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"It's better now that he left. He will be safe." said Minho sitting back on his seat taking the bowl of cereal that jisung left and eating them as if nothing happened.

"hyung you really hurted him bad " told seungmin looking at Minho who seemed so chill.

"Not as worst as death" said that Minho walked up to his room.


It's been days that jisung left Lee mansion. He is again living alone in his apartment. He barely goes out and does not even use his phone.

His mind drifts back to Minho all the time.

He kept daydreaming about all the days he spent with Minho as a child.

Even Minho on the other side wasn't doing any good. He missed the younger presence.

"hyung,seungmin and I are going out do you need anything? " asked Hyunjin.

"No. Enjoy " Minho smiled and waved at the two who got into seungmin car and left.

"Seung now tell me where are we going?" Hyunjin had no idea where they were going.

"You will see " said seungmin connecting his phone and blasting day6.

No one spoke throughout the way and soon they reached their destination.

"here?" questioned Hyunjin remembering the days when he came here with jisung.

"Remember when you came here with jisung for the first time?" asked seungmin getting out of the car and Hyunjin did the same.

"I do, you were here that day we already spoke about this before" Hyunjin remembered asking seungmin about it some while ago.

"We only spoke about you and why you were here jinnie" seungmin wanted to tell why he was there that day.

"So tell me " Hyunjin wanted to know.

"Mhm... everyone comes here and wishes for something and I was here to do the same." both walked to the dandelion field and sat on the chairs on the side.

"Do you mind telling me what you wished for ?" Hyunjin wasn't sure if seungmin would tell him or not.

"You" said seungmin boldly.

"what? Me?" Hyunjin was confused.

"I was wishing on every dandelion in this field so you would become mine"

'So jisung wasn't joking when he said seungmin likes me'

"but-" Hyunjin was a bit hesitant.

"you wished the same for jisung I know but I wished that for you"

"it's okay hyunjin. It has always been okay even when it ain't. You don't have to love me back but I know you have been using me. Just don't do that. Don't lead me on and then break my heart. Please." Seungmin looked away avoiding the look in Hyunjin's eye.

"But I m not leading you on right now seungmin. I was using you as a rebound before but not anymore" Those words from Hyunjin put a smile on seungmin's face even when Hyunjin admitted he was using him before.

"I genuinely care for you and like to have you by my side" said Hyunjin now looking at seungmin.

Seungmin turned towards the boy and looked at him. Hyunjin's eyes were on the younger's lips.

"can I?" asked hyunjin and seungmin initiated the kiss. He moved close to Hyunjin and brushed their lips together.

Hyunjin cupped the boy's cheeks and moved his lips.

Both enjoyed the moment and let it stay in their minds and hearts for a long time.

After a few minute, they pulled away.

"Let's go back it's getting dark" said Hyunjin taking seungmin's hand. He was a blushing mess.

"here you drive "seungmin handed the keys to Hyunjin and let him drive back to Lee Mansion.
Minho was missing jisung alot. He always thought it was Chan who bought him flowers and ice cream but he was wrong. It was jisung.

He left the training room and went to and stood in front of jisung's room. He wanted to go in but was kinda afraid. Afraid of breaking down.

With all the courage, he opened the door and went in. Jisung's smell hit his nose. That was what Minho missed. Jisung could always smell so nice when he hugged Minho even when he pushed him away.

"I hope you are doing well " mumbled Minho.

He went close to the desk and saw all his random things.

He then noticed a box that said "to minmim" in childish handwriting and it looks very old.

He took the box and opens it.

There was a Saturn pendant with a note.

As it was pretty old the ink was starting to fade but it was still readable. It was written in childish handwriting and he knew it was jisung's.

"Happy birthday minmin. I'm sorry I won't be able to give it to you in person but I m sure you will come looking for me and find it at my room's window. I hope we meet someday.

Your sungie."

'How could I be so stupid ' thought Minho. He only waited for jisung on the steps of his house. He never thought to go and look through his window or anything.

He remembered crying on his birthday but he didn't know the younger boy's story.

He blamed jisung for leaving without knowing what he had felt or why he did it. He even blamed jisung for walking away even without a note but jisung never fought back even when he had left a note.

He placed the note inside his phone cover and wore the pendant. He came here to take jisung's hoodie so he could keep the boy's calming smell with him.

He felt like he was invading jisung's privacy but he opened the closet. As soon as he opened the closet a wide smile spread on his face.

Minho thought he had lost most of his shirts and hoodies but here they were. He knew jisung wanted to wear it like Felix wore changbin's but was afraid to ask.

He just took out one of jisung's sweatshirt and left.

Little did he know he would meet the boy soon...


AN: firstly i m really sorry for not uploading for two days. i really wanted to let yall know in the announcement but i couldnt.

secondly, yall can follow me for announcements for convience.

love love , stay safe.

and i feel as about the performance being postponed ... they looked sad and felix was sadder:(

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