2.school starts

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Nathan POV

I love my new car, I love my dad, I love my siblings , I love my friends, I love my girlfriend. Life is great. I'm starting school and I'm rocking the football team as star quarterback and mvp from last year. I've got a side job after school for some extra money so I can go on dates with my beautiful girlfriend. What could go wrong?

I pull into the school parking lot and get out, grabbing my bag and making sure to lock my brand new challenger that I saved up for over the summer. I have one of those smirks on my face, you know , the one that makes you look like you think you can take on the world. Honestly, I kinda feel that way. I strut through the school doors to find my dumbass best friend talking to some girl he met this summer and she looks heartbroken. Tears were coming down her face and her makeup was smudged. It ended with him getting a firm slap to the face. I winced at the sound of the contact and continued making my way to him.

"Well, that went better than expected." He chuckled. I couldn't help but laugh, but at the same time I felt sorry for the girl. It always ended this way whenever he dated anyone. We went or separate ways to class before long and I got a text from my girlfriend. I still had time, so I glanced down to look at my phone only to be met with someone else ramming into me, causing the both of us to fall to the ground. I looked up to see a small boy on top of me, his eyes wide in embarrassment.
"I-I I'm so sorry." He stuttered as he tried to climb off of me. I however, was trapped in his crystal blue eyes. They were gorgeous. It looked like he had been crying. I grabbed his arm to stop him from moving which also stopped his yammering. "I-I didn't m-mean to." He whimpered. There were tears in his eyes as he stared at me, terrified. That's when I realized how tightly I was holding his arm. I must look like a giant compared to him. He was so small for someone his age. He was wearing a black oversized hoodie that covered his body quite well and black ripped jeans. He looked tired. I let go of his arm and he fell backwards trying to get away from me, but I got up in time to stop him from running away.

"I wasn't paying attention. I was on my phone. It's not your fault." I say quickly, blocking his exit. "Ok." He responds quietly. He wasn't looking at me, but at the ground. I wasn't trying to seem scary. I was trying to apologize.

"What class do you need to get to? I'll walk you there." I say with a smile.

"N-no, I'm fine. I-I can get there on my own."
"But I'm trying to apologize for my mistake. Let me take you to class, or buy you lunch or something."

I insist, but instead the boy tries to move past me which agitates me. I put my arm out blocking him from moving which causes him to flinch. I give him a questioning look. I've never seen someone so skittish or scared before, or small. He looks unfed, abused. I glance down at his arm and notice small drops of red liquid dripping from his fingertips and onto the floor.

"Are you bleeding? Are you ok? I didn't hurt you did I?"

I ask frantically. I don't even know who he is and all of a sudden I care about him. That's not usually like me. He finally gives me a look of confusion before looking down at his hand and noticing the blood. His skin turns paler than it already is, if possible, and he looks terrified again. "Uh, I really have to go." He says, his voice shaking.

He pushes past me and makes his way to the men's restrooms. I follow him, somehow forgetting that I'll miss class and listen at the door. I listened as he began to talk to himself and curse himself out before I heard the water run. I couldn't really understand what he was saying but I could understand the tone of voice he was using. I continued to listen, and when I heard him crying I felt something inside.

Something I've never felt before for anyone. Before long I decided to leave so I wouldn't get in trouble. Even though I was worried about him, I couldn't afford to miss my classes like he apparently could. I met up with Tyler, my best friend from earlier and we began talking about pointless things.

"Hey, where we're you for first period? I didn't see you." He asks. "Oh,uuuhm. I got caught up." I say quickly avoiding the question. "You know you got a girlfriend." He laughs, nudging my arm. I roll my eyes, clearly annoyed.

"I wasn't fucking around!" I half whispered-half yelled.

"I didn't say you were!" He says, putting his hands up defensively. I choose to ignore his comment and start a different conversation regarding his now, ex-girlfriend, which he gladly starts bragging about,referring to what they did over the summer. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the boy walk into the cafeteria. My girlfriend shoots me a confused glance as to why I would be paying any attention to him. I give her a quick kiss and continue with our conversation, sneaking concerned looks at him every now and then.

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