6. Running away

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Micheal POV

I had finished hanging out with Nathan and now we were standing on my doorstep.

I want to kiss him so bad.

I thought to myself. I can't, he has a girlfriend. I internally sighed at my stupidity. "Well, I should go. It's kinda late. Sleep well, and uhm, see you later."

His smile is everything. He's so handsome. I wish he were mine. I thought as I waved him goodbye. I opened my door and stepped inside, sighing deeply.  "Where were you?!!" A deep voice said very loudly, causing me to jump. I turned around to see my drunk of a father standing in the living room with a beer in hand.

"I was with a friend." I say softly with my eyes to the ground. "You don't have any friends!" He laughed. "I do!" I yell, offended by his comment. He began to stumble over to me. "Since when?" He spits. "I met him a few days ago." I says so quietly that it could be called a whisper. "Oh, it's a boy?! Just another fag you're messing with?!!" He laughs.


"Don't raise your voice to me.!!" He says, shoving me up against the door. "You're in my house, you'll do as I say, and if I insult you, you'll take it, understand?!" He growls. I glare at him, rewarding myself a backhand to the jaw. "Go to your room, you disappointment!" He spat. I did as he said, shutting my door behind me. I threw myself into my bed and began to cry.
Why can't he accept me? I ask myself. Why does Nathan want to be my friend anyway? Before long, the feeling of sleep comes over me like a weighted blanket and I begin dreaming of what I wish I had. 

The next morning, I woke up and silently got ready for school so I wouldn't wake my father. As I went downstairs, I heard something in the kitchen. Curious, I went to the kitchen to see what all the noise was. My father was making breakfast for himself. "Good morning." He mumbled. I continued to get ready for school while he continued to cook.

"I said good morning.'"  He scoffed. "Uh, g-good morning." I said nervously. "Do you need to learn some respect,boy?!" He said angrily. "N-no, I'm so-sorry." I whimpered as he got in my face. "You think you can just ignore me?!" He yelled. "No, I-I didn't mean to."

He pinned me to the wall, glaring deep into my soul. "Maybe I need to teach you in a way you understand, hmm, faggot." He whispered dangerously. "I-I'm sorry! I won't ignore you! I-I-I  didn't mean to! I-I'm sorry!" I gasp out as tears began to fall down my face.  "You're so weak!" He spat as he threw me to the floor and climbed on top of me. "P-please don't." I begged. I knew what he was going to do. "Please!" I asked again. My father stared down at me with dark eyes. Suddenly, he got up and kicked me in the side as he did so.

"Get up! You've got school, don't you!" He yelled. "Y-yes." I was all I could manage to get out as the sharp pain in my ribs began to throb. I forced myself off the floor to a standing position. "Go!" He shouted. I went to open the door but he grabbed my shoulder and leaned down to my ear. "Don't think you get away with that so easy. I'll be here when you get back." He whispered, sending a shudder throughout my body. He let go and I quickly made my way out the door, only to find Nathan's car pulling up to my house. I quickly wiped my tear stained face and did my best to smile.

I climbed into the car, fully aware my dad was watching. "Hey, you okay?" Nathan asks, visibly concerned. "Uh,y-yeah, I'm fine." I say, faking a smile. "Are you sure? You don't look ok. Did someone upset you? You look like you were crying." He counters.

"I'm fine!" I say sternly, hoping he would drop it and it seems to work, for a little while. Once we arrive at school, he parks in his usual spot,but doesn't unlock the doors.

"W-what are you doing? Aren't you worried someone will see us?" I ask quickly, feeling my heart begin to race. "I told you, I don't care what my friends think." He pauses. " You know you can talk to me, right? About anything at all." He says softly. "Okay." I answer, wanting nothing more than to leave this situation. "So... is there something you want to talk about?" He says in a prying tone. "No." I answer quickly.

"Micheal, you came out of your house in tears. You can't expect me to believe you're okay. You can't really expect me to believe there's nothing going on. Talk to me." He says, once again using that soft voice that makes my heart melt. "Your arm was bleeding the first time I met you as well." My heart stops at the mention of it. I had forgotten he saw that. "Micheal." He continued to prod. "I just got into an argument with my dad, that's all." I said, trying to avoid the conversation.

I lean across him and press the button to unlock the doors and quickly made my way out, away from someone who might actually care about me.

I quickly go to my class. After the teacher does roll call, I find myself dozing off, but instead of daydreaming, I find myself in a nightmare.

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