5. Hang out

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Nathan POV

It had been a few days since I've seen Micheal and honestly, I kinda crave his presence. Not in a weird way, I just miss seeing him, and talking to him, and- okay, maybe it's a little weird how much I miss him, so I decided to drive to his house. I remember where it's at and if anyone asks who I am, I'm technically just his friend. I hop eagerly into my car and begin driving to my destination. He always seems like he's alone, so I doubt anyone's home. My mind begins to spin with what I should say when I see him.
Hey, I just wanted to hang out with you if that's chill. No, that's to needy.
Wanna go to the movies or something? That sounds like a date.
I was just wondering if we could talk. That sounds to serious.
I start to groan loudly when my phone begins to ring. I pick it up without looking at the caller id and answer.

"Hello?" I say quickly.

"Hey babe, it's just me. Do you think you could come over, there's something I need to talk to you about." Kayla answers.

"Oh, actually can it wait? I'm on my way to a friends house." I internally face-palmed.

"I mean, it's kinda important but if you'd rather hang out with your friends than me, I totally understand." She says sarcastically.

"Why can't I hang out with my friends. You blow me off all the time to go to the mall!" I say, trying not to yell at her.

"Well, you know how my friends are. I can't tell them no." She scoffs.
"Well maybe I can't tell this friend no either." I lie.

"Who is more important than me?!" She screams into the phone, causing me to pull it away from my ear.

"I could ask you the same thing every time I plan a date and you say you have to hang out with your friends, or every time I ask to come to your house to see you, you make up some bullshit excuse of why I shouldn't come!" I yell, matching her attitude. I hear her huff loudly as she tries to make up an excuse.

"Exactly! You don't have a reason, why should I?" I huff. "You know what, whatever!" She yells and hangs up the phone. "Bitch!" I yell as I turn a corner. As I pull up to Micheal's house, I take a few deep breaths to calm myself.

I quickly turn my car off and pull the keys out of the ignition. I make my way up to his house. Just as I was about to knock, my hand froze just centimeters from the door. I felt my heartbeat quicken and I hadn't realized that I wasn't breathing properly.

Calm down, it's just Micheal. I say to myself. I take a few more deep breathes and finally knock. There was no answers after a few minutes so I knocked again. After a few more minutes, I heard footsteps coming towards the door and I immediately stopped breathing out of anticipation. Micheal opens the door and gives me a very confused look.

"What are you doing here?" He says as he steps outside and shuts the door behind him.
"I wanted to check up on you." I say nervously.
"Why?" He says with a concerned tone.

"Well, I-I don't know. I just wanted to see if you were ok." I begin to panic.
Why am I here? This is stupid. I should just leave.

"Im ok, thanks." He says, looking at me suspiciously. "You can leave now."
"Oh, okay." I begin walking to my car then stop mid in my tracks. "Do you wanna hang out?" I say quickly. Micheal glanced over his shoulder then quickly back to me.

"I-I mean, I guess." He says as he begins walking towards me.

Oh my god! He said yes! Why am I so happy?

My stomach fills with the butterflies that make me happy and uneasy at the same time, and my heart feels as though it's about to burst with joy.

"Are we going?" He asks, noticing my frozen state of disbelief. "Uh,yea. Of course!" I say happily and run ahead of him to open his door.
"I could have easily done that." He scoffs, but I could tell he was happy. "Uh right, my bad." I feel my face starting to feel hot.

Ahh, calm down! You're gonna embarrass yourself! I mentally yell.
We both get in the car, and just like last time, he stares out the window to avoid eye contact. I start to feel bad, wondering if I was making him uncomfortable.

"Sooo, what do you want to do?" I ask, trying to defuse the situation. "I don't care. It's your car. You pick." He says quickly. "Im not making you nervous, am I?" I say with a smirk. Micheal glanced over at me then back out the window, but not quick enough for me to not see him blushing profusely. I accidentally laugh in response.
"W-what?!" He yells, startled by my reaction. "Oh, nothing. You just look adorable when your face is all red and whatever."

Oh my god! What did I just say?!!

I decided that I should probably shut up, so I don't say anything dumber than what I just said. The rest of the car ride was silent as we drove to a movie theater. I clear my throat loudly enough to get Micheal's attention. He gives me the most innocent look in reaction that makes me smile.
"What do you want to watch?" I ask.
"I don't have any money. I-I mean, it's at home but- I cut him off as he awkwardly rambles, but damn isn't it cute.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts. "I'll pay, don't worry about it."
"A-are you sure? I-I'll pay you back." He says quickly. "No no no no, I want to pay. You don't have to do anything in return." I laugh. He gives me a shy smile and we continue up to the stands. I buy us both tickets to a movie Micheal picked out and buy us some snacks as well, before making our way to the theater. The rest of the night was fantastic. After we finished the movie, I drove us to my favorite place to eat and we talked for hours. Afterwards, I drove him home, walked him up to the door, and then made my way home as well. As soon as I got home, I realized how late it was and took a shower and went to bed.

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