floor.

They were staying over today too.

Minho never said anything when the boys stayed at his place. They were his only happiness...


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