Chapter 9

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"I kind of figured that," Gabe shrugged, "All artists have a stage name, that is common."

"What is your true name?" Uncle asked and she sighed then took the notepad from him. "Isabella Johnson. That's a pretty name. What else does he have on you? Do you want us to start calling you by your true name?" She shook her head adamantly and started writing. After some time she sighed, bit her lip and slid the notepad back over to him. "If you no longer want to help me after this, I will understand. If you were to look up my name and year of birth you wouldn't be able to find me except on the dark web. I paid a lot to hide my information but if one searches deep enough, they would be able to find it. See, I was in a psychiatric hospital for a few years. I, uh, have severe depression and anxiety and PTSD due to the childhood I had growing up. Very abusive parents both mentally and physically. Let's just say drugs ruled the world and I had a very dark life. Anyway I was in and out of my parents lives and then at fifteen I ran away after my parents sold me for the umpteenth time for drugs. I testified against them and then ran away and lived on the streets for a few years just surviving anyway possible to hide away from them and their friends that were looking for me because of the drug ring I helped bust. My depression and anxiety got really dark and bad and one time a cop found me on a bridge. That's how I ended up in the psych wards for a bit. When I got out the doctors talked to the cop and they found out I could sing, it's how I coped. Anyway, they had a friend who had a recording studio and after some changes to my identity were made the rest is history. I met Eric shortly after I made it big at 21 and after being together for around a year we moved in together and he asked about my meds so I told him the truth. Every time he doesn't get his way he threatens to release the truth and tells me how I will lose all my fans once they realize they like a psycho who has thoughts about just ending it all constantly and has a therapist on speed dial and how I should be grateful for all I have. I do but that doesn't stop me from feeling guilty and ashamed for what I have also. He constantly tells me I am a worthless stupid sub and I should listen to him better because as my Dom it's his responsibility to control everything and that's why his family runs everything for me. I just snapped when I saw him in bed with Mary. He says he is the one who got me this lifestyle but I am really the one who paid for all his and his family's stuff. It's my money that got him that car and paid for his family's house and everything and now I'm about to lose it all."

"Fucking hell," Gabe shook his head and pulled her into his arms.

"What medicine are you on?" Sean asked. "I need to know to make sure you are on the right dosage."

She took the notepad and wrote something down and slid it back over to Uncle who rolled his eyes when he read it, "Try not to get pissed Boys," then cleared his throat. "I haven't been on medicine for five years now, Eric said it was making my thoughts worse and I could just get better with vitamins and seeing a therapist he approved of. He said it was all in my head and I was just making it more dramatic than it really way because since I am a Pisces I thrive on dramatics and playing the victim."

"I kill him," Raven growled. "I professional Russian, no find body always missing."

"There will be no killing Raven," Uncle shook his head and Raven growled then sighed in frustration. "I need you to be honest, Skye, have you hurt yourself?" She bit her lip and looked away. "Okay, that's okay, I want you to go spend some time with Sean and get a full check up once we are done talking. It will be just between you and Sean and he will keep it confidential, I promise. He won't tell any of us without your permission. I want you to start taking whatever medicine he prescribes you and I want you to allow Owen and Kota to find you a new therapist unless you want to take a break from therapy and see if the medicines work. We will work on a press release statement and also help you prepare for your upcoming tour. Just try and have some faith in us and we will help you overcome all this."

Thank you so much She mouthed and they nodded.

"Come on Pookie," Sean said holding out his hand. "Let's go see my lovely office."

Once they left and they heard Sean's car drive away Gabe shook his head and slapped the counter, "What the fuck?"

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