|| Chapter 82 ||

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Rosalie's POV.

Rydel came down the stairs with a little girl beside her. "Daddy! I had a bad dream," the little girl said sobbing as Ellington took her in his arms. My mouth hang open and my eyes went wide.

"What the...?"

"Mommy who's that?" The girl asked curious as she pointed towards me. "And that?" She added as she pointed to Jason. "Uhm, uh, friends of mine," Rydel answered quickly.

"Cool, hey!" She waved and I smiled a little. "Hey," I replied. "I'm Ella," the little girl introduced herself. "I'm Rosalie but call me Rosa and this is Jason," I said and she smiled and waved again.

"That's why you left us?" I asked Rydel who intertwined her fingers with Ratliff and nodded as she looked down. "Why would you do that?" I asked angry but also sad and hurt.

"Remember when you told the boys that you and Jason...you know? Riker was freaking out and people got hurt so we decided to leave," they explained to us. "Not a good reason if you ask me," I said and crossed my arms over my chest.

"You'll come back to LA and tell the boys everything in person! You'll move back and...and let us back into your life's," I said sternly. I rubbed my temples stressfully.

"We can't just-" Rydel started but I cut her off. "You know what? I don't care! I didn't needed you the last three years so why now?! I wanted to spend an awesome time here but this ruined just everything!" I almost yelled.

I got up and left.

I know Jason was following so I turned around with tears running down my cheeks as he stood in front of me. "Why is this happening?" I asked him. "Rydel is crying, don't you wanna go back?" He asked as he placed his hands on my cheeks.

"Not now," I shook my head and he nodded understanding as he wiped my tears away with his thumbs. "I love you," I said suddenly which made him smile, "I love you too."

He placed a long kiss on my forehead and intertwined our fingers on our way to the hotel. When we got home I took out my phone and debated on either calling my brothers or not. "Don't call them," Jason said from beside me.

"Yea, maybe it's better not to."

I put my phone next to me and sighed as I buried my face in my hands. I felt Jason's arm around me as he pulled me in his chest. "I have a niece," I whispered in disbelief. "Why didn't they wanted us in her life?" I asked even though Jason didn't knew the answer.

"I don't know baby, why don't we go to the beach?" He suggested and I nodded. I can't let this get to me right now. I don't want to ruin our trip. I changed into my bikini and Jason in his swimming trunks before we made our way to the beach with towels and all we needed.

We laid our towels on the sand and laid down next to each other. "Here," Jason said as he handed me the bottle of sunscreen. I took it and rubbed it on my legs, arms and face. "Can you do my back?" I asked Jason who already waited to do that.

I sat between his legs and leaned forward and felt the cold cream on my back before his big hands massaged my back and shoulders. He pulled me against his chest and put sunscreen on my belly which made my giggle because I was ticklish.

His hands massaged my belly as well and I smiled up at him. I relaxed and somehow fell asleep in his arms.


I woke up and opened my eyes to see that I got carried to our room. Jason unlocked the door and laid me on the bed. "Oh hey, you're awake," he said smiling as he noticed my open eyes.

"How long did I slept?" I asked as I yawned and stretched. "For good...three hours," he told me as he looked at the clock on the wall. I nodded and decided to take a shower.

"I'm going to take a shower," I told Jason who nodded and smiled as he turned the TV on. The warm water ran down my skin which made me relax. I closed my eyes and pushed my wet hair out of my face.

I washed my body and hair before I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a rope. My hair was in a towel and I walked out to see Jason passed out on the couch. I giggled and kissed his cheek quickly before I looked for clothes to wear.

I took loose short shorts and a loose crop top along with my undergarments. I went back to the bathroom and changed into my clothes as I let my hair air dry. I took the phone and dialed the room service number and ordered pizza and soda.

They told me to wait 15mins and I changed the channel. Reruns of Pretty little liars were on so I watched them. I always watched the show with Rydel and we both loved it...a lot.

I heard a knock at the door and went to open it but it wasn't the room service. "What do you want?" I asked Rydel who stood in front of me. "Rosa please, I didn't mean to hurt you because of me leaving you," she said as she teared up.


So they have a daughter?
Anyways, what do you think?

Please please read 'on my own' it took me really long to write and I guess it turned out well so please check it out I promise you won't regret it <3 thanks

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