14. Acceptance

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Nathan POV

I ran upstairs after Micheal. It doesn't matter what he thinks of himself, I love him. I admitted that and he will not just run away.

I watched as he started packing up his things, tears running down his face.

It was instinct, in that moment I couldn't control what I did, I just did it.
Here I was kissing him and the only thing in my mind was that he was better than my ex.

When I kissed her, it felt forced, but when I kissed Micheal, everything fell into place. Everything was right. It didn't matter if I was in a crowd or alone, I wanted to do this more and I have no shame in admitting that too.

My hands rested on his hips, his on my arms. My entire body was on fire and I loved it. I let instinct take over. I pulled him close, wrapping my arms around him. I felt his arms on my chest as they slowly moved down and under my shirt, feeling my skin and leaving the want for more. My fingers brushed through his soft brown hair. I felt him pull away as he rested his head on my chest.

"Why?" He muttered softly.
"Why do you want to love me?"

I cupped his face in my hands and brought his chin up so that we were face-to-face.
"I shouldn't need a reason to love an amazing and beautiful human being. You are everything I want and more. You make me feel complete and without you, I feel lost. I want you and nothing less. Also, I love you cause I can."

A small laugh escapes as he tries to hide his blush by burying his face in my chest again.
"I love you too." He mumbles. Those words set my soul on fire and will probably keep it burning for as long as I live. There is no one who could come close to this boy.

I want to spend my entire life with him and there isn't a person in the world who would make me think otherwise.

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