I want you, not for spiderman.

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I believe that Mj fell for peter but her finding out he was spider-man just made her want him more.

Mj and Peter have started to become friends.

Mj knew Peter's secret even though he didn't tell her, he had to go randomly even though he was really really excited about something he always had to leave.

Like the debate, he was really really excited about it but he didn't show up and Mj was starting to put two and two together.

She saw "Spider-Man" save everyone in the elevator and she knew he was oddly familiar.

His voice, the way he acted so awkwardly, she knew she saw it from somewhere.

And that's when it hit her.


It was Peter.

Peter was spider-man.

And it hit her that Ned probably knew too, Peter never kept anything from him.

They were best friends and it kinda made her jealous of their relationship, she wanted that kind of relationship with him.

She didn't even know why, she never really cared until now.

She wasn't being rational with anyone.

Not herself, not Peter, No one.

Hell not even her parents.

Everyone pissed her off and she all of a sudden wanted Peter's attention.

Like she said, she wasn't being rational.

She was currently in math class and Peter was acting really weird, leg bouncing with anxiety, every little noise made him jump, he was fidgeting and Mj wanted to know why.

Yeah sure Peter was the nerdy, weird kid but he never acted this weird.

She genuinely wanted to know if something was wrong, she knew Peter well enough to know when he was anxious and he was really really anxious about something.

She would talk to him about it after class though.

Her and Peter were friends and she cared about him, even if she was rude to him.

She loved to mess with him, he made it way too easy to get under his skin.

But she didn't want him for spider-man, she wanted him for Peter.

Peter was amazing, he was smart, nerdy, hot, funny, and most importantly he was the sweetest person she's ever met.

Hell even if he wasn't spider-man she would still like him.

He was just an amazingly likable person.

And that was more than enough for her.

Mj was too lost in her thoughts she didn't see or hear Peter trying to snap her out of her head.

They were the only ones left in the classroom.

"Mj? Are you okay?" Peter asked softly, trying to make sure she's okay.

Mj looked at him in shock, a smile fighting to show on her face but she ended up just nodding and just sat there.

Peter didn't know what was wrong was her, she had never acted like this before.

Peter hesitated but sat down beside her, moving his hand to her shoulder.

"You're not okay. What's wrong?" Peter asked concerned, he knew she wasn't okay but knew she probably wouldn't talk to him about it.

Truth is she was disappointed in herself, she was falling for someone she barely knew.

The sweet, funny, cute guy right beside her.

It was embarrassing, she felt embarrassed that she couldn't bring herself to talk.

Peter must know by now that she likes him.

"You don't have to talk to me, I'll sit here as long as I need too until you feel better. We can sit in silence for as long as you want." Peter said a smile appearing on his face.

He was too sweet for his own good.

"Peter I'm okay, you don't have to stay with me. I'm just thinking." Mj finally said, her voice her usual tone.

Peter didn't move, moving his hand down from her shoulder down to her hand, lacing their fingers together.

"Please talk to me." Peter almost sounded desperate, just wanting Mj to trust him and open up to him.

He wanted to help, he wanted her to be happy.

"That's the thing, I don't want to ruin anything between us because I value our friendship. But I don't know how long I can keep it a secret." Mj said making Peter raise an eyebrow and squeeze her hand.

"I promise nothing can ruin anything between us. You're my friend. You can tell me anything." Peter said and made Mj's cheeks heat up, she never blushed and she was blushing hardcore.

"Okay, promise me even if you don't feel the same way it won't change anything between us." Mj said finally looking at Peter, seeing how patient and calm his face was.

She felt she could tell him anything.

"I promise." Peter said turning his body towards Mj, that way he showed her she had his full attention.

"Okay here it goes, I like you Peter. And I know we're friends and we have a good friendship but I like you and I can't help that I do. You're funny, sweet, smart and you may not know it but you're cute too." Mj said and made Peter stare at her at a loss for words.

Turns out he didn't know she liked him.

"And I just ruined everything" Mj said mainly to herself but Peter heard her.

He shook his head and grabbed Mj's cheek turning her face towards his.

"You didn't ruin anything" Peter said before pressing his lips against hers, the kiss didn't last long but it was a sweet gentle kiss.

Mj felt Peter pull away and noticed the smile on his face.

"I like you too." Peter said and made Mj smile for the first time in awhile.

"One more thing" Mj said noticing how Peter was about to get up.

"What is it?" Peter asked sitting back down.

"I know you're spider-man. But your secret is safe with me." Mj said and Peter smiled.

"Also, I don't like you for spider-man, I fell for Peter way before I did for Spider-man." Mj said and that's when Peter leaned in one more time to kiss her before leaving.

"I'll see you later Mj." Peter said happily as he left, making butterflies fill her stomach.

She wouldn't lie she was falling hard for him.

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