⚾︎| chapter one

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The most hurtful things always came out of his mouth.




Not enough. Man, that one always got me.

I knew he didn't mean it. I knew he loved me. Has a ever put a finger on me? Yes he has.

Most morning I would wake up to him trying to kiss me in bed, apologizing over and over again.

I was so in love, I was so blind, I couldn't see that that it was not okay. It wasn't okay that he hit me, it wasn't okay that he would gaslight me. 24/7.

I would threaten to break up with him and his answer was always the same. He always said he would kill himself if I did.

Of course, I didn't want that. I didn't want to see the person I loved die because of me.

I finally had the courage to break up with him a few weeks ago, and let me tell you, I'm more than okay now.

We had some good memories together, not many. What I remember most about him is the way he talked to me, the way he controlled me. 

My mom knew about it, she was the one who told me to pack my shit and leave.

So that's what I did, I packed everything and now i'm on my way to my home state.

New York. North Shore University, where I've always dreamed of going to school and I finally got accepted.

I know damn well i'll run into him only because my old university and north shore are rivals in baseball, in any sport really. But mostly baseball.

But I sure hope I don't run into him again.

»»———- ⚾ ———-««

I look at the map of the University. No, not look, staring. This campus is so confusing. it's crazy.

"Okay, so if I'm here then-" I muttered to myself. "Fuck." 

I basically have my whole face in this map and schedule. 

I bump into a hard chest, causing me to drop my papers, "Oh, i'm so sorry. Should of watched where I was going." I say picking up the papers without looking up.


"It was my bad, i'm in a hurry at the moment." A deep voice says, running away. "Sorry about that!" Another boy says.

Oh well awkward. I look back and examine both of their jackets from far away.

Richards #7

Irwin #21

That one last name sounds, very familiar.

As I walk around, still trying to memorize where everything is, the smell of fresh ground coffee fills the air.  I immediately know where it's coming from, I look over my left shoulder and see my favorite Diner. I've totally forgot about this place ever since I moved.

I walk into Ella's diner and look around. It still looks the same. I inhale and exhale, it also still smells the same, Coffee and maple syrup.

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