Episode One

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Episode One:

Carly took a deep breath before she entered Keaton. "C-C!" Called a high pitched voice. Carly turned and saw Katie run towards her.

Carly: You develop nicknames for each other after a few weeks on tour.

"KT!" Laughed Carly. They hugged. "I can't believe you're here at Keaton for my junior year!" "And my senior year! I can't wait to meet your friends! And see mine again!"

Carly: Wait, is she gonna ditch me for her old friends?

"What are their names again?" Carly asked, biting her lip. "Kit and Jax." Said Katie. She blushed a little. "Oooh!" Carly said, pushing Katie playfully. Katie laughed and shrugged. "Last I saw he was dating some girl named Bianca."

"Not anymore. They broke up. But you should look out for Kit." Carly quipped. "What do you mean?" Said Katie, looking confused. "TMK said they were Keatons new IT couple last year." "She wouldn't do that to me." Said Katie. But she still looked nervous. "Anyway, I can't wait to introduce you to V!" Said Carly, clearing the air.

Katie: The famous Vanessa Morita. A pleasure.

"Speaking of which." Said Carly. Katie turned and saw Vanessa and Kit strolling towards them. "Kit-kat!" Squealed Katie. "Katie-Kins?" Kit grinned and hugged her. Carly faked a smile and hid her annoyance.

Carly: It's not like I care that Katie's already ditching me. At all.

"C!" Said Vanessa, dropping her duffel bag and running up to hug Carly. "I missed you! How was Selena Gomez? Are you guys besties yet?" Asked Vanessa. Carly giggled. "Not yet. This is my friend Katie. Do you two know each other?" Asked Carly, looking at Kit and Vanessa slowly.

Kit smiled. "It's complicated." She shared a knowing look with Vanessa. Carly stifled a glare and smiled tightly.

Vanessa: Uh-oh, I know that look. Something's wrong with Carly.

"I reapplied for Keaton over the summer and walked by Prima Camp. V saw me and let me watch and dance a little."

Carly: There's no way that skinny little shrimp can dance. And did she just call V V!?

Carly started to tug her ear and clenched her teeth. "Um, so I'm Vanessa!" Said Vanessa, shaking Katie's hand. Katie shook her hand back and smiled. "I've heard soooo much about you this summer."

"You were on tour?" Asked Kit. "Yeah. We danced with. . . Pepperstar!" Squealed Katie and Carly at the same time. They burst into snorts and grinned.

Vanessa: It's great that C has new friends. Great!

"Cool." Said Vanessa slowly, hoisting her bag back onto her shoulder. "Anyways, Kit, this is Carly, Carly this is Kit." Kit smiled and nodded at Carly.

Carly: Why did V introduce Kit before me?! Does she like her better?!

"Anyways, we should get to class." Said Carly, tugging Katie along with her. Vanessa and Kit walked behind them. "Kit, aren't you in music and DJ?" Asked Carly.

"Yeah, but I'm also signed up for dance this semester." Kit mumbled nervously. "And you'll do great! We learned some point at Prima Camp. So-Awesome." Said Vanessa

"Morita!" Said a deep voice. The girls turned and saw Beckett Bradstreet walking up to them. Vanessa grinned and Carly straightened. "See you at dance." He said.

"Are you two official yet?" Asked Kit. Vanessa shook her head. "We're just friends." She said. "Friends who kissed at Prima Camp?" Asked Kit, nudging Vanessa.

Carly: What!? They kissed!? I knew he liked her but-

Carly watched as Beckett sauntered away. The girls filed into the changing room and got into their leotards and tights. "Who's the newbie?" Asked Jenna, a twinkle in her eye. "Kit Dunn. DJ." Said Kit.

"What are you doing in dance?" Asked Jenna. "I was at Prima Camp." Kit said. "Kinda." She added at Jenna's stare. "Aren't you a senior?" Asked Kit, turning to Katie. "Yeah but Helsweel wanted to put me in the younger year because I'm new in my last year so I can learn the rules. Anyways, how's Jax? Are you two dating?"

Carly held her breath as Kit started to reply. "Well," She said, fidgeting. "Kinda?" Katie stared at her. "Why? You knew I liked him." She said, slowly, keeping her calm.

"I dunno. I mean, you weren't there." Said Kit. She looked embarrassed.

Carly: I guess V's new bff isn't as cool as she thought.

Kit stared at the ground for a second before Vanessa pulled her into the dance room. "Sorry about Jax." Said Carly. Katie shrugged. "There's no way he and Kit will last anyway. I just really thought she was my friend."

Carly walked into the dance room, confident that now Vanessa knew how much of a traitor Kit was, she wouldn't want to be friends with her. It didn't turn out that way.

"Everybody, let's welcome Miss Dunn and Miss Evans to the class." Said Helsweel. A light applause spread through the room. "I have some exciting news class. There will be a showcase at the end of next month. There will be a group piece, where dance performs, music makes- well music and art makes the set. That will be on friday. On Monday there will be an interdisciplinary grouped assignment. Different schools will come to compete. Round one is the interdisciplinary contest, and round two is the main piece. Do not disappoint."

Vanessa turned to Kit and Carly. "I hope we're in the same group!" Kit grinned. "I can make the music!" "And I can do the choreo!" Squealed Vanessa.

Carly: Of course. Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumb

"The main piece will have three leads. A duet and a solo. Everyone will audition a duet and a solo." Said Helsweel. "Beckett! We should do the duet." Said Carly. "Oh, I was going to ask Vanessa but ok." He ran a hand through his hair.

"Why don't we share him?" Said Vanessa. "Ok." Said Carly, rolling her eye's.

Vanessa: What did I do?

"Warm up everyone!" Said Helsweel. Carly took Becketts hand and led him over to a spot to dance. "Are they a thing?" Said Katie, raising her eyebrows. Kit and Vanessa exchanged a look.

Vanessa: Why would she ask?

Beckett lifted Carly and she did a split, then landing in his arms, their eyes locked.

Vanessa: Does Carly like Beckett!?

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