It's cold, Cuddles?

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Just Peter and Mj cuddling.

Peter and Mj have been dating for a few months now.

She knew he was spider-man, but before that they starting dating and then she put two and two together and figured it out.

Everyone in school could agree Mj and Peter were a cute couple.

Peter was so sweet to her, treated her with respect, never argued back even though she wanted him too, was always there to protect her.

He was just an amazing boyfriend.

Peter agreed to let Mj help him with his "mission" as he called it.

It really wasn't a mission he just thought he was being funny.

Which he didn't have to try to be funny, he just was naturally which was why he wasn't funny when he tried.

But Mj loved that about him though.

She loved Peter for him.

His dorky, smart, funny, compassionate, reliable self.

There were so many ways she could use to describe him but she didn't want to go over-board.

Currently, Mj and Peter were in a hotel room.

Mj paid for them to stay overnight since they were both exhausted and Peter was kind of broke and she actually brought money with her unlike him.

But she didn't mind one bit.

She just wanted them to sleep and be warm for one night.

But it was freezing in the hotel room.

Even in one of Peter's hoodies and her pajama pants and fuzzy socks she was freezing.

It had to be at least 40-50 degrees in their hotel room, it was freezing cold but somehow Peter was still warm.

His body must always produce heat and Mj was thankful for that.

He took his hoodie off and gave it to her which still had some of his body heat trapped in it.

Peter was beside Mj with his arms around her, trying to help her warm up.

She was literally shivering.

"I'm okay Peter" Mj said but her teeth chattering gave it away that she was freezing cold.

"You're not okay. You're freezing cold and literally shivering." Peter said tightening his arms around her, trying to keep her from shivering.

Mj didn't realize she laid her head on his shoulder, shaking in his arms until she looked up.

Peter was looking down at her smiling, he must have found it cute that she laid her head on him despite their awkwardness with each other.

"Why is it so damn cold in this room?" Mj cursed out, Peter squeezing her tighter.

"I don't know, do you want me to go ask someone to turn up the heat?" Peter asked, even if he was socially awkward he would do it for Mj.

She never asked for anything and she didn't ask him to do this but he would in a heartbeat.

"No it's okay I'll warm up in a little bit" Mj said and just laid her head on Peter's shoulder closing her eyes.

He felt so warm next to her, she didn't know why but she still was so cold.

Nothing she or Peter did helped anything.

"Just wait one minute okay?" Peter said getting up to go get something from his bag, coming back with another hoodie.

"Peter it's okay I don't want to take all your clothes." Mj said and made Peter shake his head.

"You need it more then I do. I'm fine I promise you are literally freezing to death over here." Peter said smiling helping her out it on and tucking her in the bed, going to go sleep somewhere else before Mj stopped him.

"Peter wait" Mj said grabbing his hand, making him stop in his tracks and turn around.

"Sleep with me?" Mj asked awkwardly and Peter just blushed and nodded, he was so respectful he didn't want to make Mj uncomfortable by sleeping in the same bed as her if she didn't want him to.

"Are you sure?" Peter asked before climbing in the bed next to her.

He was literally too nice and respectful for his own good.

Mj nodded and moved over so he could lay next to her, once he laid down her head on his chest.

"Your still cold?" Peter asked wrapping his arms around Mj, his hands grabbing her waist as she shook still.

Mj nodded and felt Peter pull her as close as he could to him, turning over so his chest pressed against her back.

Mj sighed as she finally stopped shaking in coldness, Peter was finally warming her up.

"Is this helping?" Peter asked holding Mj's cold hands in his warm ones.

Mj nodded and pressed back against Peter, feeling him lay his head on her small shoulder.

He was so adorable when he was touchy, he hardly ever was considering he respected Mj's boundaries and not wanting to make her uncomfortable.

Before Mj knew it, Peter had fell asleep against her shoulder and that made her smile.

He sounded like a peaceful sleeper, even though she couldn't see him she knew he looked adorable.

Mj got comfortable after getting warm and fell asleep too.

She was next to the love of her life even if she didn't know it.

Everyone say it with me Mj and Peter endgame 🤚

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