Chapter 1: What's Happening?! - Part 2

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(Trigger Warning: Panic/anxiety attacks and self-deprecating thoughts.)

A couple of hours later. Current time: 3:00pm. (Still Virgils' POV)

I had been talking to Roman (I finally got his name), his sister Lidia and brother Calum when the conversation somehow managed to change to the topic of families and our pasts.

All of a sudden Lidia commented, "Hold on guys, Virgie hasn't said anything about his family or past yet. Virgie, can you tell us, please?? I'm really curious."

Upon hearing that comment and question, I froze up and just stared at the three of them.

I couldn't do anything before the voice started again, even worse than usual.

"If you tell them, they'll hate you."

"You're just a coward."

"Your past isn't even that bad."

"You don't have any trauma."

"You're just an attention seeker."

My breathing picked up as I tried to speak, my mind running with all these painful thoughts and my body shaking, but all that came was an "O-oh umm...I-I d-don't want to t-tell y-you. I-I'm s-s-sorry I-I just-I c-can't!"

I think Roman had managed to notice my breathing and shaking as he told Calum and Lidia to go to the other side of the room, at least I think that's what he had said as I couldn't hear much of anything from all of the thoughts running faster.

"'s ok, listen to me, ok? In for four, hold for seven, out for eight. Here, follow my lead just like this, ok?" He spoke in a calm, sympathetic voice as he placed my hands on his chest to help me follow his breathing technique.

After about 10-15 minutes of following Romans' breathing, I finally calmed down enough to talk again without sounding raspy.

"There you go. Are you ok now?" He cautiously asked me.

"Y-yeah, I am f-fine now," I replied just before Lidia anxiously walked over to me.

"A-are you m-mad at m-me V-virgie?" Lidia had asked me.

When I turned around to face her, I noticed the tears threatening to spill like waterfalls from her eyes. I just gave her a comforting sympathetic smile before telling her I wasn't mad at her and she didn't know.

I then turned back to the prince.

"Umm...i-if it's n-not t-to much to ask f-for, umm, c-could I h-have a hug p-please R-roman?" I mumbled the question just audible to the man infront of me, barely above a whisper.

He just stared at me and just as I started to think that I had said the wrong thing, he pulled him into a comforting hug. I immediately hugged him back, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"You ok now Stormcloud?" A voice barely audible over my shaky breathing spoke softly and calmly.

"Y-yeah I t-think. T-thanks by the way." I blushed slightly at the nickname.

I was about to pull away from the soft, comforting, loving and soothi- No! Stop it Virgil! You can't think like that you just met him!- When I was yanked away with a lot of force and almost thrown across the room before the person, who had just yanked me from prince charming, dropped me and spat in my face with the stinging words.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! TRYING TO TAKE MY RORO AWAY FROM ME?! YOU DISGUSTING VILLAIN!!!" Was all I could hear before the said person screaming was taken away from me by someone, the prince himself, to come infront of me to try and calm me down.

"Hey, shh, come here. It's okay, I won't hurt you."

I almost launched myself at the man when he said that, for the comfort and safety I felt from this man.


(604 words)

Hope you all enjoy this second part of chapter 1! The second chapter should be posted in about a week but I will be starting school in a week aswell so it may be before then or after.

If anyone of yous notice that the book hasnt been update in two weeks then feel free to remind me and I'll try to update it.

Till next time my beautiful guys, gals and non-binary pals! Have a good day/evening/night!

~Virgil Afton

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