So uhm-

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Z- I see favoritism in you
Br- I don't have that I just don't care if she wears my clothes
Z- and why is that
Br- well me and Pierson used to date and I don't really care what she wears that's mine
Z- yk what
Br- wha-
Z- Pierson we're gonna fight for Brent
P- w-what
Br- no you guys are not fighting
Z- why
Br- because I don't want any of you guys to get hurt *looks at Pierson as a sign of he doesn't want her to get hurt*
LH- I think zoe and Pierson need to go home
P- I'll go she can stay. Bye
Br- Pierson
P- no it's fine I'll leave
*pierson leaves and Brent follows her*
Br- Pierson
P- what
Br- well one you didn't give me a hug second you have my hoodie and third don't go please
P- fine here's your hug *hugs him* and here's your hoodie
Br- keep it I know you like my hoodies
P- no it's fine
Br- I know you got jealous of her having my hoodie
P- well no duh I should be the only one you give your hoodies too
Br- see and please stay
P- no I'm just gonna go find a cliff near the sea and sit there and think
Br- let me go with you I'll drive
P- fine
*brents goes inside and grabs his keys*
Z- where are you going
Br- to the beach...?
Z- can I come brenty
P- *pierson goes in and hears her* OK I KNOW YOU DIDNT JUST CALL HIM BRENTY
Z- yes I did it's his cute little nick name
P- oh
LR- Pierson
LH- oh boy
Br- Pierson...
P- OH YOU DUMBASS *tries to run up to her*
Br- *grabs her waist and pulls her back* calm down
Z- brenty hehe
Br- ok we'll be back
Z- yea bye-
Br- I meant me and Pierson I'm gonna try to calm her down
*brent and Pierson leave*
P- when we get back I'm going to beat her ass-
Br- Pierson calm down ok yk that I don't like being called-
P- brenty
Br- from anyone else but you
P- I know but how does she know about that nick name
Br- idk she just said she made it up ig
P- let's just go
*as they were on their way to the beach*
Br- you calm now?
P- does it look like it
Br- yea
P- well it's just me hiding it
Br- don't worry ok you know I don't see her the way I see you
P- mhm
Br- we're here
P- mmm ok
*they go sit on the cliff and look out to the ocean*
Br- you're so calm now what happen to mad Pierson
P- ugh don't remind me she called you brenty she's lucky you held me down because I would of gone ham on her because ugh I thought she was nice now I just dislike her she's just a bitch-
Br- *kisses her*
P- *kisses back*
*after a while they pull off*
Br- don't be jealous you're my favorite girl in the whole world
P- *blushes a little*
Br- ooo you're mad and blushing
P- shut up
Br- make me
P- ew
Br- *smiles*
*an hour later*
P- we should go
Br- do you want to
P- no but we do have to go back I mean you have to drop off that bit- Zoe
Br- oh yea
P- anyways let's go
Br- alright I wish we didn't have to leave
P- why
Br- because you're a lot more calmer with me when we're alone
P- yea yea don't make me go all mad again
Br- ok let's go
*they go to the car and Brent opens the door for Pierson*
P- thank you
Br- you're welcome
*they go back to the amp house*
Z- well look who's back
LH- so me Lexi and the boys are wondering if she could be part of the squad
B- yea she's really cool
Z- awww stop Ben
LH- it's true
P- oh you guys want her to part of the squad
LR- yea she's really cool yk
P- I mean if you say so but it's up to brent...
LR- please brent we need another girl in the group it's only me and Lexi
P- HEY! I'm still her
LH- and Pierson yea
*Backstory ok so like basically Zoe just made everyone forget about how Pierson is in the squad and Zoe tricked them into replacing Pierson with here*
Br- I mean I guess
Z- yay!
P- wow...
Br- wait can I talk to you
P- mhm
*they go outside*
Br- I'm only doing it for them
P- but the girls completely forgot I'm here
Br- I know and I'll fix it ok
P- ok
Br- come here *hugs her*
P- *hugs him back*
*they go back inside*
LH- girls let's go to my room!!
All the girls expect LH- ok
*they all go to lexis room*
LR- so Zoe
Z- yes
LR- do you like brent
Z- yes I actually do
P- ...
LR- ahhh if you guys date I'm gonna call you my sis in law
P- *just feeling left out*
LH- Brent is single soo you have a chance
P- *laughs*
LH- what's so funny
P- huh oh just something Brent said when me and him left when he tired to calm me down
Z- *rolls her eyes* anyways
LH- so Pierson
P- hm?
LH- since yk you and Brent are friends is it ok if Zoe and him date
P- up to Brent
LR- anyways can I call you my sis in law Zoe since you like him
Z- duh!
P- yk what Lexi
LR- what
P- you're such a ugh
LR- what's your deal pierson
P- idk maybe because you like to do things that you used to do to me and you thought "I like brent" it's kinda annoying
Z- not to me and get over it
LH- Zoe I have the best idea ever
Z- ooo what
LH- me and Lexi should make you and Brent a ship name
Z- awww that would be cute
P- ima go home bye
LR- mhm bye! So Zoe
*pierson goes down*
P- hey Brent I'm going home
Br- why what's wrong
P- uhm I don't wanna talk about it
Br- no it's fine you can tell me anything
P- fine
*they go to another room*
P- *tears start to roll down her cheeks*
Br- what's wrong why are you crying
P- your sister is doing all the things she did when she knew I liked you and she and Lexi are doing the same thing they did to us make a ship name but for you and Zoe and your sister is calling Zoe her sis in law because she likes you it's like they forgot about me *starts crying*
Br- I'm so sorry pierson *hugs her* I'm going to fix this ok
P- *hugs back* ok
*skipping to the next day*
Br- *goes to lexis room* hey girls
LR- hey-
P- hey brenty :)
Br- there's my favorite person
P- *hugs him*
Br- *hugs her back* so you're giving hugs out today
P- yes I am
Z- we get it you guys are friends
P+Br- what?
LR- anyways brent what did you need
P- yea why are coming to-
Br- to annoy Pierson duh
P- rude
Br- no I'm playing just wondering what you guys are doing
Z- so Brent
Br- hm?
Z- you single
Br- like a Pringle haha
Z- wanna go on a date with me I like you and a lot more then your ex did *looks at Pierson*
P- ...
Br- look Zoe I'm not ready for a relationship and I like someone else
Z- oh really
Br- yes I've known this girl for a while and it seems like I've known her my whole life she has these beautiful brown eyes gorgeous brown hair always had the biggest smile on her face she can light up any room she can make my bad days go away can can just say my name and everything goes away and she can make me laugh any time when it's just me and her she gives me this feeling that she's been and always be the one for me
P- *blushes a bit* I'm going to Starbucks *runs out the door and almost trips on her own feet* I'm good!
Br- *laughs* wait I wanna go too
P- hurry brent!
Br- coming!!
*brent goes down and they go to Starbucks*
LR- omg what was I doing calling Zoe my sis in law I should be calling Pierson that
LH- yea and we should be shipping brierson!
Z- what?
LR- not now Zoe we need to talk
LH- yes we do
LR- he loves her I can tell
LH- me too
*with brent and Pierson*
P- I can't believe you said all of that about me
Br- what can I say I'm in love with you and I want you in my life for the rest of my life
P- *blushes*

Hey loves hope you like this part of my story and this is kinda long chapter but I'll see if I can make another chapter with 3000 words!!!

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