⚾︎| chapter twenty one

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hey you! don't be a silent reader:)

"Seriously, you should try-out" Coco says. She has been begging me for the past hour to try out for the dance team.

I ignore her, scrolling through Instagram.

"Stop ignoring me." She whines, pacing around my room.




She grabs my phone and pulls my fluffy pink blanket off of me. "Hey!" I groan.

"This is mine." She says folding her blanket, "Come on, show your old school what they missed out on."

She's right. They kicked me off the team last year, by "they" I mean Jules and her little minions created fake rumors about me.

I sigh and sit up straight. "When are try-outs?" I ask her, making her smirk.

"Today, actually." She says.


She looks at her phone, " 30 minutes from now." She smiles.

"Fine, i'll go." I tell her, making her squeal.

She hugs me, "Thank you, thank you!"

She leaves my room taking the blanket I stole from her.

I get up from my bed and walk over to my closet, I honestly forgot what I wear to dance tryouts. It's been to long.

I grab a pair of black leggings and a red crop top, along with a white hoodie. Hopefully that's good enough.

I walk out of my room to find Christian and Dallas scavenging for food.

I clear my throat, walking closer to them making them turn their heads to my direction.

"Hey Lani." Christian says, holding a bag of chips.

"Hey.." I say setting my phone on the counter. "Who let ya'll in?" I ask them.

They both look at eachother.


"We just opened the door."

"Liar! We opened the door." Christian says to Dallas.

Dallas just leaves the conversation, heading into Coco's room to look for her.

"Do ya'll not have food at your dorm?" I ask him, sitting on top of the counter.

He leans against the counter beside me, "We do." He pauses for a moment. "It's just that, your food is better."

I laugh a bit, "Go buy some idiot." I tell him jumping off the counter.

"Nah." He says still eating. "And anyways I deserve this because i'm about to work my ass off at practice today."

"Yeah whatever." I say.

"Well Coco and I are leaving in a few minutes." I say grabbing my phone and slipping on my shoes.

"Oh really? What are ya'll doing today?" He asks me, still munching on our chips.

"Dance tryouts." I say, getting up from the floor.

"Wait. Your actually trying out?" He asks me.

I raise my eyebrow, "Coco basically made me, if I don't make the team I won't be mad." I tell him opening the front door. "Anyways I have to go, Coco is waiting on me." I walk out the door leaving him there.

I walk out the dorm building, as i'm turning a corner to find Coco I run into someone.

"Oh i'm so sorry." I apologize, and keep walking away.

"Kelani fucking Parker." A familiar deep voice calls out.

I look where the voice is coming from and, I can't fucking believe who it is.

"Been a while, huh?" He says, walking closer and closer to me.

I swallow hard, "I have to go Blake" I say trying to walk away.

He grabs my wrist, making me whimper. "Blake I really have to go."

"No." He says, still holding on to my wrist.

Excuse me?

I laugh a bit, "Blake I really have to fucking go, I have better places to be then be here with you. I don't know if you still think i'm the same girl I was 2 years ago that let everything slide, but i'm not."

I grab out of his reach, "Now leave me alone." I say slowly, walking off.

Holy shit did I just do that? Yeah I did.

I turn a corner and see Coco waiting for me, on her phone.

She turns her head toward my direction, "Where the hell were you?" She asks me with a concerned look on her face.

I look around to see if Blake was near, "I ran into Blake." I tell her and her eyes widened.

'YOU WHAT?" She yells, I cover her mouth so she can shut up.

"He didn't try anything did he? If he did he's so fucking dead"

I smile at her being so protective, "No Coco he didn't do anything, even if he did I can stand up for myself now."

She stops walking and hugs me, "Good, if he does anything i'll kill him."

I hug her back and smile, "Oh trust me I know."


have a great day/night and i'll see you at the end of chapter 22:)).


thank you so much for taking your time to read this

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thank you so much for taking your time to read this.

love, rai<3

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