Chapter 1: Surprise Visitors

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(3rd person p.o.v.)

Class was going as normal for the students of class 1-A, as they all mostly listened to the instructions of their teacher. He was a middle aged man with long black hair, a scar across his eye, and looked like he desperately needed sleep or at least a strong cup of coffee. His name was Mr. Aizawa, and he had an announcement for the class today. "Alright class, Principle Nezu has informed me that we will be getting some new visitors sometime today. They will be staying for a month. I do not know who they are, but have been told they will not hurt us in anyway. You are expected to be on your best behavior, otherwise you will face severe consequences. Understood?" He announced in his monotonous and exhausted voice. "Yes sir!" Came the response of the class.
"Good, then on that note, Scydra please come up to the front and use your quirk to bring them here. I'll leave you in charge of controlling the situation" Mr. Aizawa said, before collapsing into his sleeping bag and passing out. "Sure thing Pops!" Came the response of a young girl with long black and blue hair, sapphire eyes, black and blue wolf ears, and a black wolf tail with a blue tip. She skipped her way to the front of the class with a smile on her face, raising her hand and pointing at the back of the classroom. The whole class sat waiting in anticipation, even the most explosive one seemed to be anxious, though he'd never admit it.
Suddenly, at the will of the young girl who goes by Scydra, a portal appeared at the back of the classroom, by a small table that had been placed there with a basket full of quirk canceling cuffs sat on top of it. Within the portal sat another classroom that was identical to theirs, except it was much darker and held a sinister vibe to it. Inside the class sat students who looked identical to them, but radiated pure malice and evil intent. The only one missing from the class was Scydra. Immediately, the hero class grew terrified as they all suddenly started to piece everything together. But just for confirmation, a young boy with bushy green hair and bright emerald eyes called out in a shaky voice, "W-who a-are you?"
His look alike grinned deviously, sending shivers down everyone but Scydra's backs. "We're you, but villains" he said in a dark and sinister voice. "Wait, we have to spend a month with villains?!" Came the cry of a blonde haired student with a black lightning bolt in his hair. Immediately everyone in the hero class started complaining, calling out cries of fear and uncertainties. "Quiet down, all of you. Principle Nezu and I discussed this in great detail, and even contacted the Villain Nezu to formulate an ideal plan. They can't hurt us while they're here, so pipe down, that way we can get the beginning stuff done and over with" came the stern but soothing response of Scydra, calming the class down instantly, even a certain Pomeranian was quiet for once.
"Now then, Villain class 1-A, please grab a pair of quirk canceling cuffs as you walk through the portal, we will do introductions afterwards." Scydra said, looking at the class behind the portal. They all looked ready to protest until the green haired villain glared at them, and the Villain Aizawa spoke up, "Just listen for now, you can wreak as much havoc as you want once we get back to our world" he said, causing everyone to groan but comply as they lined up and began walking through the portal, grabbing the cuffs and putting them on as they went.
They all lined up along the back wall of the class. In total, 20 students and 3 chaperoning teachers walked through. Scydra clapped her hands together as the portal vanished, and smiled brightly. "Good! Now that you're all here and cuffed, we can begin introductions! I'll go first since I'm the odd one out, then the Villain class can go! You'll come up, state your name and age, then why you chose to be a villain or hero. Please keep it brief, there are 41 of us after all. We'll start with the head of the class and class president respectively, sound good?" Scydra said in a cheery voice that seemed to irk the Villains. "God she's annoying" a red haired villain muttered, a black haired boy with weird elbows nodding his head in agreement while a dual haired boy wearing a harness next to the green haired villain just laughed quietly to himself. Scydra chose to ignore this for now.
"Now like I said, I'll go first. My name is Scydra Aizawa-Yamada. I'm the adopted daughter of Pro heroes Present Mic and Eraserhead. I'm 16 years old and I'm a neutral party. I'm at this school to stay close to my parents and make them proud!" She said brightly, her smile never faltering. "Hah! I knew you were gay for mic-sensei!" Came the taunting of a boy who matched the electric blonde from before, except his hair was black with a yellow lightning bolt. "Shut it and let her finish." Replied the Villain Mr. Aizawa. "Thank you. Now then, villain class you may go." Scydra finished, stepping to the side. The green haired villain passed off the dual-haired villain to the red-head and walked to the front. He stood behind the desk, leaning on it with his palms flat on the surface of it. "My name is Izuku Midoriya, but you can call me Deku. I'm 16, top of my class, and I'm a villain so I can get revenge on everyone who ever hurt and wronged me over something I couldn't control. Fair warning, piss me off and you'll wish you'd never been born" came the Villain now known as Deku. This caused the hero class to grow nervous, excluding Scydra, a guy with a bird-like head, and the hero dual-haired boy.
