10. Im here

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Nathan POV

I woke up earlier than usual. Jason,Jeremiah, and Rose were all still asleep so I took advantage of the empty bathroom and peace and quiet to get ready and finish the rest of my homework. It wasn't long before Rose came bounding down the stairs, pulling Jason behind her.

"Rose, I just woke up, give me a minute to adjust." He whisper-yelled.
"I'm hungry!" She shouted. I got up and picked her up, throwing her over my shoulder.
"Shhh, you'll wake up mom and dad." I whispered to her.

"Buby, I'm hungry." She whispers.
Jason chuckles and the nickname she had given me.
"She still calls you that?" He asks as he gets a bowl out of the cabinet and fills it with cereal.

"Unfortunately." I mumble. I quickly sit her in a chair and give her a spoon, Jason then hands her the bowl and she began eating.
"Why are you up?" He asks as he makes his way to the living room and throws himself onto the couch.
"Just am. I had homework to finish." I state as I sit down beside him.

"Is something going on with you and Shia?" I ask as I begin putting my stuff in my bag.

He doesn't answer at first the takes a deep breath.
"If you tell mom and dad I'll-
"I won't. What is it?" I cut him off.
"I proposed." He says simply, shrugging his shoulders.

"What?! That's great! Why haven't you said anything yet?" I say excitedly.
"Would you shut up!" He laughs.
"I'm not saying a damn word til she gets here. I promised."
"When is Shia gonna be here? I always liked her." I say happily.
"She's flying down today." Jason says happily.

Before long, Rose joins us in the living room and watches cartoons, then Jeremiah snuck downstairs and ate as well.

"Why are you guys up so early?" He asks as he sits on the ground facing us.
We both look at each other.
"Rose." We say casually. "Ok weird." Jeremiah huffs as he turns around to watch tv.

By the time mom and dad had gotten up, it was ready for Jeremiah and I to go to school. We quickly waved them goodbye and like every morning, I made sure he got on the bus okay before leaving in my car.

I figured I'd drive by Micheal's house to see if he needed a ride only to see him already walking there.

"Hey, hop in." I said happily. Micheal didn't even acknowledge me so I pulled over and ran up beside him.
"Hey!" I said slightly louder, touching his shoulder. Micheal jumped and nearly tripped as he did. He quickly took his headphones off.

"I'm sorry, I-I-I didn't see you." He says nervously. "Yea." I say unsure. "I was asking if you wanted a ride." I shrug,pointing to my car.
"Oh, uh sure." He mumbles. We both walk over getting in but instead of starting the car, I just sit there, turning my body to face him.

"I know something's wrong. Tell me." I say sternly. Micheal looks at me with a confused face. I sigh heavily, rubbing my face.

"The blood the first time I met you, the fact that you're insanely skittish, your dad who I'm pretty sure isn't a very good dad, strange bruises," I say, pointing to his jaw. "something's wrong and we aren't going anywhere til you talk." I cross my arms firmly as I wait for a response. Micheal was just staring blankly at his lap, before looking up at me,tears in his eyes. I immediately soften my form, showing that I'm only here to help.

"You're the only person who seems to notice...or care." He says softly, the tears spilling over.
"Of course I noticed, how could someone not?"

Micheal looked down in his lap again, picking at his fingers. I grabbed his hands and held them,causing him to look up.

"Talk to me, I do care and I'm worried about you." Say calmly.
"He's abusive,and he hurts me, but it's my fault. I always do or say something stupid and-
He begins to sob quietly,not able to finish his sentence.
"Micheal, it's not your fault. He just tells you that to justify what he does. It's never your fault." I pull him into a hug and he buried his face in my chest, his crying getting louder.

"It's okay,let it out. I'm here okay? You're safe with me." I say softly. After a few minutes he calms down but remains in my arms.

"Why do you care Nathan?" His question barely audible.

"I don't know. I just do, and because I do, I'm not gonna let him hurt you, okay?" I sigh.

He finally let's go and wipes his face with the back of his hands, taking deep breaths to calm himself down although his breathing remained unsteady.
As I drive I continued to hold his hand and eventually he calms down completely. By the time we get there,first period was halfway through.

"Do you just want to skip first?" I ask, still holding his hand. Micheal takes a moment to respond, staring at our hands. He takes a deep breath before speaking.

"Aren't you straight?" He asks not looking at me.
I laugh uncomfortably at the question then glance down at our hands as well.

"I'm supposed to be." I sigh.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Micheal blush and pulls his hand away from mine.

"N-no, I don't think we should." He mumbles.
"It's already halfway over. I don't see a point in going." I say with a smile, trying to calm him down.

"No,I have to go!" He says quickly, opening the door. "Micheal?" I call but he ignores me. I sigh heavily, banging my head on the steering wheel.

"Im suppose to be." I say out loud, mocking myself. "What kind of answer is that?"

I get out and lock my car and head to my locker to get my books for second period, waiting on Tyler to see what he says about me being late.

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