|| Chapter 20 ||

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Rosalie's POV.

I woke up the next morning with a groan. I heard a groan straight after that and another quiet one. I guess Ryland, Ross & I just woke up.

"Ryland, Ross & Rosalie are awake!" I heard Rydel yelling. People laughed and the three of us groaned again.

We got up and got dressed before we walked to the living room area where we always eat breakfast and stuff.

I was still tired. "Daddy," I whined when I plopped down on his lip. "what's wrong, princess?" Dad asked me. "I'm still tired," I said with a yawn.

"R5 is having a few interviews today and if you want you can sleep some more," Dad suggested. "but that's boring," I explained when I grabbed a piece of toast.

I closed my eyes while I was still eating. My eyes were so heavy. I knew that everyone was in the room, even Shawn.

I opened my eyes again and finished eating. I took a sip of orange juice and yawned again.

"When did you went to bed?" Dad asked me when he raised his eyebrow. "dunno," I said with a shrug. "You're gonna stay here for today," Dad said.

I sighed and nodded. "I'm going to bed," I said before I waved at everyone. I laid in my bunk and closed the curtain.

I'm not a morning person and since we have to get up early, almost every day, I have to suck it up.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep seconds later.


I woke up and opened my eyes. It was 11am by now. I got up and fixed my hair and did some make up on. The bus was empty and got parked in front of a studio.

Since everyone was gone, I decided to take my money and go out to go on a shopping spree on my own.

I quickly texted my dad before I went.

'How long are we here?'

I got a respond straight after.

'About an hour'

'I'm out in the mall next to the studio. I'll be back in an hour or earlier'

'Alright honey be careful'

I then made my way to the mall which was down the road. I hate shopping but I just wanted to go and look since I never do this.

I walked in forever 21 and looked trough their clothes. Mom always buys me clothes here because they got my style. I picked out some clothes and tried them on.

I paid for the clothes I wanted and also bought two pairs of shoes. I also went and bought me a Michael Kors purse.

I spend a lot of money and I had 10 mins left so I went to Starbucks and bought a frappé before I went back to the tour bus.

I picked out the cool jeans with the bow cut out on the side and my flower crop top. I put them on and also my black new high heels.

(Picture up there 👆🏼 or 👉🏼)

I'm not used to wear high heels and I can't walk on them for a long time so I put my black vans in my bag and sat down on the couch.

I laid down and crossed my legs. I waited while I was playing on my phone. I made a pic of my legs with my shoes and posted it on Instagram.

I love my new jeans and crop top. I know that my brothers aren't comfortable with me, wearing crop tops but I like them.

The tour bus door opened and everyone was coming inside. Rydel appeared first and she let put a squeal.
"Oh my god! You look amazing!" She squealed happily.

I hugged her and smiled, "thank you."

The boys came and looked at me. Shawn's jaw dropped which made me giggle. "Don't you like it?" I asked my brothers when I looked down at me.

"It's...nice?" Riker kind of asked. "yea...nice," Rocky said with a nod. "I know you don't like me in crop tops but I like them and it's not the first time I wear them," I defended myself.

"Yea, but...in the combination with the jeans and also the high heels..." Ross began slowly.

"If you don't like it...I don't care! Rydel likes it and Mom probably does too," I said a bit angry.

Dad came and looked at me. He came and hugged me. "I don't want my other baby growing up as well," he kinda whined childish which made me laugh.

"Aww Daddy," I said with a smile.

"Do you like it?" I asked him hopefully. "I do honey, you look beautiful," he said with a nod. "SEE! even Dad likes it!" I said to my brothers.

Rydel high fives me and we sat down again. "next stop, Interview with Clevver TV," Dad said to everyone.

"The purse is cool," Rydel said when she looked at my new bag. "I know right?" I asked nodding. "You have Vans in it because you're not used to wear high heels?" she asked laughing.

"Yea, I already want to take them off," I told her. "then do it," Ratliff said to me with a shrug. "I have to prove y'all that I can do this," I said pointing to the boys.

"I didn't even said anything," Shawn defended himself. "hey buddy, you're in our team so we have to be against Rosa & Rydel, all the time," Ryland explained simply.

Rydel & I glared at them. The bus stop and we all got out.

"You look beautiful," Shawn whispered in my ear when the boys where farther in the front. "okay buddy, I know you're head over heels..." Rydel began but I cut her off.

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