Uhmmm brierson-

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P- I didn't actually want to go to Starbucks I just wanted to just scream at the top of my lungs
Br- of course you do and go do it with your friends and tell them everything
P- ahhhh
*they go back to the amp house*
LH- we need to talk
LR- girls it's time to gossip ahhh
P- ok!
*all the girls go up btw sofie is in the story*
S- so what's up
Z- yea
S- who's she
LR- her name is Zoe she's new and she likes Brent
S- well then I'm sofie-
Z- whatever
S- oh...
LH- anyways what happened in the car with you and Brent
S- wait she likes him again
LR- and he likes her
S- awwww
Z- I'm going down stairs
P- ok
*zoe goes downstairs and starts to flirt with brent*
Z- hey Brent ;)
Br- oh hey Zoe
Z- so has anyone told you how beautiful your eyes are
Br- actually yes pierson has told me that and she still does
B- she still likes you
Br- you think so
Z- anyways brent wanna go get Starbucks or something
Br- uhm *checks the time* shoot I can't I'm sorry I promised Pierson I'd help her with something I'm so sorry maybe next time
*brent goes upstairs*
Br- Pierson
P- yea
Br- wanna go get something to eat
P- sure
*they leave*
Z- ugh
S- what's wrong
Z- he made a lie to leave with her a bit-
LH- don't call her a bitch before I go ham on you shes my best friend
LR- and my soon to be sis in law
Z- whatever
*with brent and Pierson*
P- hey Brent
Br- yes
P- I don't think I can do this
Br- what do you mean
P- I mean I'm ready for a relationship but you aren't-
Br- oh this is why I wanted to go out just us alone
P- oh really
Br- yea and also because you're still wearing my hoodie and you kinda look cute with my over sized hoodie and your skirt
P- *blushes*
Br- anyways I needed to ask you if you want to my-
P- yes I will be your girlfriend again *kisses him*
Br- *kisses her back*
*after a second they pull off*
P- but quick question did you mean everything you said earlier today about what you think of me
Br- yes I meant it everything and this time I'm not going to make the same mistake I made last time that made me lose you
P- promise
Br- pinky promise
P- *smiles*
*skipping to when they get home and they go in looking like a couple*
LH- lex
LR- hm?
LH- look at them
LR- *looks at Brent and Pierson* aww they're so cute
Z- ugh how does she get him
Br- hey guys
LH- so is brierson back
P- yes
An- wow brent
Br- what Andrew
An- papi Brent chose Pierson over me 😔
Br- oh my god Andrew
P- *laughs* he's happier with me Andrew sorry not sorry
An- it's ok I know he's happy
*skipping to like a week later Zoe gets more and more jealous of Pierson being with brent*
Br- ok guys so me and Pierson have an announcement
LR- you're having a baby
P- no!
Br- Pierson is moving in with me again
S- don't get all dirty when y'all move in
P- ewwww no
Br- yea piersons too innocent
P- rude but true
Z- anything else
Br- no that was it
B- don't you think y'all moving too fast
Z- thank you
Br- I mean no she's moved in before and she doesn't want her parents to get annoyed because she living there
B- ohh ok but I'm happy for y'all
Z- this all so dumb
Br- what
Z- that you're in love with someone like her
P- ...
Br- Zoe tf is wrong with you she's an amazing person she's already been so much
Z- oh yea like what
Br- she was going-
P- please don't say it out loud only you Lexi and your sister know
Br- oh ok I'm sorry
P- no it's fine I just don't want everyone to know-
Al- that you tired to kill yourself
P- how'd-
Ale- we all knew
J- and when we all found out we were all upset because someone so nice with a big smile tried to end their own life
LH- and if you left us it would be like a piece of us would be gone
LR- and plus I wouldn't want anyone else to be my sis in law besides you
Br- and without you I'd be just lost
P- awww I love you guys I don't deserve you all
S- we don't deserve you pierson you do so much for us
P- I'm too nice that's why
Br- no it's because you have the biggest heart
P- don't make me cry
Br- aww don't cry
*skipping to three hours later*
B- y'all we should go to the beach
Z- ok let me get my swim suit on-
P- we don't do that we just walk and just splash each other in water but I am going to change my skirt because it's white
Br- you can borrow my sweat pants
P- thanks love
*pierson changes into brents sweat pants and they go to the beach*
P- it's been like a week since I've been here ahhh
Br- you practically live on the beach
P- that's true but somewhere I'd practically live or just the memory that re plays in my head is when you took me to Paris it was the best trip ever
LH- I forgot about that
LR- same
Z- so this seems boring
Br- not to us we love the beach
P- yea speaking of the beach lemme just *splashes Brent*
Br- Pierson!
P- this is the part where I run
*pierson starts to run and Brent chases after her*
Br- you're gonna get it
P- no I'm not
Br- *catches her and wraps his arms around her waist* caught you
P- *giggles* I know I know and yes I know what happens next
Br- *splashes her*
P- ahh
