Accidents happen

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Micheal POV

I'm going to be late on the first day of school! I thought to myself as I ran down the street with teary eyes and into the hell hole I hated so much. I had been crying last night, so my eyes were still red. I made my way to my locker and grabbed what I could as fast as I could before running towards my first class.

If dad finds out- I didn't even finish the thought as I began to run faster. I didn't even see the tall, handsome figure in my path until it was to late and I was on top of him. He stared into my soul with that amazing face of his. How did I manage to tackle one of the most handsome, popular, football players and of all people it had to be Nathan Shueler. I was going to pass out."I-I-I'm so sorry." Was all I could squeeze out.
I gotta get outta here. He's going to kill me.
I thought to myself.

I tried to quickly climb off him but he grabbed my arm. I felt a slight sting which was making my eyes water. I had no control over the situation. I had no escape. I'm going to start crying and embarrass myself if I didn't leave.

"I-I didn't mean to." I say quickly, hearing my voice trembling. He let go of my arm and I saw this as an opportunity to get away but he quickly cornered me again.

"I was on my phone. I wasn't paying attention. It wasn't your fault." He says softly. He's being so sweet when it was my fault. He should be mad at me, yelling at me, hitting me, or something.


I didn't know what else to say. I have a crush on him and he's standing right in front of me. I don't know how to react and I don't want to say anything stupid. He keeps asking to walk me to class but people know I have a crush on him. He must not know about the rumors, or he's trying to hurt me, one or the other and I'm not risking it. "No,I'm fine." I say quickly. He glances at my arm and I see his eyes go wide with worry.

"Your bleeding! Are you ok? Did I do that?" He asks, but I ignore him. Oh no! What am I going to do? "I have to go." I say quickly before shoving past him. I run to the nearest bathroom and shut the door.

"How could you be so stupid?! You shouldn't have come to school! Dad would have killed you if you didn't!"

I felt tears falling down my face. It was just last night that I had cut myself again, and I had passed out from how much blood I lost. I must've reopened the wound by accident when he grabbed my arm. I turned on the water and took off the blood soaked bandages, which were no longer helping to properly control the bleeding. Some of the blood had seeped through my sweatshirt as well. I had an extra in my gym locker though so it's fine. I used some of the toilet paper to clean up the mess and used the extra gauze in my backpack to finish after it had stopped bleeding.

I continued to cry for another ten minutes before washing my face in the sink and taking several deep breaths to compose myself. By the time I had finished, it was almost time for lunch, so I snuck down to the gym and grabbed my spare sweatshirt and changed into it and grabbed my headphones.

I went down to the cafeteria and sat where I always did and watched as Nathan laughed and carried on with his girlfriend and his table of friends where I wish I sat, kissing him, and laughing with him,and being happy with him. I wish I could be happy in general. I blared my music as loud as I could to drown out the noise of everyone else. I focused of the lyrics of NF. He was my favorite rapper. I relate to him so much, plus some. It might have just been me, but I swear I could have seen Nathan looking at me every now and then. Of course I'm sleep deprived and dream about a future with him , so it's just probably me, although I wish I wasn't.

Before long I had dozed off and the world around me had disappeared.

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