|| Chapter 9 ||

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Rosa & Ross are JUST brother & sister! Nothing more and nothing less :)

Rosalie's POV.

I mean I was afraid of the darkness before but now it's even scarier.

I don't know what was wrong with me.

I can leave the hospital tomorrow evening and Ross is staying over tonight. It's all so weird.

My family, Laura, Calum & Raini are in my room and we were all talking. I'm not afraid of them. The doctor told me that I would have trust issues but not to these people.

It was already really late, it was getting dark outside and I was really tired since I didn't really slept for five days. "we better head home," Dad said to everyone who agreed.

I high five everyone even my Mom & Dad. My Mom kissed me head and they all left the room, letting me and my older brother alone.

"Rossy Shor? Will I ever get normal again?" I asked my brother. "I don't know Rosa but we all believe you will," he said with a smile.

I was in sweatpants and a shirt and so was Ross. He said he would sleep on the chair but I offered him to sleep next to me in my bed.

I laid my head on his chest and he wrapped both if his arms around me, protectively. "Goodnight Rossy Shor," I said when I closed my eyes.

He kissed me head and said, "goodnight little princess."

I felt my body relax and soon I was out of lights.

• • •

I woke up the next day and saw that I was alone. The lights were off but the sun shone through the window. It still freaked me out a little.

"ROSS!" I yelled scaredy. Seconds later he came running to me out of the bathroom. "what's wrong?" He asked me worriedly.

"You weren't here! And the lights where off so I freaked out," I explained quickly. "I'm sorry," Ross whispered when he pulled me into a hug.

"It's fine now," I said honestly.

"Ready to go home?" He asked smiling. "YES! Wait what time is it because I'm not allowed to go until 4pm," I explained to him.

Ross chuckled and pointed to the clock on the wall. My eyes widened. 4:38pm. "why did I slept that long?" I asked him confused.

"You didn't slept much when you where in that room," he explained to me. "ahh, right," I said when I lifted my head along with my chest.

"AHH!" I screamed in pain when I fell back on the bed. "you okay?!" Ross asked worriedly. "two broken rips, no laughing, no getting up alone, no laying down alone it's a million times worse then the last when I bruised one rib," I explained with tears in my eyes.

The last time, I bruised my rib on the beach when I skated with family and I drove straight into a barrier.

I was in pain for a few days but this time it's even worse.

"I'm gonna carry you," Ross said when he lifted me up bridal style. I took my phone and opened the door so Ross could carry me outside.

It still hurt when he carried me but it was better this way. Less pain. He went to the counter and I saw my family, without Riker who was probably rehearsing for Monday.

"Mom!" I yelled. She turned around and smiled at me when Ross carried me to them. "Hey honey, Dad is signing you out," she informed me.

I nodded and we waited for Dad to came back. Minutes later he came and we went to the car. "I can't sit," I said to my family.

"Why not?" Ratliff asked me. "remember when I skated into the barrier and I bruised my rip? Now I broke two rips," I told him.

"Ah, I get it," he said which made me giggle. "Ouuhh," I whined. Sometimes I have to laugh when I'm hurt, it's so weird but now when I laugh it's hurting so much that I sometimes continue laughing.

"Okay, me and Mom and sitting in the front. Rydel, Ratliff, Ryland in the second row and Rocky, Ross & Rosa in the third. Rocky please pull one seat back so Rosa can lay," Dad told us.

Rocky did as told and everyone got in the car. Ross placed me in my seat and sat next to me while Rocky was on the other side of me.

Rocky pulled Ross' & his seat back as well so we were all laying in our seats. "Dad why can't I sit in the back? I want to lay as well," Ryland whined childish.

I giggled, "OUH!"

I continued giggling and tears streamed down my face. "Ou-h-h," I whined. "stop laughing," Ross told me smiling. "I-I c-cahahan't," I said while I was giggling and crying.

I was holding my stomach where my hurt rips where with both of my hands. My right arm was still bandaged.

"When we're home we're gonna write and draw on it," Rocky told me in a childish tone. I wanted to laugh again but I tried my best to hold it in.

I squeezed my eyes and mouth shut.

"Hey, you okay over there?" I heard Rydel ask. I opened my eyes and a single tear rolled down my cheek. "yea," I answered simply when I squeezed my eyes shut again.

A few minutes later the car stopped and I opened my eyes to see that we were home. Everyone got out and Ross lifted me up.

He got out of the car carefully and carried my inside the house.

The front door opened seconds later and Riker entered the house. He accidentally ran into Ross with my in his arms and Ross bumped into the wall.


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