Idk but im single now lol

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Br- with me?
P- yes just *yawns* just you
Br- you should get some sleep
P- so should you
Br- you're right I am tired too
*Brent turns off the lights and they go to sleep*
*skipping to the next day*
P- Brent
Br- hm let me sleep
P- brentt
Br- shhh
P- brenty
Br- shh go back to sleep
P- Brent Austin Rivera
Br- you're not my mom now sh lemme sleep
P- hmmm my future husband
Br- *gets up* now I'm up
P- oh so you only do things when I call you my future husband
Br- maybe
P- yea yea but come on we need to get up and ready for the day
Br- but I don't want to I mean we don't need to go to the amp house today
P- yes we do brent
Br- fine
Br- I'll go get ready in a different room you get ready in here
P- what a gentleman
Br- it's not being a gentleman I just respect a woman's privacy
P- yea yea
Br- alright ima go
P- ok
*brent leaves and gets ready in a different room and Pierson also gets ready*
Br- alright I'm ready
P- I'm almost done I just need to finish curling my hair and then we can go
Br- you're not gonna wear any makeup today
P- oh yea I'll do it when we get at the amp house
Br- I should've never said anything
P- hm?
Br- you know you don't need the makeup
P- I know but still
Br- fine if you say so but why don't you just do your makeup here
P- we're gonna be late
Br- we're always late though
P- I guess you have a point
Br- yea so just do it here
P- ok
*pierson finishes curling her hair and finishes her makeup*
P- ok I'm ready
Br- alright let's go
*they go to amp*
Br- hey guys
Z- why'd you leave last night when you ran away with me
Br- uhm...
P- *rolls her eyes* I'm gonna talk to Lexi bye Brent.
Br- what
P- hm
Br- you're not calling me brenty are you mad at me
P- no end of conversation
*pierson goes to talk to lexi*
Br- great she's mad
Z- you know you don't need her
Br- Zoe I'm just trying to have a normal day so
Z- I'm sorry but no we need to talk about what happened last night
*with Pierson and lexi*
P- ugh
LH- what's wrong pierson
P- Zoe.
LH- ooo you're jealous
P- no I'm not
LH- please we can all tell look don't worry your with Brent not her
P- yea but still
LH- listen to me don't get jealous
P- fine I'll be back
LH- ok
*pierson walks towards Brent*
P- Brent
Br- yes
P- actually nvm
Z- ugh stop wasting his time
Br- Zoe she doesn't waste my time
P- matter of fact you're wasting your time Zoe trying to do things honestly
Br- ok jealous Pierson had came out
P- shut up
Z- don't tell him to shut up your so rude
P- uhm I'm not rude
Br- Pierson
P- hmmm
Br- don't get even more mad
P- I'm not mad I think I'm going to my safe place bye *kisses him*
Br- *kisses her back*
Z- *rolls her eyes*
*lexi R walks in*
LR- ew get a room love birds
Z- ugh *splits them apart*
P- wth was that for
LR- get a room
P- yea yea anyways byee
Br- I wanna go
P- then let's gooo
Z- can I go
P- hmm I mean
Z- yay!
P- wait let me think... NOPE sorry
*brent and Pierson leave*
Z- she's so rude
LH- she's just jealous
Z- of me who isn't
LR- please you're jealous of Pierson because when it comes to Brent she can beat you any day
LH- well no duh I mean it's Pierson
LR- yea that's true
S- well obviously she can beat any girl any day I mean she won brents heart
LH- and Brent won piersons heart
LR- awwww
*with brent and Pierson*
P- ahh I'm free
Br- *smiles*
P- who got you smiling like that
Br- you :)
P- you're a simp
Br- don't start
P- fine fine
Br- ok this would make me a simp though
*before they went anywhere they got Starbucks*
P- what?
Br- *makes her a paper ring out of the straw wrapper thing*
P- awww you made me a ring
Br- out of paper
P- it's cute
Br- ima make them everyday till you actually trade them in for a real one
P- awww
*skipping to a year later it's Brent and Pierson anniversary*
Br- guys
LH- yea?
Br- ok so Pierson is out rn and I'm planning on asking her to marry me...
Br- chill lexi
LH- ok well what's the plan
Br- nothing special you know
Z- ugh you're marrying her she's disgusting
Br- no she's not anyways so I'm planning on taking her to dinner and then taking her to her safe place and right there I'm asking her to marry me but I have to get things ready and since I trust lexi and Lexi I'll send you guys the location because I need help with the set up
LR- oh so this is the only time you'll trust me-?
Br- I trust you but don't blow this
LR- I won't
*pierson gets back*
P- hello everyone
Br- hey
P- hi Brenty :)
Br- ok well I have to go somewhere I'll be back in a couple of hours
P- don't be late it's our anniversary remember
Br- I know I didn't forget I already have a big surprise
P- oooo
Br- alright I gotta go
P- ok bye-
Br- before I go I made you another paper ring
P- awww
Br - *kisses her head* I'll be back I love you
P- I love you more
Br- yea yea
*brent leaves to set up a bit for his big surprise*
P- so what's the surprise
LH- we can't say
P- why
Z- he's-
Z- fine
P- he's what
LR- nothing nothing
*skipping to later brent and Pierson are out eating dinner*
P- why are you on your phone it's our anniversary
Br- I know I just need to finish this text
P- ok
*brent was texting Lexi to see if everything is ready because Brent and Pierson are going to be there in a bit*
Br- ok now I'm done
P- I feel like you're hiding something from me
Br- no why would you think that it's just part of your surprise
P- if you say so
Br- now let's eat because I still have to take you to your surprise
P- ok
*they eat and then they go to piersons safe place*
P- awww you decorated my safe place
Br- yea and and I see your still wearing the paper ring
P- yea ofc I am I have all the other ones in a little box
Br- aww
P- but why didn't you make me a paper ring when we were at dinner
Br- I must of forgot I'm so sorry
P- it's ok love I have many more
Br- but the only reason why I didn't make one is because
P- because *looks at the decorations*
Br- *gets down on one knee*
All except br and p- *hiding*
Z- *in her head: I have to ruin this*
Br- Pierson
P- *looks at Brent and sees him down on his knee and starts to cry* brent...
Br- Pierson you're my best friend my favorite person my safe place and most of all my soulmate
*everyone comes out of their hiding spot*
P- aww-
Br- and I know that I want you in my life forever so will you marry me...?
Z- NO!
P- yes!
Br- *about to put the ring on her finger*
P- wait!
Br- what?
P- I finally traded in my paper rings do a real one! *takes off the paper ring and puts it away* ok now
Br- *puts the ring on her finger and kisses her*
P- *kisses back*
*they let go*
P- we know Lexi!
Z- that-
P- should've been you we know we know but it isn't
LH- my best friend is getting married everyone!!!!
*they all celebrate and they all go home*
P- I'm engaged ahhhh
Br- *smiles*
P- so I was thinking we could have the wedding in about nine months or so
Br- I'm guessing you're gonna plan everything tonight
P- maybeee
Br- welp I'll be getting a good five minutes of sleep
P- I'm kidding we can plan maybe in a month of two
Br- oh thank lord
P- *smiles* ahhh my husband is going to be brent freaking Rivera!!!!
Br- don't tell the whole world
P- I won't

hey loves hope you like this part of my story and I'm single now sadly my relationship with my ex girlfriend didn't work out sadly but I've been realizing that I was tired and I cut everyone off my life for this girl and then I couldn't stand it anymore but yea hope you loves enjoy this part of my story!

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