ima just skip to when they get back sorry

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*skipping to when they get and the lexis knew someone requested that they found out so they found out*
P- home
Br- I wish that we could've stayed longer
P- yea but I miss the beach and home
Br- of course you do
P- *opens the door*
P- what?
LR- we figured out you two were in Paris together
LH- you guys are lucky we didn't tell everyone else
P- how did you find out
LR- well when I FaceTime Brent that one time I saw you hiding in the closet
Br- I knew you should've hid in the bathroom
P- I know I know
LH- but we're keeping this between the four of us deal?
P,Br,LR- deal
Br- ok now everyone out of my house
P- ok
Br- not you
LR- don't make me an aunt
LH- haha
*lexi and Lexi leave*
P- it's my fault they found out
Br- hey don't worry so what if they know and they tell everyone at least I got to spend two weeks in the city of love with my favorite person
P- awww
*skipping to a week later it's Pierson birthday actually it is also today so yee*
Brents POV
I woke up today and checked my phone it's the 18th piersons birthday I kinda forgot but since I didn't plan anything I get up and make her breakfast in bed
End of POV
Pierson POV
I woke up today and remembered it's my birthday I'm getting old sadly but when I woke up brent wasn't there I was really confused until I heard footsteps coming
End of POV
Br- goood morning
P- good morning
Br- happy birthday I made you breakfast in bed
P- awww you didn't have to
Br- but I did because it's your birthday and I love you
P- I love you more
Br- eat up we have a long day
P- ok
*pierson eats and goes and gets ready*
Br- you ready
P- yes and the next thing you'll know is that I'm turning into a old grandma
Br- you're not old and you're not a grandma you just turned a year older that's all
P- I guess
*they go to the amp house*
LR- happy birthday sis in law
P- I'm not your sister in law and thank you
LH- I thought you weren't coming
P- well brent said we're gonna be here for a bit
LH- well happy birthday you're my best friend
P- awww
B- look who came y'all it's the birthday girl
P- shut up 😂
Br- big 23
P- don't remind me brent
Br- hey I was 23 once
P- we know we know and I was once 22
An- happy birthday Pierson I'm still upset you stole papi brent from me
P- *laughs*
Br- I'm not ur dad Andrew
An- just take me back brent 😭
Br- no
*everyone says happy birthday and Brent and Pierson end up leaving*
Br- I'll meet you in the car
P- ok
*pierson leaves*
Br- ok guys have everything to set up?
All but br- yes
Br- ok we'll be back around 7 pm maybe so you guys have enough time to get everything ready and get ready yourself
All but br- ok!
Br- see you guys soon
LH- take care of her
Br- you know I will
*brent leaves*
P- what took you so long
Br- I was talking to Lexi
P- oh ok well where are we gonna go
Br- wherever you want it's your special day
P- no it's not
Br- yes it is today someone so beautiful with a big heart and is really funny was born today and we're celebrating her today
P- fine fine
Br- so any place
P- well I didn't get coffee so Starbucks
Br- ok ma'am
*they get Starbucks*
Br- anywhere else
P- the mall? Actually nvm-
Br- alright the mall we go
P- I hate when you do this you always spoil me
Br- what I can't spoil my girlfriend
P- no-
Br- too late
*they get to the mall*
P- I want to get a new dress
Br- ok then let's go
P- ok
*pierson find a cute blue dress and tries it on*
P- so how do I look
Br- like a goddess
P- stop
Br- it's true
P- I like this on but I also want this yellow one
Br- try it on lemme know which one you like best
P- ok
*pierson tries on the yellow one*
P- I like this one too
Br- you look like a goddess still
P- ok well I think I'm going for the yellow one
Br- ok go change and let's go pay
P- ok
*pierson changes and goes back out*
Br- here I'll put the blue dress back
P- ok- where are you going?
Br- to check out
P- why
Br- to pay for the dresses
P- but I only-
Br- nope you like them both sooo
P- fine
*brent pays for the dress*
*back with the squad*
LH- I need more balloons here
LR- coming right up Ben!
B- here lexi
LH- thanks
Ma- *madi* it's a lot faster because we lots of people
*ima just skip to later on cuz I have to eat lol*
P- why are we back here no one is here
Br- you'll see
*brent leads Pierson to the door and turns on the lights everyone pops out of their hiding spots*
P- omg I love you guys
Br- but me especially right
P- yes brent
Br- hehe
Ch- *chad* hey pierson
P- oh hey Chad
Br- I'll leave you two I'm gonna go talk to Lexi
P- ok

hey y'all hope you like my story also it's Pierson birthday I'll update when I'm done eating

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