You're not iron boy, you're my spiderman.

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Peter was upset.

Well he really didn't know if he was angry or just sad or disappointed.

Tony told him he wasn't ready to work for the avengers that it was too dangerous for a kid like him.

But Peter wanted to help so of course he tried to prove he was ready but Tony still wouldn't let him help.

It made Peter so mad and upset that he left without saying anything, going back to the hotel he was staying at because of something for school.

His girlfriend Mj knew who he was and knew he was spider-man so he could always talk to her to make him feel better but he hated to burden her.

Sometimes he felt like he complained to her too much, like she got annoyed with how much he would complain and gripe but Mj assured him it was better then to keep it in.

But he still felt bad because sometimes he would start crying because when he got mad he cried and sometimes Mj would have to calm him down and tell him it was okay.

But right now he was so upset he was throwing his stuff in the hotel room, holding onto his hair so tightly it felt like he would rip it out.

He wanted to scream, to cuss and to just slide down a wall and cry.

Mj heard something from Peter's hotel room so she ran to his door and knocked quickly thinking he was being attacked.

Peter answered the door and smiled as real as he could but Mj knew him way too much.

"Peter what's wrong?" Mj asked and saw the mess in his room, realizing he was safe and he wasn't being attacked.

"N-Nothing just um- was redoing the room because I didn't like how it looked" Peter said clearing his throat and smiling once again.

Mj looked at him questionably and hummed, she knew he was lying but she decided to go with it.

"Well can i at least come in? I really don't feel like walking back to my room and plus i'm bored so." Mj said plainly and Peter quickly nodded and started to clean the room.

He was still upset but Mj's presence always made him feel better.

Just being around her lightened his mood.

She was the light of his life.


Mj sat down on the hotel bed and saw a picture of him and Tony ripped up, she realized he must have been mad at him for some reason or another.

"Oh no your picture is ripped" Mj said watching as Peter didn't spare any emotion what so ever.

"Yeah what a shame." He tried to say sympathetically but it just came out cold and bitter.

"Okay Peter what's going on with you? you're not acting like yourself and you seem to be pissed off but trying to hide it so what happened that you're not telling me?" Mj asked crossing her arms, looking at Peter the way a mom looks when they know you're lying.

"Nothing it doesn't concern you." Peter said emotionless, he was pushing her away and she refused to be pushed away.

"You're right it doesn't. but it concerns you and you're obviously upset and pissed so talk to me. It might make you feel better." Mj said getting off the bed and sat down on the floor next to Peter.

Tears were forming in his eyes and Mj felt so bad.

Peter didn't cry often unless he was mad or really really upset about something and right now it was the second one.

"Talk to me" Mj said putting her hand on his back and that little jester made those tears come loose.

"Oh Peter" Mj said and let him lean into her, his head being on her chest as he had his arms wrapped around her waist as he cried into her.

Peter needed support and this was the only way she knew how to show him he was supported and understood.

"Peter shh look at me" Mj said and grabbed onto Peter's face with both hands and wiped away the tears that were pouring out of his eyes.

Peter crying broke Mj's heart but she needed him to calm down and tell her why he was so upset.

Peter looked up at her and his face broke her heart.

His eyes filled with tears, his cheeks soaked from his tears, his lip quivering, him trying to breathe but couldn't because of how he was hicupping.

He looked heartbroken.

"You're okay Peter. Everything is okay." Mj whispered quietly and reassuringly.

Peter shook his head and just laid his head back on Mj's chest.

"I messed up Mj." Peter hicupped and made Mj shake her head.

"Peter whatever you did it'll be okay." Mj said and made Peter make eye contact with her.

Peter tried to look away but Mj wouldn't let him.

"Peter, it's okay. Mistakes happen and i'm sure whatever you did isn't that serious, so will you please talk to me?" Mj asked and watched as Peter closed his eyes and took a deep breath trying to calm himself down.

Mj touched her forehead to his and looked into his eyes.

"It's okay shh everything will be okay." Mj said calmly, rubbing her thumb on his chin which seemed to calm him down.

Peter finally got the point where he wasn't sniffling and hiccuping and where he could talk.

"I disappointed Tony." Peter said and made Mj frown and hold his hand reassuringly.

"I tried to show him I was ready to be in the avengers but he said I was just a kid who wasn't ready for it at all and I heard him whisper under his breath that I was basically just iron boy." Peter said and tried not to cry, biting his lip anxiously.

"But you're not iron boy, you're spider-man. My spider-man." Mj said and kissed his lips softly, it was a quick kiss but Peter enjoyed every possible second of it.

Mj always knew how to make him feel better.

"Sometimes it doesn't feel like it. sometimes i feel like i'm just a kid in a suit trying his damndest to protect the world but failing miserably." Peter said and watched as Mj shake his head.

"You shouldn't put that much pressure on yourself. you're just a 17 year old boy after all. mistakes happen and that whole situation wasn't your fault. Tony's just jealous he couldn't be like you at his age." Mj said and watched as Peter smiled which was an improvement from his previous crying.

"But maybe he's right, maybe i'm not as ready as i think i am." Peter said and smiled softly as Mj started stroking his cheek with his thumb, soothing his anxiety.

"Maybe you're not. but you'll prove them wrong when it's time. when you least expect it they'll come running wanting you on their team." Mj said and started helping Peter put his stuff up.

"Thank you for this. I didn't realize how much I needed to get it off my chest and just you know-" He trailed off shyly, paying his attention down to his clothes thrown all over.

"You don't have to thank me. I'm here for you whenever you need me. Plus, I'd rather you get it off your chest instead of letting it keep building until you explode." Mj said helping Peter fold his clothes and put them back in his bag neatly, they were leaving tomorrow so it was pointless to put them anywhere else.

Peter blushed a little and awkwardly kissed her cheek, his cheeks being redder then a tomato.

They ended up cleaning up the hotel room and watched a movie together.

Mj fell asleep and Peter didn't want to wake her so he ended up sleeping on the floor so she wouldn't be uncomfortable with him sleeping with her.

To say they had each other's back was an understatement.

They put their full trust into each other and that trust would never be lost.

Kinda cute kinda sad just how I like it.

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