Movie night

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Mj and Peter arguing over which movie to watch.

NWH Spoilers!!

Don't read unless you watched Nwh or know what happens in the end of the movie.

"Oh come on you always get to pick let me pick it this time!" Peter said and crossed his arms.

Mj shook her head and decided even though Peter wouldn't let her, she would pick the movie out anyway.

Peter and Mj were friends, she just met him not long ago and she honestly couldn't ask for a better friend.

Even though she thought of him more then a friend.

Peter knew Mj couldn't remember, but they used to date and actually were in love before she had to forget him.

No one remembered him.

He was pretty lonely but when he became friends with Mj again everything changed.

He knew what he had to do to bring her memories back.

The necklace.

She still had the necklace he gave her.

"Oh come on Peter lighten up, I'm not going to pick some girly movie or something. you should know me better then that." Mj said ruffling Peter's already messy curls making him smile a bit as that was what she used to do all the time.

He missed her.

Even if she was right in front of him, it wasn't the same Mj he remembered.

But she would be.

"Oh come on please" She said looking over at him and Peter just couldn't help but smile.

"Okay okay fine but just this once" Peter said and made Mj smile and clasp her hands together.

"Oh thank you!" Mj said in thanks and made Peter smile big, he missed her.

He didn't know if the necklace would bring her memories back, but it was worth a shot.

But not right now, He was just going to enjoy being her "friend".

Mj ended up picking a scary movie called halloween kills that had just come out.

Peter hated horror movies but hey, it was Mj and he knew she loved to watch them so he just did what she wanted him to.

"You don't mind horror right?" Mj asked and made Peter shake his head and smile.

"It's fine with me." Peter said and went into the kitchen to make popcorn and grab a whole bunch of snacks that he knew Mj and him both liked.

Peter came back with the snacks and drinks and sat down on the couch beside Mj.

Her parents weren't home so it was just the two of them alone.

Mj moved closer to Peter and laid her head on his shoulder, cuddling up next to him.

Peter smiled as this is what she would do when they watched movies together, he was just sad they didn't have more time together.

Maybe she was better off without him.

Halfway through the movie Peter was terrified, every time there was a jump scare Mj would have to calm him down.

Peter was terrified of horror movies, he knew they weren't real but the thought of that happening in real life terrified him.

They were at the part where Michael was killing off the parents/survivors and he had his eyes closed, he didn't want to witness them dying.

"Peter it's okay, it's just a movie do you want to watch something else?" Mj asked and pushed his hair back.

"N-No it's fine, i'm fine it's just been awhile since i've watched anything scary." Peter said not wanting to sound like a scaredy-cat.

He could handle Vulture and Mysterio but not a horror movie.

Mj turned the movie off and looked up to look at Peter.

"It's okay, we can watch something else." Mj said with a smile that made Peter frown.

"Are you sure?" Peter asked and watched as Mj didn't hesitate to nod.

"Yeah i'm sure, I was getting pretty creeped out myself." Mj said and went to put the movie up, grabbing another movie that she would watch after horror movies.

It was How to lose a guy in 10 days.

Peter has seen the movie with his aunt may and he actually liked it.

And he knew Mj loved this movie.

Before she forgot who he was, they used to watch this movie all the time.

It never got old.

"Do you like this movie?" Mj asked and made Peter nod.

"I've seen this movie a thousand times and every time i watch it never gets old." Peter said and made Mj smile once she saw him smile.

"You know, you're really cute when you smile" Mj said before she realized what she said.

Mj blushed and looked away only to feel a hand move her head back.

"Don't be embarrassed" Peter said and smiled watching as Mj smiled back.

"You're beautiful." Peter said softly and that's when Mj leaned up and gave him a quick kiss, pulling back blushing redder than a tomato.

Peter smiled, missing the feeling of her kiss on his lips, it felt so nice to feel it again.

Halfway through the movie Mj fell asleep on Peter's shoulder.

Peter couldn't help but admire her soft features.

She was so beautiful even when she slept, her face softened as her facial muscles rested, her eyes closed, her lips slightly parted, Peter missed every single thing about her.

But he had an idea to make her remember.

He didn't want to be alone much longer.

I'm so sorry, but hey i took a sad situation and made it somewhat happy

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