Z- ugh that should be me not her
LR- calm down Zoe
LH- yea why can't you be happy for them
Z- yk what I'll be back
*zoes walks up to Brent and Pierson*
Z- Brent
Br- yea Zoe
Z- my feet hurt from walking could you carry me-
Br- *laughing* stop splashing me pier
P- fine fine
Z- uhm hello
Br- oh yea Zoe
Z- my feet hurt from walking could you carry me
Br- I wish I could but I already told Pierson that if she's tired of walking I'd carry her on my back
P- you don't have to
Br- but I want you
P- *pecks his cheek* I love you
Br- I love you so much more
Z- Brent
Br- hm
Z- what does she have that I don't
Br- honestly so much like for one she's amazing she's literally like my best friend she can make a the bad feelings go away there's so much more that I don't want to say
P- like what
Br- you don't need to know
Z- well then I'm going to tag along with you guys *grabs Brents hand*
P- *gets jealous* I'm going with Lexi
Br- nooo
P- what
Br- don't go
P- no I'm going
Br- lemme go with you then
P- fine but.. last one there is a rotten egg!
Br- you're on!
*pierson starts to run and and brent runs as well pierson won*
P- looks like you're the rotten egg
Br- you're dating a rotten egg haha
LH- alight love birds let's get going home
S- I'll go get Zoe
D- ok be safe
Br- simp
*with sofie and Zoe*
S- hey Zoe we're leaving
Z- ugh get out of my way I'm going
S- jeez ok
*sofie and Zoe get back with everyone*
D- there she is
S- hey...
D- you ok what's wrong
S- well.. *whispers in his ear: Zoe is kinda being a bit rude*
D- If this doesn't stop I'll tell Brent
S- ok thanks
*they go back to amp*
P- so I'm going to change because I'm soaking wet
Br- I won this time
P- yea yea
*pierson goes up and changes*
LR- so
Br- what
LR- will you marry her
Br- you don't need to know
LH- come on we can all tell you just don't want to be a couple you want to be a married couple
Br- ok maybe but we need to take things slow
P- and I'm back
Br- ok well I'll be back I'm gonna change
*brent goes up*
Z- mows my chance to-
P- to do what
Z- to get him to like me-
P- you wanna go there
Z- what I could beat you any day
P- *laughs* ok but try to go see him I dare you
Z- oh what are you gonna do "tackle me"
P- next thing you'll know is that you'll be on the floor
Br- I'm ba-
Z- please I can get Brent any day
P- you wanna go there huh
Z- try me I dare you
P- FINE THEN I WILL *tries to come at her*
Br- *grabs her by the waist* calm down
P- no this time I'm actually going to beat her ass let me go
Br- ok we'll be back in going to calm her down again pray that she doesn't punch my arm it hurts
LR- we're praying Brent
*brent and Pierson leave*
LH- Zoe you do not believe how lucky you are that Brent came down both times and stopped her from getting close to you
Z- what is she going to do
LH- she's actually pretty strong she goes to the gym I can't even go to the gym
LR- same
LH- she works out a lot
LR- like a lot
Z- yea yea whatever
*with brent and Pierson*
Br- calm down pier
P- I was so close to just punching her *punches him*
Br- wow
P- omg I'm sorry did that hurt you
Br- yes it did you're strong Pierson
P- I'm sorry *kisses him*
Br- *kisses her back*
*they pull off*
P- why can't you just kick her out
Br- I don't have a good reason I need to have one
P- fine I guess she's staying
Br- look tonight we spend the night together
P- finally ahhh I'm excited
Br- I got you in a good mood
P- shut up and let's go home it's getting cold
Br- as you wish
*they go back to amp*
Br- and she's calm
P- yea only because I had to
Br- *puts his arm around Pierson*
P- *blushes*
*skipping to night time*
Br- should we get going
P- I wanna stay for a bit
Br- ok let's stay for a bit
Z- I'm going home see you all tomorrow and I hope Pierson isn't here
Br- well if she isn't here then I'm not here
P- no if I'm not here you're here
Br- nope I'm that in love with you that if you're not here I'm not going to be here
Z- whatever bye
*zoe leaves*
S- finally she's gone
Br- what's wrong sofie
S- she's been being a bit rude towards me
Br- I'll talk to her sofie I'll make sure she stops and if she doesn't let me know-
P- omg omg omg
Br- what
P- I'll tell you when we get home
Br- oh ok
*ima just skip to when they go home*
P- ah home sweet home
Br- so what is it that you wanted to tell me
P- we could kick her out for being rude because I mean none of us are rude unless it's like a joke
Br- good I idea you're a genius
P- I mean I have a little big brain
Br- anyways go get ready for bed
P- finally i get to sleep *yawns*
*pierson changes and Brent changes after her*
Br- *lays in bed*
P- *flops on bed* I'm so cold and tired
Br- then get in the blanket
P- I know *get win the blanket and lays on brents chest* I'm ready for bed
Br- here I'll turn off the lights *turns off the lights* good night
P- good night I love you
Br- I love you so much more

Hey loves so my parents haven't taken my phone away but I think tomorrow I'm getting it take away but hope you like this part to my story! <3

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