57 minuets and 21 seconds till the 31st 😭

519 18 1

Br- come one Pierson
P- ok...
*they go upstairs*
P- you do know we can just talk in here and say we did make out
Br- or
P- or what?
Br- *kisses her*
P- *kisses him back*
*they made out for like 20 seconds and then they let go*
Br- told you
P- what?
Br- you will kiss me every chance you get
P- that's a lie
Br- oh really
P- yea
Br- ok well I really want a kiss
P- *kisses him* happy?
Br- see
P- ok maybe I do
Br- told you
P- we should go down
Br- see you there
*they go back down*
Br- we are back
LR- so how was it
P- disgusting
Br- yea
LH- yea sure
Br- anyways my turn lexi H t or d
LH- dare
Br- I dare you to take a shot of hot sauce
LH- ugh fine
*lexi H takes a shot of hot sauce*
LH- ew anyways my turn brent t or d
Br- again!
LH- yes
Br- dare
LH- hmm
LR- *whispers in her ear* you show dare him to take his shirt off so pierson can simp hehehe
LH- good idea lex
Br- ughhhh just tell me my dare
LH- I dare you to take off your shirt
P- *goes red*
Br- why?
LH- it's a dare
Br- fine *takes his shirt off
P- I think I'm done playing
Br- same I'm freezing lmao
LR- k
*they all end up not playing anymore and Brent puts his shirt back on*
Br- I'm gonna go upstairs for a bit
P- can you go in my room and get me a hoodie
Br- why don't you just come up and get it
P- k
*they both go upstairs*
Br- why are you following me to my room?
P- no reason
Br- did you do this to come up here with me
P- maybe
Br- well then you coming inside
*pierson goes inside his room*
Br- *closes the room and locks the door*
P- uhh why did you lock the door?
Br- because I don't everyone else to bother us
P- oh ok
Br- also I saw you go red when I took off my shirt
P- oh uh
Br- it's fine I mean you look hot in that outfit
P- *goes really red*
Br- what's wrong
P- n-nothing heh
Br- *grabs her waist and pulls her closer* what the matter
P- nothing! Nothing at all
Br- tell me that when your face isn't red
P- ok stop I actually need to talk to you about something
Br- what's wrong
P- ok so I was thinking last night and I think I'm ready for a relationship
Br- so does that mean your mine now?
P- sir you didn't ask the question
Br- who said I had to we both know the answer
P- true
Br- so your now mine
P- or soon to be wife in the future
Br- I like the way you think of marrying me in the future
P- shut up
Br- yea ok

Leaving this here
Hope y'all like this anyways tomorrow I'll be doing a New Years special hehehe anyways gn

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