Chapter 2: Sleeping Arrangements

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(3rd person p.o.v.)

       "Alright, now that that's out of the way, we have to decide how we'll know which version someone is talking to. I'll flip a coin, heads the heroes decide, tails the villains decide. Afterwards, I'll explain the rules then we'll go to the dorms where questions may be asked, then answered. Sound good? Great! Let's get started!" Scydra said happily, before flipping a coin. "Its-" she began
           "It's tails!" Cried Scydra cheerily, using her quirk to show off the coin to the whole class. The hero class seemed to be very disappointed, while the villain class grinned deviously. "Villain Deku, since you're the head of your class, you'll decide what everyone goes by, including your counterpart." Scydra informed using a polite and respectful tone. Villain Deku out his finger on his chin and tilted his head in thought. "Hmm, well I'll go by Deku since the name gives me a sense of power. I don't care what the other me goes by as long as it isn't Deku too. Everyone else in the villain class will go by their first names with the exception of Kacchan. Your version of him will go by his first name, got that?" He responded. "I-I can go by my first n-name too, i-if that's okay" Izuku said sheepishly.
       "Sure thing Izu!" Scydra happily responded, nodding her head at Deku. Everyone seemed to be in agreement, until a heroic but angry Pomeranian piped up. "Like hell am I calling you by your first name! And you, who the hell do you think you are deciding what I can and can't be called you pathetic bastard?!" Katsuki called out in rage. Within an instant, Deku had Katsuki pinned to the window with his forearm alone. "Oh, no one special, just the top villain in the world" Deku responded back with sarcasm and venom dripping from his voice. "Oh whatever, the Deku I know could never be the best in anything, especially not as some pathetic villain wannabe. Besides, with those cuffs on, you're just a useless and quirkless bastard who can't do anything for himself!" Katsuki spat out through a slightly strained voice, due to the pressure on his chest.
       Within a quicker instant, Scydra was grabbing Deku by the arms and knocking the knife from his hands. Deku of course fought against her, but she held him firmly. "Stop! You know you can't hurt anyone while you're here. Do so and you'll spend the month in Tartarus. On that note, Katsuki if you don't stop being an ass, I promise I'll send you to the scariest realm I know for a whole week! You'll come back as a frightened chicken, got that?!" The seemingly always cheerful Scydra spat out angrily, letting Deku go when she deemed it safe. He glared harshly at both Scydra and Katsuki, before going to the back. Katsuki let out a "tch" and sat back down in his desk, knowing Scydra wasn't above making her threats a reality.
      The villain class was slightly shocked by their boss being unable to break free from someone, but deemed it as him having an off day with the cuffs on. Scydra proceeded to wipe herself off, fixing her appearance, and walking back to the front with a smile on her face acting as though she hadn't just pinned down a top class villain. "Now then, back to the rules and explanations. I'm sure everyone is dying to know how the rooming situation is being handled. After serious discussion, it has been determined that all villains and heroes will be staying with their counterparts. After all, what better way to test your will and patience, than by spending a month with the literal opposite of yourself?" Scydra said, she was about to continue, but was rudely interrupted by a girl with brown hair and pink cheeks. She was the villain Ochako Uraraka.
        "What do you mean we'll be sleeping with hero scum?!" Ochako cried out in anger. "I concur with Ochako, this is absolutely atrocious and outrageous!" Came the call of a boy with blue hair, glasses, and engines for legs. He was the hero Tenya Iida and it was surprising for him to yell out like that. Soon enough, both classes were shouting out complaints. Izuku was trying to calm down Katsuki, "P-please Kacchan, let Scy-chan finish what she was saying!" He cried. "Hah?! Shut up ya damn nerd! No way in hell am I sharing a room with scum like those extras!" Katsuki yelled. "For once I agree with someone!" Bakugou shouted back. The room was growing rowdier by the second, both Shoto and Toga enjoying every second of it as they betted on when and who would shed blood first.
        Suddenly an icy and rage filled chill consumed the air, throwing everyone off guard. "ENOUGH!" Came the shout of both Deku and Scydra. Instantly, both classes went dead silent. The villains seeming shocked by the cheerful girl's icy glare, as the Hero class cowered beneath her, including the angry Pomeranian. "Oo~! Y'all made Scydra mad!" Kaminari teased, trying to ease the tension that radiated through the air. He piped down when Scydra turned her gaze on him, before she finally took a deep breath and sighed.
      "Sorry about that y'all. Now let's continue where we left off, shall we? As for the teachers, Aizawa-Sensei, you'll be staying with Pops. Dabi, you're with Shoto and Todoroki for obvious reasons, then Toga you're with me." Scydra finally finished the rooming assignments. "Oo! Can I have some of your blood then?! It doesn't count as hurting you if you say yes, right?!" Toga called out in her usual hyper voice. Scydra deadpanned at this, as it was exactly something the hero world's Toga would and has asked before. She sighed, "Yeah, sure, why not? But save that for later when we all retire to our rooms for the night. Also, don't go using my form to do something dumb. Almost everyone would know it's not me anyways if you're too obvious, which isn't hard for you to be." Scydra responded, once again shocking the villains, because who in their right mind just gives their blood to a villain?? The hero class just sweat dropped at this, because they were used to Scydra by now.
         "Yay!" Cheered Toga. "Oo! Oo! Can I make you bleed too then?! I promise it won't be too much!!" Called Shoto, making Todoroki cringe and Ejirou to glare at him "No you ca-" he began, but Scydra cut him off, "Why the hell not?" She responded while shrugging. This time, not only were the villains shocked, a certain heroic green haired and Pomeranian duo were now worried. This of course caught the attention of Deku. "Awesome!! I can't wait!" Yelled Shoto excitedly. Afterwards, Scydra began explaining the rules, including curfew, class time, where they could and couldn't go, etc. Afterwards, Scydra then gave a mischievous grin, "Now then, Hero Class, I know y'all think you're off the hook and its business as usual but Pops and I have a surprise for you." She began, pulling out another basket of cuffs, "As a form of training method, we'll all be wearing quirk canceling cuffs as well. Please line up and put them on, then we'll all head to the dorms where questions may be asked rhen answered. Okay?" Scydra said sternly but sweetly, showing off her pair of black and blue cuffs that looked real, but the Hero class was grateful to know they weren't.
       Katsuki tried to complain like usual, but a single icy glare from Scydra shut him up. "Guess even the hero Bakugou has someone he fears" Denki said with a snicker while spitting out the word "hero", "or likes!" Said Mina, causing Ashido to nodded her head with a giggle of her own. Katsuki simply "tched" and put on his cuffs. Once everyone was ready, they all went to the dorms, and the questions began.

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