oop uhm ice skating? or Roller skating? And break up...?

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*skipping to like a week later lol*
LR- guys we should go ice skating
B- I say Roller skating
P- I say we stay home
Br- I say ice skating and why
P- because I don't know how to do both
Br- I'll teach you how to ice skate
LH- I say ice skating too
LR- looks like we're going ice skating sorry Ben
Br- it's fine as long as we do something
*they go to a ice rink*
P- I'm actually scared to get on the ice
Br- don't I'm here hold on to my hand
P- ok *grabs his hand*
LR- Pierson you're gonna be fine
P- no I'm not I'm gonna fall
Br- ok ok enough I'll teach her
*after a while pierson gets the hang of it*
P- ok I think I got it
Br- you sure...?
P- yes
LR- double sure
P- yes boule sure
LH- triple sure?
P- yes I'm sure
Br- ok well then you can let go of my hand-
P- right *let's go of his hand*
*after a while they go home and an argument happened between brent and Pierson...*
LR- guys we should go...
LH- why
LR- well the love birds are screaming at each other
LH- let's go to your house lexi?
LR- yea let's go
*they all leave expect for Brent and Pierson*
Br- why do you always have to get mad at me for the littlest things I do
P- because you don't do shit like that
Br- it was just a stupid thing that's all it was
P- no it wasn't to me do you not know how I feel when you go on and kiss other girls and says it was for a "dare" or a "thing"
Br- let's just forget about this
P- I don't think I can you do this all the time if you actually love me then you wouldn't do this...
Br- I do love you I love you so much
P- well it doesn't look like it
Br- I do I swear I do...
P- I think we need a break from each other
Br- w-what...?
P- I think we should break up
Br- Pierson...
P- I'm sorry
Br- ...
*skipping to the next day*
LR- so what's up with brierson guys
P- we broke up...
LR- what...?
Br- she ended it
P- anyways I have to go meet up with someone
LH- Pierson not that person that person did so much to hurt you
P- yea but this person doesn't go off kissing other girls like brent
Br- it's twan isn't
P- what? How did you know...?
Br- not that hard to know you guys need to learn on how to keep a person a secret
P- I bet you're jealous
Br- I'm not
P- and why is that
LR- yea brent
Br- because I just know some things others don't
LR- is it...?
Br- yup

heyyy y'all hope you like this partttt hehe

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