Once Deku walked to the back, a boy with ash blonde hair and crimson eyes made his way to the front, leaning against the desk with his hands in his pockets. "The names Katsuki Bakugou, but if you ever call me by my first name, I'll blast you all to hell, only Deku gets that right!" He started, being cut off by the reversed electric blonde, "Yeah! Because he scares the hell outta ya!" He shouted snickering to himself afterwards, "Or maybe because you like him~" came the taunting of a girl with purple skin and horns, her heroic version being pink. "Shut the hell up before I kill you!" Shouted Villain Bakugou, lifting his hand to make an explosion out of habit, and growing further annoyed when he remembered he couldn't.
"Anyways, as I was saying, call me by my first name and you die. I'm 16, I'm second in my class, and I'm a villain because fuck you that's why!" He finished with a growl, before storming off to the back again. Next, two people came up. The Villain red-head and the Villain dual-haired boy. "Now then, you better be on your best fucking behavior and introduce yourself, or you'll regret it later. Got that?!" The red-head spat. The other boy nodded his head so fast he looked like a bobble head, before turning to look at the class. "Hiya! My name is Shoto Todoroki, but if you call me by my last name I'll make you bleed~! I'm 16 years old and I'm the 3rd ranking villain in class 1-A! I'm a villain because my dad's an ass, that's why. Plus, being a villain is fun, dontcha think Kiri? You get to make people bleed and cry a lot, you can even burn them and freeze them so the process is faster or longer! It's so much fun, so freeing! You should try it! You'll love it~! Oo! Or you ca-" he was interrupted by the villain red-head whacking him hard on the back of his head, "What the hell did I just say about being behaved?!" He snapped, causing the Villain Shoto to go quiet. They both stayed up at the front, as it was the red-head's turn to go.
"The name is Ejirou Kirishima, I'm 16 and ranked 4th in my class. I'm a villain because it's the manliest way to go if you want to end hero scum. Mess with me or my classmates, and I'll kill you if the boss doesn't get to you first, got it?" He said, before dragging Villain Shoto to the back, with Hero Todoroki looking very disturbed by his counterparts treatment. After Villain Kirishima came Villains Shinso, Kaminari, and Iida. The list continued until finally the last villain went and the heroes began their turn, finally reaching hero Shoto Todoroki. He made his way to the front, and began his introduction, "My name is Shoto Todoroki, I'm 16 and Im 2nd in my class because of recommendation. Im a hero for personal reasons. I do not mind being called by my last name unlike my counterpart, but I despise my old man too." He said, before making his way to his seat, Villain Shoto tensing slightly at the mention of his father, only villains Deku and Kirishima noticing.
The introductions continued until they reached the Hero Bakugou. "The names Katsuki Bakugou, I'm 16 years old, and I'm a hero because only the best of the best get to be and that's what I am! I'll be better than all might himself! Just wait and see ya damn extras!" He said, setting off mini explosions in his hands. "So dramatic" Scydra mumbled to herself. "What was that you useless mutt?!" Hero Bakugou shouted, "You heard me you angry Pomeranian, now sit down" came Scydra's response, somehow still keeping up her cheery disposition. Both Bakugou's "tched" as the Hero Bakugou took his seat.
Next came Hero Deku, "My name is Izuku Midoriya, I'm 16 and I'm aspiring to be a hero so I can help others with a fearless smile on my face, just like all might!" He exclaimed proudly, "Awe! He sounds just like me when I was foolish and Naive!" Villain Deku said, causing Hero Deku to shrink in on himself while blushing from embarrassment, clearly intimidated by his counterpart. He immediately took his seat again, and soon the introductions were finished. Scydra once again stood in front of the class. "Alright, now that that's out of the way, we have to decide how we'll know which version someone is talking to. I'll flip a coin, heads the heroes decide, tails the villains decide. Afterwards, I'll explain the rules then we'll go to the dorms where questions may be asked, then answered. Sound good? Great! Let's get started!" Scydra said happily, before flipping a coin. "Its-" she began

Mirror World (Villain Deku x OC x Villain Bakugou)Where stories live. Discover now