|| Chapter 58 ||

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Rosalie's POV.

"FUCK YOU! BOTH OF YOU!" I yelled furious as I saw the blood running down my forehead. "Shawn, Jason, get out!" Riker said trying to sound calm.

They left with quite 'sorry's and Rydel helped me to clean my wound. I can't believe them. Why would they fight because of me?

The boys left us alone to have girls time. "Rydel, I don't know," I said suddenly. "what?" She asked even though I'm pretty sure that she knows. "who I like more," I said frustrated.

"Well, you kissed both of them and what did you felt with Shawn which was different to what you felt with Jason?" She asked me.

"When I kissed Shawn then it suddenly didn't felt right anymore. It felt good but not right. With Jason, it felt good and right. I wouldn't have gone this far when it didn't felt like heaven," I explained to her.

"So you just answered your question," she said simply. "It's Jason," I said in disbelief. She nodded with a grin. "but how? Why?" I asked with a sigh. "your heart choose him."

I sighed and nodded. She was right.

We went back to the boys and Jason was standing their awkwardly as the boys asked him questions about him and why he likes me.

"Why are you here?" I asked him a little mad. "guys! Meet & greet!" Ratliff yelled before they all left except for Ryland who filmed something and left.

He held a rose in his hands and gave it to me. "Rosa, two days ago was the best day in my entire life. I finally met you again and that night was special to me. Rosa the moment I saw you again...I knew that I want you to be mine. I love you," he said and I couldn't stop the tears.

"Jason," I started and I could see that he was nervous. "God, I love you too, idiot!" I said as I jumped into his arms. He chuckled and sighed in relief.

"And I lucky guy, have it on tape," Ryland said as he hold up his phone like a diva. "God Ryland, you have a thing to ruin the moment, don't you?" I asked laughing.

He shrugged and we laughed as we waited for R5 to perform. I know it's slutty to change my boyfriend within a few minutes but I can't help it. R5 had Q&A before the show so we waited. Suddenly I got pulled onto the stage from Rocky who sat me on his lap.

"What up," I said surprised by his action. "they wanted you to answer some questions," Ross informed me and I just nodded. I picked a girl who asked where I bought my dress. Then another who asked about me living with those idiots.

"So how's it going between you and Shawn?" Another girl asked curious. "uhm, we broke up to be honest," I confessed which made them all gasp. "but you were meant to be!" A girl yelled.

"Well, I guess not," I said with a shrug. "do you like another guy?" Another girl asked. "that's a secret," I said with a grin and Rocky tickled my side. I screamed laughing and just sat on Ross' lap as Rocky & I glared at each other.

"Why did you guys broke up?" A blonde girl asked. "Well, it just happened," I lied since I couldn't tell the world what I did. "do you miss him?" Another girl asked.

"Uhm, at the moment, not really because we broke up like an hour ago," I told them with a shrug. "Ryland!" I yelled and he came a few seconds later.

"Can you carry me?" I asked which made the audience laugh. He nodded and picked me up easily as I waved to the crowd who just laughed. Ryland handed me over to Jason and he sat down on the couch.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled. "why don't we trick the world and wherever we go together you wear wear a hoodie or a mask so they would've to figure out who you are?" I asked evilly because the magazines are basically fighting over my love life.

"Sound like a plan," Jason said with a grin as he leaned towards me and kissed me soft and gently. "Starting with a pic for Instagram," I said as I pulled away and pulled my phone out.

"Ryland!" I yelled again as he came groaning. I handed him my phone and told him to make a picture of us kissing but in a way so no one could see Jason at all.

I thanked him and he nodded as he left. I put a black & white filter on it and posted it on Twitter & Instagram with the caption:

<3 Mister X

I laughed to myself as people tried to figure out who he was and what happened with Shawn. "So, Mister X is your name now," I told Jason giggling.

"They actually can't figure it out because you look like the kid who died in a plane crash and this can't be so they are going to be confused as heck," I explained evilly.

"I love your evil side," My boyfriend told me chuckling as he kissed me several times on the lips. "you didn't asked me to be your girlfriend, though," I said smirking.

"I guess you want something spectacular now?" He asked and I nodded laughing, again. He doesn't need to do something spectacular. His love is all I need.


Here are my answers ;)

1. How did I know R5?
Well, I watched TBM and I was like 'that blondie seems familiar'. I googled him and boom there ya go "Member of R5" "Plays Austin in Austin & Ally". I did watched A&A before I just didn't knew it and then I heard R5's songs on youtube and R5TV. Now I am a miserable fangirl who can't control her life :D

2. How old are you?
I'm 14

3. What made you start writing Fanfics?
Well, I don't know :D I just read some and was like 'why not do that too?' I'm actually German and I always wanted to live in America and live my dream but I don't have the opportunity where I live so I write those fanfics kinda like I want it to happen you know what I mean? Being able to write about what I will never have and stuff :)

4. Can Shawn forgive Rosa?
You'll see

5. Can I kill Jason
No LazerMaster you can't :D

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