|| Chapter 78 ||

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Rosalie's POV.

"I can't say it," I admitted at the airport. "You don't need too," Jason replied as he placed a lingering kiss on my cheek.  "I'm gonna miss you so much," I added as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Aww don't cry baby, please," Jason begged as he placed his hands on my cheeks and wiped my tears with his thumbs. "I can't help it," I sobbed with a slight chuckle. Even his eyes had tears in them but he tried not to let them fall. He wanted to be strong for me.

"Flight 2719 to Milan, Italy is now boarding!"

"That's my call," Jason said and pressed his lips onto mine. I'm gonna the miss his lips which tasted kinda like cherry or something like that. I kiss those lips usually everyday and now it will just stop.

"Bye," I whispered once we pulled away. "Bye," he replied and took his bag. "I love you!" He yelled as he was about to board. "I love you too!"

I sighed and sat into the seat once he was gone. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I started crying silently. Someone sat beside me and the one placed a hand on my back. "Not always nice to see you like that," the voice said.

I looked up, facing Cameron, Nash & Hayes. "Cam! Nash! Hayes!" I squealed excitedly as I am pulled the three of them into a hug. "It's been forever," I added as I pulled away.

"We just came from Brazil and saw you saying goodbye to Jason," Hayes said and patted my shoulder. "We heard he'll go to Italy for some movie offer," Nash said as he sat on the other side if me. "Yeah, for six or more months," I told them sadly.

"Why don't we hang out sometime?" Cameron suggested and I nodded smiling. "Would be awesome," I replied, feeling more happy. "We should start with that right now!" Hayes exclaimed as he jumped up and swung me over his shoulders.

"Hayes! Let me down!" I yelled laughing as people stared at us. Nash & Cameron followed also laughing. "I have a nice view," Hayes told me, making me slap his back several times.

"Cam! Help me!" I begged as I held out my arms for him to help me down. He shook his head laughing until we exited the airport. We got into a taxi and drove to their house. I quickly texted Riker where I was and he replied a simple 'okay'.

"How was Brazil?" I asked once they put their stuff in their rooms. "Awesome!" They all exclaimed. "We have a new project," Nash informed me. "Yea, we'll be doing a 24/7 'follow me around'. We film one video and we spend seven days together, doing stuff," Cameron explained.

"That, sounds freaking awesome!" I exclaimed grabbing a water bottle from the counter. "Wanna join us?" Nash asked me curiously. "Are you serious?" I asked, not believing him. The boys nodded and I jumped up, hugging them. "I'll do it!"


Day 1

"Sup guys! Welcome to our 'follow me around 24/7'!" Nash yelled into the camera. "Rosa decided to join us on our awesome seven days so let's have fun! Today we'll be going to the pier," Cameron said while he drove the car.

"I'm already tired," I groaned, following by a yawn. "It started like five minutes ago and we have like 3pm," Hayes pointed out with raised eyebrows. "Tea, but you guys called me over at 8am for preparing!" I exclaimed and closed my eyes not giving a care about Nash who was filming.

"We're here!"

We got out if the car and walked around looking for something to eat. We ended up in a restaurant. After we ordered Nash tickled me, causing me to scream. I jumped up hitting a table in process. We started laughing really hard but the table fell with a loud thud.

"Oh my god," I whispered laughing. A guy walked towards us, probably the manager. "I need you guys to leave," he said before I bursted out laughing. Hayes was filming and we were laughing so hard that tears rolled down my cheeks.

"He literally threw us out of the restaurant," I heard Hayes laughing. I fell on my knees laughing. "Rosa is having a moment to herself," Nash added as I rolled on the floor.

It took me good twenty minutes until I stopped laughing. I took a lot of deep breaths. "Okay Rosa finally stopped laughing! Can we go somewhere else to eat now?" Hayes asked as he helped me up. We agreed to go to eat pizza this time.

"Guys, what's on the white sign?" I asked curiously. "You can't read that?" Nash asked with a raised eyebrow. "No," I replied with a shrug. "It says 'Parking only for Customers'," Nash told me as Cam ordered.

"You probably need glasses," Cam said as he handed us the three pizzas we had ordered. I was shocked at first but kinda gave in to go see a doctor. "I made you an appointment. It's in two hours," Cam said after he got off the phone.

I nodded with a sigh and sometimes soon we finished eating and got in the car. "So, apparently Rosa can't really see which means she needs glasses! And Cam made her an appointment for today," Nash said into the camera.

"Don't rub it in my face, Nash," I growled, being moody. They laughed and the car stopped. We got out and in the building. Nash hid the camera in his jacket so it could still film and no one would see it.

We waited in the waiting room and played with the toys which made the little kids angry because they wanted to play with the actually really cool toys.

"Rosalie Lynch."


Okay, a lot of people are kinda 'leaving' the R5Family and I guess I really do understand them because I thought about that as well. Don't get me wrong, I love them and I don't care if they have girlfriends or not but the people who aren't in the R5Family anymore are right. They don't inspire me like they used to. I still love them though. It's just not my thing that they get drunk all the time and all that stuff. So if anyone wants to argue with me...just don't! It's my own opinion and you can't change that. I still love all of you and the band and I'll also continue writing I just wanted to clear that up. I actually really do want to hear your opinions so leave them in the comments <3 ;)

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